the angular ui from a user perspective

The Angular UI from a user perspective Ignace Deroost & Art - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The Angular UI from a user perspective Ignace Deroost & Art Lowel DSpace Users Visitors Authors / submitters Administrators Machines Public UI Retrievability Speed Architecture Web server Web Browser

  1. The Angular UI from a user perspective Ignace Deroost & Art Lowel

  2. DSpace Users • Visitors • Authors / submitters • Administrators • Machines

  3. Public UI

  4. Retrievability

  5. Speed

  6. Architecture Web server Web Browser 1 Initial Request Return first page, JS 2 Database 3 Request data via REST Assetstore Return JSON 4 Other Webapps

  7. Administrator UI

  8. Improved navigation

  9. Animation? Of navigating to collection settings

  10. screenshot of ‘general’ DSpace 7 menu with suggestion of current object

  11. Animation? Of navigating to collection settings

  12. Multi-language

  13. Themes

  14. Thank you!


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