the latest progress of chinese italian culture heritage

The Latest Progress of Chinese-Italian Culture Heritage Project - - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Xian Jiaotong University Xian Jiaotong University Xian Jiaotong University The Latest Progress of Chinese-Italian Culture Heritage Project - presented by Sijin QIAN (Peking University) on behalf of Chinese partners in the project

  1. Xi’an Jiaotong University Xi’an Jiaotong University Xi’an Jiaotong University The Latest Progress of Chinese-Italian Culture Heritage Project - presented by Sijin QIAN (Peking University) on behalf of Chinese partners in the project 2010/6/15

  2. Xi’an Jiaotong University Xi’an Jiaotong University Xi’an Jiaotong University Outlines 1 Modules of basic information database for relics Collaboration platform for the experts of 2 ceramic painting conservation 3 Automated reparation of murals 4 Virtual display of relics

  3. Xi’an Jiaotong University Xi’an Jiaotong University Xi’an Jiaotong University Status of related technology and research The project information organization and retrieval norms research group ROSS (in Taiwan's National Science Council Digital Museum) has also made some researches on museums Metadata technology information metadata Chinese heritage central organizations of information consultation proposed << Standards of information index system for museum collections >> InfoGrid 、 Infonetware RealTerm Search Meta search technology Standard vector definition of theme Theme meta search � ICTCLAS word segmentation system designed and realized by the computing institute of engine Chinese Academia Sinica Chinese word � Tsinghua University SEGTAG system segmentation � Chinese word segmentation system in the Microsoft Research’s multi-language processing system QBIC 、 Photobook 、 CBIC on Web Content-Based Image Retrieval

  4. Xi’an Jiaotong University Xi’an Jiaotong University Xi’an Jiaotong University System design and implementation Mainly including 4 aspects: system architecture, data storage model, theme meta search engine, content-based image retrieval Content-based image retrieval System architecture Data storage model Theme meta search engine Selection of Query Agent Digitalization of relics the underlying descriptor information Analysis of needs Web page parser Improvement of Relics resources Chinese word segmentation system color histogram Design of the overall Standard vector definition of Applications and storage Similarity computation framework theme of relics data User feedback mechanisms Theme correlation calculation 1 2 3 4 Heritage data-oriented storage and retrieval system

  5. Xi’an Jiaotong University Xi’an Jiaotong University Xi’an Jiaotong University System structural design Three-tier structure: (1) User requests and feedback layer, (2) Application logic layer and (3) Data layer Application Data Layer User requests and logic layer feedback control Users content- Heritage based survival image Request / Display data retrieval Data processing controller conversio repository n Heritage theme Controller . . . Browser search engine . . . Heritage data JSPs retrieval Heritage related Data library Storage Display Control

  6. Xi’an Jiaotong University Xi’an Jiaotong University Xi’an Jiaotong University User requests and feedback control layer: The user requests and feedback control layer is the portal to interact with the user, it is responsible for handling the user's request and showing the results. As the middle layer between user and system applicative function, it shields specific implementary details of system for users, provides services for users with a unified storage and retrieval interface. Application logic layer: It includes applicative logic of three parts: the heritage data storage application, the heritage data retrieval application, and heritage theme meta search engine. Data layer: It is at the bottom of the whole system and is responsible for data storage, access, management; it is the base of entire system’s data.

  7. Xi’an Jiaotong University Xi’an Jiaotong University Xi’an Jiaotong University Digital expression of relics information 文物视频信息 文物音频信息 -视频资料名称 文物管理信息 -音频资料名称 -视频资料编号 -音频资料编号 -来源 -视频资料类别 文物图像信息 -音频资料类别 -搜集经过 -视频资料情况 -音频资料情况 -申请搜集经费 -图像资料编号 -视频存储路径 -音频存储路径 文物基本信息 -实际搜集经费 -图像资料类别 -流传经历 -图像资料情况 -文物名称 -收藏单位 -图像资料保存路径 0..n -文物编号 0..n +基本信息 +基本信息 -入馆登记号 -质地 -入馆日期 -重量 0..n -入藏日期 +图像信息 -尺寸 -入藏库房 -尺寸单位 -藏品级别 -文物等级 -文物藏品保密级别 -鉴定时间 -当前状况 -鉴定机构 -当前处所 -鉴定人员 -当前保存条件 文物元数据 -收藏时间 -然损坏 -收藏单位 -文物元数据标识符 :xjtu_relic_metadata -人为损坏 -流传经过 +基本信息 -文物元数据语种 :中文 -保护优先等级 -内容简介 -文物元数据字符集 :字符集代码 ="utf-8" -保护措施 -出土位置 0..1 -文物元数据联系方 :西安交通大学计算机系 -保护技术类别 -修复时间 -文物元数据创建日期 :2009年11月 0.. 1 -保护记录 -修复人员 -文物元数据标准名称 :文物领域共享元数据标准 -保护经费预算 -修复内容 -文物元数据标准版本 :1.0 -保护经费结算 +管理信息 -修复档案 -提取日期 -存放位置 -提取原因 -存放方式 -提取登记号 -存放环境 -提取单位或部门 -保存现状 -提取单位或部门负责人 -价值评估 -提取人 -研究著述 +文档信息 0..n -审批单位 -展览记录 0..n +三维信息 -审批人 文物相关文档信息 -批准文号 -文档名称 文物三维数据信息 -保管部负责人 -文档编号 -三维资料名称 -出库点交人 -文档类型 -三维资料编号 -出库验交记录 -制档日期 -三维资料类别 -退还日期 -制档人 -三维资料情况 -退还人 -研究论著题名 -三维资料存放路径 -回库点收人 -研究论著类型 -回库点交记录 -研究论著情况 -事故发生日期 -研究论著详细内容 -事故经过 -文档权限 -事故责任人 -藏品损失情况 -事故处理结果

  8. Xi’an Jiaotong University Xi’an Jiaotong University Xi’an Jiaotong University Theme meta search engine Correlation Communication measure module Subject standard Theme meta search vector Query agent engine Chinese word Web page parser segmentation

  9. Xi’an Jiaotong University Xi’an Jiaotong University Xi’an Jiaotong University Content-Based Image Retrieval Heritage Resources Content-based Heritage Image Retrieval Interface Color histogram Color histogram Calculation of the total feature similarity Features Library Image Library user Color layout Color layout Edge Histogram Edge Histogram Feedback Color histogram describes the global color information of image, color information of each pixel has the same importance, but through the analysis of image, we will find that, in general, the color information of the image edge is less important for the whole image.

  10. Xi’an Jiaotong University Xi’an Jiaotong University Xi’an Jiaotong University Heritage data storage management

  11. Xi’an Jiaotong University Xi’an Jiaotong University Xi’an Jiaotong University Theme meta search engine test 排 壁画主题 陶器主题 青铜器主题 序 主题词 主题词 Tf Df 权重 Tf Df 权重 主题词 Tf Df 权重 1 壁画 2158 111 11.7 陶器 3626 124 12.34 青铜器 4729 135 12.71 2 唐代 1288 108 11.1 文化 801 87 10.48 青铜 1487 117 11.41 3 艺术 667 86 10.2 中国 553 91 10.15 中国 867 110 10.81 4 敦煌 720 57 9.95 遗址 458 73 9.749 西周 747 87 10.43 5 研究 428 70 9.63 瓷器 477 69 9.733 商代 718 71 10.19 6 佛教 624 46 9.59 发现 381 80 9.657 纹饰 660 76 10.17 7 绘画 305 74 9.35 出土 330 75 9.448 文化 549 90 10.16 8 文化 302 69 9.27 彩陶 400 61 9.434 时期 592 81 10.13 9 发展 378 54 9.25 艺术 261 76 9.227 铭土 605 73 10.04 1 中国 272 72 9.21 新石器时代 263 70 9.152 出土 511 82 9.995 0 ( b ) 测试结果 ( a )待测试文本

  12. Xi’an Jiaotong University Xi’an Jiaotong University Xi’an Jiaotong University Content-based image retrieval Public Dinosaur Transport ( b )恐龙检测效果 ( a )公交车检索效果 Animal Flower ( c )动物检索效果 ( d )花朵检索效果

  13. Xi’an Jiaotong University Xi’an Jiaotong University Xi’an Jiaotong University Outlines 1 Modules of basic information database for relics Collaboration platform for the experts of 2 ceramic painting conservation 3 Automated reparation of murals 4 Virtual display of relics

  14. Xi’an Jiaotong University Xi’an Jiaotong University Xi’an Jiaotong University Basic structure of the expert collaboration platform Knowledge base Acquisition of Experts Knowledge Other module Case base Rule base data Man-machine interface Context Reasoning machine database Users Explanation module


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