the pacific

The Pacific 0.3% of global poor 1.25% global ODA Mul6lateral - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The Pacific 0.3% of global poor 1.25% global ODA Mul6lateral organisa6onal models are propor6onal Pacific (2016): 2.3% of total WB commitments 3% of total ADB commitments Mul6laterals in the Pacific 1 Pacific Scale up

  1. The Pacific 0.3% of global poor • 1.25% global ODA • Mul6lateral organisa6onal models are • propor6onal Pacific (2016): • • 2.3% of total WB commitments • 3% of total ADB commitments Mul6laterals in the Pacific 1

  2. Pacific Scale up – new financing picture NB: in USD denominaBons (forex 10/8/2017) IndicaBve porNolio size DFAT DFAT US$870m US$880m FY2017-18 FY2016-17 WB WB Total: Total: US$1.13bn US$1.6bn US$6.47bn US$4.01bn FY2016 FY2020 ADB ADB US$2bn US$4bn FY2016 FY2020 Mul6laterals in the Pacific 2

  3. Australian Funding to MDBs World Bank Total Funding (Global): • IDA core funding (2015-16): AU$222m • Co-financing (all WBG ins6tu6ons, 2015-16): AU$185.8m • Pacific co-financing (2016-17): AU$42.8m ADB Total Funding (Global): • Core funding (2016-17): AU$157.06m • Co-financing (2016-17): AU$104.05m • Pacific co-financing (2016-17): AU$67.4m Mul6laterals in the Pacific 3

  4. The ADB’s Pacific Approach: Three Priorities Reducing • Connec6vity • Renewable energy Costs • Enabling business environment • Sound macroeconomic management (including trust Managing funds) Risks • Climate change and disaster risk management • Health and social protec6on Enabling • Private sector development • Livable urban areas Value • Inves6ng in people (educa6on) Crea6on • Niche products and services

  5. ADB’s Portfolio to Expand 40% from 2016 to 2019 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 $ million 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 - 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Transport Energy Water and Urban Services Other sectors 5

  6. World Bank working in partnership with 13 countries across the Pacific region: - 8 IDA only (of which five FCSs) - 1 IBRD (Fiji) - 2 Blend (PNG, Timor-Leste) - 2 Gap (Nauru, Palau)

  7. The WB’s lending portfolio has quintupled over the past seven years 1 , and disbursements are also increasing. Por`olio Trends (FY10 to FY17) 1,200.00 60 1,000.00 50 Por`olio Size (US$ million) Number of Opera6ons 800.00 40 600.00 30 400.00 20 200.00 10 .00 0 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 30-Oct-16 Net Commitments Amt $m Disbursements in FY $m Ac6ve Projects #


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