the impact of the weather contents

The impact of the weather Contents Rob Smiths Member Highway - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

APPENDIX B The impact of the weather Contents Rob Smiths Member Highway Service Update of 27 th January said.... Still busy dealing with the impact of the wet weather The exceptional weather over Christmas and early January is now

  1. APPENDIX B The impact of the weather

  2. Contents Rob Smith’s Member Highway Service Update of 27 th January said.... “Still busy dealing with the impact of the wet weather • The exceptional weather over Christmas and early January is now behind us, it has resulted in a higher number of highway faults than the seasonal average. • Teams that normally delivery Category 2 works and our minor HLB schemes have had to focus their efforts on fixing the high number of highway faults, keeping our highways safe. Potholes - improving repair policy – You said, we did • Our recently launched Defect Management Approach means that more potholes are now repaired permanently first time. This has shown a corresponding reduction in failures of temporary repairs.”

  3. The impact of the weather

  4. The impact of the weather

  5. How we have coped • Additional Staff providing cover Operations Hub at nights and weekends • Additional Gangs have been working nights and weekends to respond to the call outs • Teams that normally delivery Category 2 works and our minor HLB schemes have been diverted to keeping our highways safe • Drainage crews focused on EA highlighted “areas of risk”

  6. Catching up post emergencies • The Emergency Protocol – KPI suspension – Local Control • Recovery actions – Four road sweeper vehicles are being utilised to clear debris where floods have dissipated – Permanent pothole repair catch up – Large scale resurfacing programmes (re-allocating crews)

  7. The new Defect Management Approach Defect Types • ‘Emergency’ – is a Defect that requires very prompt attention because they represent an immediate or imminent risk • ‘Category 1 Defects’ - are Defects that require prompt attention because they represent an immediate or imminent risk • ‘Category 2 Defects’ are all Defects that are not categorised as Category 1 Defects

  8. System categorisation - Potholes Information requested Response Choice Where is the pot hole? Road (Mandatory) Cycle Lane What is the depth? Less than 40mm / 1 ½ inch Please provide your best estimate (Mandatory) 40mm / 1 ½ inch – 100mm / 3 inch More than 100mm / 3 inch What is the width? Less than 300mm / 12 inch / Please provide your best estimate 1 foot (Mandatory) More than 300mm / 12 inch / 1 foot

  9. System categorisation - Potholes Classification Less than Width of Less than How deep is Defect Risk Rating of road/cycle Unclassified* 40mm pothole? 300mm = 3 the fault? lane Defect Risk Rating B, C* = 4 Defect Risk Rating A* = 5 Classification Greater than Defect Risk Rating Unclassified* of road/cycle 300mm = 6 lane Defect Risk Potential Probability (P) Defect Risk Rating B, C* = 8 Rating Very Low Mediu High Very Low (2) m (4) High Defect Risk Rating A* = 10 (1) (3) (5) Classification Very Width of Less than Defect Risk Rating 40 - 100mm of road/cycle Unclassified* pothole? 300mm = 15 lane Low 1 2 3 4 5 Defect Risk Rating (1) B, C* = 15 Low 2 4 6 8 10 Defect Risk Rating (2) A* = 16 Mediu Potential Impact (I) Classification Greater than Defect Risk Rating m 3 6 9 12 15 Unclassified* of road/cycle 300mm = 16 lane (3) Defect Risk Rating A, B, C* = 20 High 4 8 12 16 20 (4) Classification Greater than Width of Less than Defect Risk Rating Very Unclassified* of road/cycle 100mm pothole? 300mm = 15 lane High 5 10 15 20 25 Defect Risk Rating (5) A, B, C* = 20 Classification Greater than Defect Risk Rating of road/cycle Unclassified* 300mm = 16 lane Defect Risk Rating A, B, C* = 20

  10. System prioritisation Defect Category Defect Risk Hazard Mitigation Permanent Remedy Enquiry Subject Rating Response Time Time Code Emergency 25 2hr Assess & Decide Strategy Category 1 20 24 hr Assess & Decide CPH2 Strategy 16 n/a 7 days CPH3 15 n/a 14 days CPH4 Category 2(H) 12 – 9 n/a Assess & Decide CPH5 Strategy Category 2(M) 8 – 5 n/a Assess & Decide CPH6 Strategy Category 2(L) 4 – 1 n/a Assess & Decide CPH7 Strategy

  11. Fault reporting

  12. Fault resolution Works Received Works Completed CAT 1 Average Received per (BR0101) Month Feb-14 Feb-14 Emergencies 833 833 557 24 Hour 3225 3190 1792 7 Day 1855 1846 1112 14 Day 1724 1507 739 Totals 7637 7376 4200

  13. Questions and answers

  14. Inspection categorisation Very Low Low Medium High Very High Impact 1 2 3 4 5 < 40mm deep < 300 mm > 300 mm How wide? 40 – 100 mm deep < 300 mm > 300 mm How wide? > 100 mm deep SELECT How wide? Probability Very Low Low Medium High Very High Defect Risk Potential Probability (P) 1 2 3 4 5 Rating Very Low Mediu High Very < 40mm deep Low (2) m (4) High Road Unclassified B, C A (1) (3) (5) Classification Very 40 – 100 mm deep Low 1 2 3 4 5 < 300 mm Unclassified, (1) wide A, B, C Low Road 2 4 6 8 10 (2) Classification 40 – 100 mm Mediu Potential Impact (I) deep m 3 6 9 12 15 > 300 mm Unclassified A, B, C (3) wide High Road 4 8 12 16 20 (4) Classification > 100 mm Very deep High 5 10 15 20 25 Unclassified A, B, C Road (5) Classification

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