the european cannabis opportunity

The European Cannabis Opportunity 26 th September 2018 Our European - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The European Cannabis Opportunity 26 th September 2018 Our European Cannabis Credentials Europes Cannabis Conference Series focused on Insights & Intelligence into the Investment Group European Market Science, Policy & Investment

  1. The European Cannabis Opportunity 26 th September 2018

  2. Our European Cannabis Credentials Europe’s Cannabis Conference Series focused on Insights & Intelligence into the Investment Group European Market Science, Policy & Investment

  3. What we do Who we work with

  4. The European Cannabis Report™ “ The most comprehensive review of the European cannabis industry. ” As featured in

  5. Section 1 The European Opportunity

  6. "EUROPE’S LEGAL CANNABIS MARKET IS A € 115.7 BILLION OPPORTUNITY*” *Requires all European markets to be legal. Est. <10 Years

  7. 3 Key Points

  8. Section 2 European Legislation

  9. European Parliament Draft Motion • New draft motion European Parliament (EP) Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) this autumn. • Attempt to encourage the European Commission to allocate more resources towards scientific research in cannabis. • Motion is signed by an MEP from every political group in the European Parliament

  10. Section 3 Value of the New Market

  11. Cannabis and Healthcare Medical cannabis has the ability to treat over 52 conditions. “Cannabis is now legal for medical purposes in 44 countries around the world and this number is increasing month by month. It is, in my view, the most exciting medical development of the early 21st century.” - Professor Mike Barnes MD FRCP, Honorary Professor of Neurological Rehabilitation at Newcastle University Total cost of Treatment: € 46.6 Billion

  12. Market Valuation

  13. Netherlands

  14. Regulation in The Netherlands OMC opens a Cannabis first becomes Cannabis First Bedrocan is number of commercially available in 2001 2017 1972 established criminalised cultivation tenders coffeeshops 1953 1976 2003 2018 Cannabis officially Medical cannabis is Bill passed to regulate recognised as a less- legalised. Office for supply of cannabis to dangerous drug Medical Cannabis coffeeshops established

  15. The Netherlands’ Strategic Advantage Export Regulation . Intellectual Property Workforce

  16. Germany

  17. Germany 2017 <5,000 Patients 2018 >38,000 Patients Yet Only 2% of Doctors Prescribe

  18. UK

  19. Section 4 Investment Opportunities

  20. PREVENTING GROWTH • Lack of North American Leadership • Legacy issues including potential money laundering. • Few European banks have existing regulation • Clearstream Banking mixed signals.

  21. Major Brands are Investing in Cannabis


  23. RECENT MAJOR EUROPEAN DEALS “Invest in cannabis – It’s profitable! - Zoran Zaev (Prime Minister of Macedonia)

  24. Public Market Performance Frankfurt Stock Exchange (FWB) Listed Companies 300% in 2 years 700% in 3 years 400% in 1 year 300% in 1 year 400% in 1 year 400% in 1 year

  25. UK Public Markets • NEX listed cannabis companies have also seen steady to strong performance. • 4+ Cannabis Companies publicly listed in UK. • High volume of IPOs expected Q1 2019

  26. Cannabis Industry Segments

  27. Integration of Cannabis

  28. Cannabis - Beauty & Lifestyle Cannabis is being marketed as the hottest new luxury beauty brand The skin has native receptors for cannabinoids, allowing the extracts to be instantly and fully absorbed, making them an effective treatment for inflammatory conditions such as eczema and acne” - Alexia Inge, founder of Cult Beauty

  29. Cannabis - Food & Drink Cannabis ranked as one of the Top-10 food trends to watch in 2018 Specialty Food Association (SPA)

  30. Cannabis - The New Craft Beer? “This is one of the fastest-growing categories globally. Why? Because people want it. When consumers want something, you ignore it at your peril.” - Chris Burggraeve (Anheuser-Busch InBev NV)

  31. Cannabis is Disrupting the Alcohol market 3 Sales of cannabis overtook alcohol years sales in Aspen, after recreational Colorado in 2018…. legalization 1.5 Cannabis sales are expected to exceed years wine sales in Canada after recreational by 2020…. legalization

  32. Cannabis and Tobacco How long can Big Tobacco wait?

  33. Consumption of Cannabis

  34. Future of Cannabis Production

  35. European Trends Regulations Insurance Medical GMP Premium Prices Medicine Format New Demographic Patient Growth

  36. The European Cannabis Report™ 3rd Edition STEPHEN MURPHY | MANAGING DIRECTOR OUT NOW +020 7409 50423 @prohibition_p

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