30/09/2012 Grade 8 Graduation The Road to Graduation: June 2008 • Injured at the end of Jr Kindergarten • Speech understood by very few people • Low expectations A model for successful integration of a student with significant brain injury and severe communication • Difficulty making friends challenges into a high school environment. • Very few extracurricular Mary-Ellen Thompson, Ph.D., Lisanne Mitts & Kaitlyn Woods activities • Felt “sorry” for me September 2, 2008 My Message • Car accident at 4 years of age • “new student” • I was in a coma • “new school” • I had to learn to do everything all over again • Presented to the entire • My main problems are ataxia and school body in the gym unintelligible speech. • Shared my life story • I am a “normal” teenager who likes to shop, go to movies and watch TV. Please communicate with me! Extracurricular & New Friends Track, Woodworking & Drama • Ask me questions. • Don’t pretend that you understand. • Don’t treat me like a little kid. 1
30/09/2012 Co-op Placement Graduation June 2012 • Good experience • Brain Injury Association Quinte District (BIAQD) • Opened many doors • Created and maintained • Learned “Do not be Facebook page afraid!” • Donated Christmas gifts • You can make many to BIAQD friends • Made many new friends Goals for High School Ultimate Goal • Intelligible speech • Academic and Applied Level (not locally developed) • Social interactions with school community • Self-advocacy Build and maintain an informed community Steps to Graduation Summer Preparation Year One: ILC Courses: Principal meeting Grade 8 Orientation with support 2 language and comprehension based courses. Staff Inservice Kate’s Introductory Letter Test model to withdraw support and increase student independence and responsibility. Private tour of school and teacher visit First day presentation Therapist evaluation and develop model of Reflection with school community and stakeholders support for upcoming school year with family collaboration . 2
30/09/2012 Steps to Graduation Steps to Graduation Year Two: Year Three: Staff orientation Staff orientation Kate presented to new students and staff Kate presented to all new students Meeting to review goals and structure support Meeting for review of goals and structuring of support Challenge of “drama” Drama – SLP’s nightmare! Steps to Graduation Year Four: Staff orientation Kate’s presentation Support meeting Challenge of “co-op” placement in the community Belleville DocFest Presentation School Presentation Co-op – Community - Communication Summer after Graduation Co-op: Identify stake holders & address their concerns. • Independence in community • Safety in community Community: Transportation Organization and time management. • Social network with age matched peers • Social network within community of ABI Communication: Facebook • Self-advocacy Social Interaction Recognition of needs of others • Recognition of challenges of others 3
30/09/2012 Response of the Community Principal's Perspective School School Curriculum Curriculum Expertise Expertise Success Success for Kate for Kate Rehab Rehab Team Team ABI ABI Strategies Strategies A Teacher Perspective A Fellow Graduate Changing Knowledge & Attitudes Comments 1 Teacher: “As a teacher, I have really appreciated Kate in my 0.9 classroom. She brings life, energy and wisdom to 0.8 the class. I respect her immensely.” Percent Agreement 0.7 Grade 9 0.6 Grade 10 Graduate: “……Kate is so smart and brave and beautiful. I 0.5 Grade 11 0.4 Graduate have learned so much from her and I have 0.3 Teachers enjoyed having her as a classmate. …..I think that 0.2 she can achieve so much independently and she 0.1 should keep trying to more independently” 0 Knowledge Change Attitude toward Attitude toward ABI Disability 4
30/09/2012 Comments Comments Grade 11: Grade 10: “..when I first met her, I didn’t know what to do, but her explanation helped a lot.” “Kate is an awesome person to meet. You just have to take more time to understand her!” Grade 9: “I think Kate is awesome and there is so much “It has been amazing to see Kate’s progress more to her than her disability.” throughout the past three years. She deserves a gold medal for the courage she has shown.” “I see how amazing it is that God can make something said to be impossible, possible.” “Kate is an amazing girl. ……wish I could have talked and enjoyed her company more than I have.” Successful Communication Communication Strategies Strategies 1 � Speak at normal speed 0.9 Percent Respondents 0.8 � Be patient and wait for Kate to respond 0.7 0.6 � Treat Kate like a normal teenager 0.5 Grade 9 0.4 0.3 � If you don’t understand Kate, ask her questions. Grade 10 0.2 Grade 11 0.1 � If you don’t understand Kate, don’t pretend that you do 0 Grade 12 � Use normal loudness and speaking pattern. Teacher � Don’t treat Kate like she is a young child. Communication Suggestion Approaches to Support Kate’s Speech Traditional Approach Our Approach 1 “taboo” subjects No “taboo” – open and accepting 0.9 School staff often feel threatened Principal enabled staff to embrace rehab Percent Given in Responses 0.8 personnel 0.7 Grade 9 Not enough “time in my day” Given time to be informed 0.6 Grade 10 Concerned about meeting Ministry standards “Help me” develop standards for evaluation 0.5 Grade 11 for evaluation Graduates 0.4 Limited interaction with rehab personnel and Weekly contact with rehab professionals and Teachers 0.3 the idea that simply reading a report is strategies were implemented, evaluated and enough modifies – change was always possible 0.2 Fear of learning new technology Supported assistive technology and adapted 0.1 to school based technology 0 Understand Kate Speech Improvement 5
30/09/2012 Moving forward • Model applies to all new experiences • Ask questions • Goal is to live together in a supportive community 6
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