P R O M O T I N G P H Y S I C A L A C T I V I T Y T H R O U G H D A N C E The continental drift • https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uMuJxd2Gpxo Curley, Mary. "PEC: Best Practices." PEC: Best Practices. PE Central, n.d. Web. 01 Feb. 2016.
T H E C O N T I N E N TA L D R I F T • The purpose of this dance is to encourage physical activity, Build unite amount students , have fun and influence cross generation teaching. • The moves.. • To the front, and shake, To the back, and shake, To the left, and GLIDE, To the right, and GLIDE...., Criss cross, do the mamby hand on back of head & wave other hand), Criss cross, do the mamby (other side), Now JUMP , JUMP , wiggle your rump, and walk it out like granny! (turn and face other way) • How to teach • The song and video are povided on the last page. However to implement the dance start by teaching the older kids first. When they have the Dance down have them teach the younger students the dance creating unity and a cross generation experience.
Physical education through geography Can you guess where the animal lives? What continent is this? Maross, Mark. "PEC: Lesson Plans for Physical Education." PEC: Lesson Plans for Physical Education. PE Central, n.d. Web. 01 Feb. 2016
P H Y S I C A L E D U C AT I O N B Y G E O G R A P H Y • The purpose of this activity is to, encourage physical activity, excitement of geography and team work. • How do you play? • You can play using states, country's contentment so anything you can think of. For this one we are using continents. Put the different continents in different parts of the room. Call out of show a picture of a animal or the outline of the continent and the kids have to run to what continent they thing that animal lives on or what continent the student thinks it is on the card.
Physical activity through Alaskan baseball All the fun with out the pressure The fun will go round and round
A L A S K A N B A S E B A L L • Alaskan baseball isn what it seems and can be used as a alternative for students who haven't turned in their home work or were misbehaving. • How do I play • There is three teams Hitter, fielders and score keepers, the game can be played with only two teams if short on students . The team (hitting) isn't really hitting a ball but throuwing a kick ball as far or as close as they want. The fielding team then has to grasp it and then line up one behind the other and pass the ball over their heads and under the legs to one another. In the mean time the person who through the ball is running around their team mates and that's how runs are scored. Once the fielder have gotten the ball to the last person they yell stop and no more runs can be scored. • As a "punishment" for those who didn't do their home work or misbehaving they can keep score first. This game is exsalent for students because it doesn't put them on the spot for there ability to play the game. Students don't have to throw far or run far or fast it's a great team building and mood building excerise.
P H Y S I C A L A C T I V I T Y T H R O U G H G E O G R A P H Y. • Curley, Mary. "PEC: Best Practices." PEC: Best Practices. PE Central, n.d. Web. 01 Feb. 2016. • Maross, Mark. "PEC: Lesson Plans for Physical Education." PEC: Lesson Plans for Physical Education. PE Central, n.d. Web. 01 Feb. 2016
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