the carbon cycle budgets trends and lessons from southern

The Carbon Cycle: Budgets, Trends, and Lessons from Southern - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The Carbon Cycle: Budgets, Trends, and Lessons from Southern Hemisphere Measurements A. Modelling and Interpretation B. Baring Head surface CO 2 data C. Lauder ground based remote sensing CO 2 measurements D. Lauder surface CO 2 data E. Rainbow

  1. The Carbon Cycle: Budgets, Trends, and Lessons from Southern Hemisphere Measurements A. Modelling and Interpretation B. Baring Head surface CO 2 data C. Lauder ground based remote sensing CO 2 measurements D. Lauder surface CO 2 data E. Rainbow Mountain surface CO 2 data Sara Mikaloff Fletcher 1A , Vanessa Sherlock 1ACD , Britt Stephens 4ABDE , Gordon Brailsford 1ABDE , Brian Connor 3AC , John Robinson 1C , Dan Smale 1D , Peter Franz 1E , Antony Gomez 1BDE , Mike Kotkamp 1D , Rowena Moss 1BD , Katja Riedel 1B , Hisako Shiona 1C, Australian Collaborators: David Griffith 2ACD , Nicholas Deutscher 2*ACD , Ronald Macatangay 2C , Martin Riggenbach 2D , Clare Murphy 2C , Nicholas Jones 2C , Graham Kettlewell 2C … and TCCON collaborators at CalTech, JPL, and KIT 1. NIWA, NZ; 2. University of Wollongong; 3. BC Consulting, NZ; 4. National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), USA * Now at University of Bremen, Inst. Of Environmental Physics.

  2. Overview • Regional and global CO 2 fluxes to the atmosphere: overview and key science questions • Using atmospheric trace gas measurements to infer regional carbon fluxes – Surface measurements – New remote sensing data • Case study: Southern Hemisphere surface and remote sensing data as a new window onto biomass burning emissions

  3. The Early Keeling Curve Atmospheric CO 2 at Mauna Loa, Hawaii

  4. Atmospheric CO 2 at Mauna Loa, Hawaii 380 370 360 CO 2 (ppm) 350 340 330 320 310 1958 1963 1968 1973 1978 1983 1988 1993 1998 2003 2008

  5. Human Perturbation of the Global Carbon Budget 2000-2009 (PgC) 10 Source CO 2 flux (PgC y -1 ) 5 deforestation 1.1±0.7 Sink 5 10 1950 2000 1900 1850 Time (y) 1 Petagram of carbon (PgC) = 1 billion metric tons of carbon Global Carbon Project 2010; Updated from Le Quéré et al. 2009, Nature Geoscience; Canadell et al. 2007, PNAS

  6. Human Perturbation of the Global Carbon Budget 2000-2009 (PgC) 10 fossil fuel emissions 7.7±0.5 Source CO 2 flux (PgC y -1 ) 5 deforestation 1.1±0.7 Sink 5 10 1950 2000 1900 1850 Time (y) 1 Petagram of carbon (PgC) = 1 billion metric tons of carbon Global Carbon Project 2010; Updated from Le Quéré et al. 2009, Nature Geoscience; Canadell et al. 2007, PNAS

  7. Human Perturbation of the Global Carbon Budget 2000-2009 (PgC) 10 fossil fuel emissions 7.7±0.5 Source CO 2 flux (PgC y -1 ) 5 deforestation 1.1±0.7 atmospheric CO 2 4.1±0.1 Sink 5 10 1950 2000 1900 1850 Time (y) 1 Petagram of carbon (PgC) = 1 billion metric tons of carbon Global Carbon Project 2010; Updated from Le Quéré et al. 2009, Nature Geoscience; Canadell et al. 2007, PNAS

  8. Human Perturbation of the Global Carbon Budget 2000-2009 (PgC) 10 fossil fuel emissions 7.7±0.5 Source CO 2 flux (PgC y -1 ) 5 deforestation 1.1±0.7 atmospheric CO 2 4.1±0.1 Sink 5 ocean 2.3±0.4 ocean (5 models) 10 1950 2000 1900 1850 Time (y) 1 Petagram of carbon (PgC) = 1 billion metric tons of carbon Global Carbon Project 2010; Updated from Le Quéré et al. 2009, Nature Geoscience; Canadell et al. 2007, PNAS

  9. Human Perturbation of the Global Carbon Budget 2000-2009 (PgC) 10 fossil fuel emissions 7.7±0.5 Source CO 2 flux (PgC y -1 ) 5 deforestation 1.1±0.7 atmospheric CO 2 4.1±0.1 land Sink 5 2.4 (Residual) ocean 2.3±0.4 (5 models) 10 1950 2000 1900 1850 Time (y) 1 Petagram of carbon (PgC) = 1 billion metric tons of carbon Global Carbon Project 2010; Updated from Le Quéré et al. 2009, Nature Geoscience; Canadell et al. 2007, PNAS

  10. Inferring Fluxes from Observations • Typically done using a network of ~100 surface sites • Strongly limited by the observing network, especially in the tropics and Southern Hemisphere Figure Courtesy of WMO

  11. Atmospheric Inversions

  12. Key Questions • What are the natural sources and sinks of CO 2 to the atmosphere? – Tropical and southern hemisphere regions particularly uncertain • Can atmospheric measurements be used to validate anthropogenic emissions reductions? • What processes control variability and trends in the natural fluxes? • What does this imply for feedbacks between climate change and the global carbon cycle?

  13. New Zealand’s Greenhouse Gas Budget • “In 2008, New Zealand’s total greenhouse gas emissions were 74.7 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (Mt CO 2 -e), which means total emissions are now 13.9 Mt CO 2 -e (22.8%) higher than the 1990 level of 60.8 Mt CO 2 -e.” * • “In 2008, net removals from afforestation, reforestation and deforestation under the Kyoto Protocol were -14.4 Mt CO 2 -e.” * • Atmospheric measurements and modeling provide an opportunity for independent, top-down verification of carbon sequestration in forests * New Zealand’s Greenhouse Gas Inventory 1990-2008 Ministry for the Environment, April 2010

  14. Key Questions • What are the natural sources and sinks of CO 2 to the atmosphere? – Tropical and southern hemisphere regions particularly uncertain • Can atmospheric measurements be used to validate anthropogenic emissions reductions? • What processes control variability and trends in the natural fluxes? • What does this imply for feedbacks between climate change and the global carbon cycle?

  15. Key Questions • What are the natural sources and sinks of CO 2 to the atmosphere? – Tropical and southern hemisphere regions particularly uncertain • Can atmospheric measurements be used to validate anthropogenic emissions reductions? • What processes control variability and trends in the natural fluxes? • What does this imply for feedbacks between climate change and the global carbon cycle?

  16. Key Questions • What are the natural sources and sinks of CO 2 to the atmosphere? – Tropical and southern hemisphere regions particularly uncertain • Can atmospheric measurements be used to validate anthropogenic emissions reductions? • What processes control variability and trends in the natural fluxes? • What does this imply for feedbacks between climate change and the global carbon cycle?

  17. Contrasting Column and Surface Measurements

  18. Southern Hemisphere TCCON stations

  19. A Puzzle in the Southern Hemisphere Data Detrended X CO 2 (ppm)  Column FTS - Model

  20. Surface In Situ CO 2 at Darwin, AU

  21. The Seasonal Cycle in the Column Observations X CO 2 (ppm) X CO 2 (ppm)

  22. CarbonTracker Tagged Tracer Simulations • CarbonTracker fluxes optimized against the surface network – Tagged forward simulations with optimized 2009 CT fluxes • Separate tracer tags for: – each of the 22 Transcom regions + AU/NZ split – fossil fuel, biomass burning, terrestrial biosphere, ocean flux

  23. Contribution of Source Processes to the Column Seasonal Cycle X CO 2 (ppm) Model Observations X CO 2 (ppm) Total Biosphere Burning Oceans Fossil Fuels

  24. Where Does the Biomass Burning Signal in the Column Data Come From?

  25. How does this fit with what is known about biomass burning emissions? • If the model-data mis-match is due to biomass burning alone, it would imply that the South American+African biomass burning emissions are under-estimated by nearly a factor of two • The GFED emissions are based on satellite data, and generally considered to under-estimate biomass burning emissions • CarbonTracker doesn’t optimise biomass burning emissions • However, other tracers associated with biomass burning peak at Darwin and Lauder ~2 months earlier than the seasonal model-data mismatch in CO 2 …

  26. Zonal Mean Biomass Burning Emissions From South America and Africa

  27. Vertical Profile of South East Asian Biomass Burning Footprint at Darwin (ppm)

  28. Could this be due to a bias in the model transport? • Houweling et al. [2010] compared TCCON data to four atmospheric models using the CT fluxes as boundary conditions • They found similar seasonal biases at Darwin for all of the models • However, there could be biases common to all the models or the the reanalysis fields forcing them • Comparisons with aircraft data may provide a degree of independent validation

  29. Conclusions and Outlook • Between 2000-2009, human beings emitted 7.7±0.5 PgC/yr to the atmosphere from fossil fuel burning and cement production and another 1.1±0.7 PgC/yr from land use change • The natural sinks took up over half of these emissions, with the ocean absorbing 2.3±0.4 PgC/yr and the terrestrial biosphere taking up 2.4 PgC/yr • Model simulations suggest that the combination of surface and column data in the Southern Hemisphere may provide a new window onto terrestrial fluxes from South America and Africa • Future work will focus on – Analysis of atmospheric CO 2 simulations to understand observations – Assimilating new column and surface data using CarbonTracker

  30. Thanks to: • Andy Jacobson and the CarbonTracker- North America Team • For funding: – NIWA: FRST, ISAT – UoW: ARC – NIES – NASA, CalTech


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