EuroMed Rights and gender equality - policies and tools EuroMed Rights Gender Working Group meeting April 2-3 2016 Gender Programme Officer Sarah Gjerding
EuroMed Rights and gender equality • EuroMed Rights has a Gender Equality Policy Paper: Why and how to work on gender equality Clarifies our joint commitment It will have to be updated by GWG/EC before 2018 • Why work for gender equality? to make full use of all human ressources and capacities (in society and organisations) to promote just, democratic and equitable societies
Content of the Gender Equality Policy Paper (GEPP) Five sections: • The political context for women’s rights and gender equality • The concepts and definitions of the gender-based approach used in the policy paper • The reasoning behind having an EuroMed Rights policy on gender equality • The references of the gender equality policy and how EuroMed Rights will work towards achieving gender equality in its work • The objectives of the EuroMed Rights gender equality policy
Political context & concepts and definitions Political context: • Outlines deeply intrenched inequalities in the region • The coming into being of the Istanbul Plan of Action Concepts and definitions: • Outlines the definition of the gender-based approach: female and male roles as social and cultural contructions • Definition of gender mainstreaming
Why and how a EuroMed Rights GEPP? • To make EuroMed Rights’ political commitment towards women’s rights durable and to clarify its commitment to gender equality • EuroMed Rights has adopted a series of measures and provisions in its statutory and strategic documents and structures to promote gender equality both internally and externally
References of the EuroMed Rights GEPP • Fundamental reference is CEDAW and it’s optional protocol & the Istanbul Plan of Action • Training, availability of ressources • Favouring the empowerment of women • Affirmative action • Specific actions to support the implementation of the above mentioned treaties
Objectives of the GEPP • To promote gender equality in order to contribute to the transformation of the societies in the Euro- Mediterranean region • As a prerequisite to this: achieve gender equality in its structures and activities through: - awareness raising and training of staff and members - integration of the gender dimension in core documents and decision making bodies - actions and specific programmes aimed at the defense and promotion of women’s rights and gender equality
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