��������������������������� The Gender Perspectives have traditionally been neglected in military operations. The consequence of that, is a high risk to miss information from more than 50 % of the population in a mission/operation area. Security will likely not be provided to the civilian population successfully. Integrating Gender perspectives into military operations will support and strengthen the human Rights and overall security situation for the whole population; men, women, girls and boys. As a force multiplier, Gender perspective, will support the outcome of the operation. The intention to establish a Centre for Gender in Military Operation is to strengthen the efforts made to integrate the Gender perspectives into the planning, execution and evaluation of any military operation. The result will be shown in the mission/operation areas! �������
��������������� A leading competence centre for Peace Support Operations, characterised by integrated education and training of individuals in a comprehensive international operation and environment including Gender in Military Operations swedint@mil.se http://www.mil.se/swe dint +46 8 584 540 00 �������
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�����������������������!���������������$ Integrated staff procedures Operational Planning Process Comprehensive Operations Planning Directive Interim V 1.0 (COPD) Gender Phase 2 OP Phase 1 Phase 3 Phase 4a Phase 4b Appreciation Phase 5 Phase 6 Situation OP OP CONOPS OPLAN and Execution Transition Development Development Awareness Orientation Assessment of Options �������
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