strategic planning

Strategic Planning Presentation to the Board of Trustees Wharton - PDF document

12/3/15 Strategic Planning Presentation to the Board of Trustees Wharton County Junior College November 17, 2015 Richard A. Voorhees, Ph.D. Principal, Voorhees Group LLC The Imperative for Community College Planning

  1. 12/3/15 Strategic Planning Presentation to the Board of Trustees Wharton County Junior College November 17, 2015 Richard A. Voorhees, Ph.D. Principal, Voorhees Group LLC The Imperative for Community College Planning 1

  2. 12/3/15 High Hanging Fruit • Mandatory Student Success • Block Scheduling • OER Learning Material • Hybrid Learning Models • Competency Based Learning • Focusing on Students We No Longer Live in Actual Communities But Digital Ones Source: Alexia Tsotsis. Retrieved October 10, 2010 at 2

  3. 12/3/15 3

  4. 12/3/15 Steps in Strategic Planning 1. Determine where you are. 2. Identify what’s important. 3. Define what you must achieve. 4. Determine who is accountable. 5. Resource your strategies 6. Review. Review. Review. 4

  5. 12/3/15 Linking Existing Plans Assessment Operational Plan Facilities Planning Planning Financial Planning Strategic Unit Plans Plan T echnology Planning SACSCOC and QEP Academic Planning THECB Plans Good and Bad Plans Bad Plans Good Plans Are mostly glossy PR Reflect hard headed • • pieces decisions Promise much but Make appropriate use • • aren’t accountable of data Have too many goals Goals and strategies • • are tied directly to the Ignore key data and • budget process trends Identify responsible • Created mainly to • individuals (not keep accreditors committees), happy timelines, and costs 5

  6. 12/3/15 Levels of Planning Strategic Level Operational Level Tactical Level • Institutional Goals • Division-Level • Polices • Implementation Plans • Procedures Plan • Department- Level Plans The Board’s Role in Strategic Planning • A visionary and guiding role • Honor past and present planning • Set the tone for data enabled strategic choices • Invite wide participation and engagement • Seize the opportunity to describe what the District stands for now and in the future • Expect the new plan to drive budgeting and performance 6

  7. 12/3/15 Traditional (and Failed) Planning Action Planning Emerging View Reflection & Exploration Collective Insights Feedback & Assessment Implementation Harvesting Discoveries Action Planning Source: The World Café. Brown, J. with Issacs, D. (2005) 7

  8. 12/3/15 Supporting Structure Goals I II III IV …. .… …. Strategy #1 Strategy #2 Strategy #3 Responsibility for Results Description & Individual Cost Success Assigned Completion (if Factor(s) Responsibility applicable) Strategy Date 8

  9. 12/3/15 Courage Is Redlining Strategies for Budgeting ? Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx • Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx • Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx • Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx • Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx • Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx • Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx • Separating the Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx • shape shifters from Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx • Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx • the operationally Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx • excellent Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx • Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx • Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx • Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx • Key Dates Week of November 16 , planning process and dates finalized. Week of November 23 , SWOT survey opens Week of December 7 , review and finalization of environmental scan and planning assumptions 9

  10. 12/3/15 Key Dates Week of Jaunuary 11 , WCJC reviews strategic data. Voorhees presents to Convocation Week of February 1 , WCJC reviews strategic goals, strategies, and accountability measures Key Dates February 10 and 11 , round of strategy sessions to review strategic goals, strategies, and accountability measures February 15 , WCJC identifies resources to support plan March 4 , draft report delivered 10

  11. 12/3/15 Key Dates • March 18 , final report delivered • March 18 , WCJC begins tying strategic planning goals and strategies to identified budget Discussion 11


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