The Reading Room: A New Constitution
The Case for Change Since the present constitution of the Reading Room was set up in 1979 a good deal has changed. There were only 3 TV stations, no satellite broadcasters, internet, mobile phones , iPads, or streaming services Entertainment and socialising revolved around the wide variety of clubs and societies and the job of the Reading Room was to provide an attractive space where they could meet. The management of the Reading Room was given to a Committee of 22 including 19 representatives of user groups
The Case for Change But Helmdon has changed Several of the groups The Helmdon Merry Comrades, originally named no longer exist The Helmdon Mothers’ Union, The Parish Council of Helmdon, The Helmdon Play Group, The Parochial Church Council of the Ecclesiastical The Helmdon Retired People, Parish of Saint Mary Magdalene, Helmdon, The Helmdon School, The Baptists in Helmdon, The Helmdon Sports Club, The Helmdon Branch of the Royal British Legion, The Helmdon Workers Educational Association, The Helmdon Brownies, The Helmdon Working Men’s Club, The Helmdon Conservative Club, The Helmdon Women’s Institute, The Helmdon Cub Scouts, The Helmdon Girls’ Brigade, The Helmdon Young Wives, and The Helmdon Youth Club. Several of the groups that have survived, or been created since, have falling memberships .
The Case for Change With the growth in alternative forms of entertainment, it seems that fewer people are interested in committing to attending regular meetings of a club or society As the number of groups falls so the rental income from lettings to these groups falls and the use of the Reading Room is reduced. There is evidence, however, that people still welcome and support events or activities they can drop into casually like the Village Café and the Flower and Produce Show To enable the best use of the Reading Room and to make the money needed to maintain it, we need to find ways to generate these sorts of events.
The Case for Change In order make the best use of the Reading Room, expand opportunities for residents and generate income, we may have to look for opportunities to work jointly with others in the village, like the pub, the sports club or the church, or in surrounding villages. We may need to have to think about how to market the Reading Room and promote events. We need a different sort of management Committee. Parliament has changed the law to create a new type of charity – a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO)
The Legal Position Present Proposed The Reading Room is an unincorporated The new constitution would be for a CIO. association. This means it cannot own It would have the power to own land and land and the members of the buildings and the Trustees would no Management Committee (Trustees) are longer have personal liability if things go personally responsible for any liabilities. wrong. The ownership of the Reading Room is Ownership of the Reading Room would held in trust by the Parish Council transfer to the new CIO. The new body would continue to be overseen by the Charity Commission.
Name The proposal is to call the new organisation Helmdon Community Foundation This is to recognise that the new body will have responsibilities which go beyond simply maintaining the building but will extend to promoting activities in the building and elsewhere. The building will still be called the Reading Room.
Objects and Powers These determine what purposes the Foundation would have and its powers to carry them out. It would not be able to do anything which does not fit with these. The proposed constitution closely follows a model provided by the Charity Commission. Proposed Present Foundation’s Object is essentially the same Reading Room Object…….shall be the provision except that it also extends to land and facilities and maintenance of a village hall for the use of related to the village hall the inhabitants of the Parish of Helmdon (hereinafter called “the area of benefit”) without Because it will be incorporated it will have a distinction of political, religious or other opinions, wider range of powers: to raise and borrow including use for meetings, lectures and classes, money, buy and sell land, employ people, and for other forms of recreation and leisure-time support financially new activities and occupation, with the object of improving the collaborate with other organisations in conditions of life for the said inhabitants. Helmdon or elsewhere.
Management Arrangements Proposed Present The Foundation would have between 5 and 9 The Management Committee consists of 3 trustees chosen for their knowledge or experience elected members and 12 representatives of to make sure the Trustees have the right range of Helmdon groups chosen by those groups. Some skills available. Three trustees would be needed for are users of the Reading Room, some are not. a quorum. One third of members need to be present for a Trustees could serve for a maximum of two 3 year quorum. terms with some retiring each year. It is possible to co-opt up to 2 additional members Vacancies would be advertised before being of the Management Committee filled by the remaining trustees who would have to The AGM is open to all residents of Helmdon. give reasons for their decisions. While many things can be discussed it has only the There would continue to be an AGM with an power to elect 3 members to the Management annual report and accounts. Committee and receive the annual report and accounts The Trustees could set up additional committees to bring in others with special skills or interests to run specific projects for example.
Other Differences Because of the special limited liability status of the Foundation, there would be more rules to prevent Trustees, or those they are related to or in business with, benefiting financially from their position as a trustee. There would be detailed provisions for what should happen to the Foundation’s property should the Foundation be wound up. To reflect technological changes, on-line meetings – including the AGM – would be allowed. Copies of both the old and proposed constitutions can be seen on the Reading Room page of the Parish Council website
What Happens Next? The proposed constitution has already been seen and agreed by the Management Committee. It is now open for consultation with the whole village until 21 August Provided there is broad support for the proposals they will be finalized and sent to the Charity Commission for approval. Once the Foundation is set up the “first Trustees” will agree a list of the skills and experience they need and organize a recruitment for additional trustees to fill the vacancies. In the meantime the existing Management Committee will continue to look after the Reading Room and make sure it continues to function as it does now.
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