the road to angular 2 0 about me

THE ROAD TO ANGULAR 2.0 ABOUT ME Angular 1.x apps iOS apps REST - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

THE ROAD TO ANGULAR 2.0 ABOUT ME Angular 1.x apps iOS apps REST API's in Java Maarten Hus, Developer @ WHY THIS TALK? WAIT WHAT?! GRAVEYARD WHY? DISCLAIMER THE ROAD 1.x T emplate Syntax 2.0 T ypes Bindings ES6


  2. ABOUT ME • Angular 1.x apps • iOS apps • REST API's in Java Maarten Hus, Developer @


  4. WAIT WHAT?!


  6. WHY?


  8. THE ROAD 1.x T emplate Syntax 2.0 T ypes Bindings ES6 Components

  9. TEMPLATE SYNTAX Angular 2.0's template syntax is radically different from 1.x's.

  10. DIFFERENCES 1.x <span>Username: {{user.username}}</span> <img ng-src="{{ user.imageUrl }}"/> <button ng-click="upvote(user)">+1</button> 2.0 <span>Username: {{user.username}}</span> <img [src]="{{ user.imageUrl }}"/> <button (click)="upvote(user)">+1</button>

  11. DIFFERENCES 1.x <span>Username: {{user.username}}</span> <img ng-src="{{ user.imageUrl }}"/> <button ng-click="upvote(user)">+1</button> 2.0 <span>Username: {{user.username}}</span> <img [src]="{{ user.imageUrl }}"/> <button (click)="upvote(user)">+1</button>

  12. DIFFERENCES 1.x <span>Username: {{user.username}}</span> <img ng-src="{{ user.imageUrl }}"/> <button ng-click="upvote(user)">+1</button> 2.0 <span>Username: {{user.username}}</span> <img [src]="{{ user.imageUrl }}"/> <button (click)="upvote(user)">+1</button>

  13. DIFFERENCES 1.x <span>Username: {{user.username}}</span> <img ng-src="{{ user.imageUrl }}"/> <button ng-click="upvote(user)">+1</button> 2.0 <span>Username: {{user.username}}</span> <img [src]="{{ user.imageUrl }}"/> <button (click)="upvote(user)">+1</button>

  14. 2.0 SYNTAX [] => property binding, is an expression () => event, is a statement, caused by the user.

  15. NO NEED FOR ng-bind, ng-src, ng-class, ng-href, ng-show, ng-hide, ng-click, ng-enabled, ng-disabled, ng-blur, ng-keyup, ng- mouse-down etc etc

  16. EASIER TO LEARN Angular 2.0 templates are closer to HTML.

  17. REASONING The new syntax makes it easer to 
 reason about templates.

  18. THE ROAD 1.x T emplate Syntax 2.0 T ypes Bindings ES6 Components

  19. MODULES ES6 Modules are bundles of 'code' from which you can import specific 'code'.

  20. EXAMPLE // MathFuctions.js A export function square(x) { return x * x; } // main.js B import {square} from 'MathFuctions'; console.log(square(5)); // logs 25 to console

  21. ANGULAR 2.0 import {Component, View} from 'angular2/angular2';

  22. ANGULAR 1.X angular.module('users') .factory('userFactory', ['$http', function($http) { // code for userFactory which uses $http }]);

  23. ANGULAR 2.0 Why create your own a module system, when the language (ES6) hands it to you.


  25. THE ROAD 1.x T emplate Syntax 2.0 T ypes Bindings ES6 Components


  27. ANGULAR 2.0 import {Component, View} from 'angular2/angular2'; @Component({selector: 'person'}) @View({ template: `<p>My name: {{ name }}</p>` }) class PersonComponent { name: string; friends: Array<string>; constructor(name: string) { = name; } }

  28. @COMPONENT import {Component, View} from 'angular2/angular2'; @Component({selector: 'person'}) @View({ template: `<p>My name: {{ name }}</p>` }) class PersonComponent { <person></person> name: string; friends: Array<string>; constructor(name: string) { = name; } }

  29. @VIEW import {Component, View} from 'angular2/angular2'; @Component({selector: 'person'}) @View({ template: `<p>My name: {{ name }}</p>` }) class PersonComponent { name: string; friends: Array<string>; constructor(name: string) { = name; } }

  30. TYPES import {Component, View} from 'angular2/angular2'; @Component({selector: 'display'}) @View({ template: `<p>My name: {{ name }}</p>` }) class PersonComponent { name: string; friends: Array<string>; constructor(name: string) { = name; } }

  31. WHY TYPES? 1. IDE's and Text Editors love types. 2. Types help show your intent.

  32. THE ROAD 1.x T emplate Syntax 2.0 T ypes Bindings ES6 Components

  33. COMPONENTS Component Controller View

  34. COMPONENT import {Component, View} from 'angular2/angular2'; View @Component({selector: 'display'}) @View({ template: `<p>My name: {{ name }}</p>` }) class PersonComponent { name: string; friends: Array<string>; Controller constructor(name: string) { = name; } }

  35. INPUT / OUTPUT Component Input Output Controller View

  36. I/O If is explicitly importe d import {View, If} from 'angular2/angular2'; @View({ template: `<p *if="name.length > 3">My name: {{ name }}</p>`, 
 directives: [If] }) Co mponents must state 
 their depen dencies (input).

  37. I/O import {Component} from 'angular2/angular2'; @Component({ selector: 'person', properties: { name: 'name' }, 
 events: ['upvote'] }) <person [name]="firstName"></person>

  38. I/O import {Component} from 'angular2/angular2'; @Component({ selector: 'person', properties: { name: 'name' }, 
 events: ['upvote'] }) <person (upvote)="vote()"></person>

  39. WHY COMPONENTS 1. Components have clearly defined 
 inputs and outputs. 2. Components are composable 3. Components can easily be reused.

  40. ANGULAR 1.X Directives Controllers

  41. THEY LIVE!

  42. THE ROAD 1.x T emplate Syntax 2.0 T ypes Bindings ES6 Components

  43. BINDINGS Angular 2.0 will no longer have two way bindings.

  44. ANGULAR 1.X D A C B

  45. EXPENSIVE Digest Phase A Cycle B

  46. UNPREDICTABLE <div ng-controller="PersonController as personController"> <h1>Hi {{ }} <person-view person="personController.person"></person-view> </div>

  47. UNNECESSARY A <h1>Hi {{ name }}</h1> B <input type="text" value="{{ name }}">

  48. ANGULAR 2.0 How does Angular 2.0 handle bindings?


  50. TREE OF COMPONENTS WeatherApp SegmentedButton Grid SearchBar WeatherStation WeatherStation WeatherStation

  51. ANGULAR 2.0 A A B B bindings [] 
 events () 
 go down go up

  52. CHANGE DETECTION 2.0 1.x Digest Phase Digest Phase Cycle �

  53. SPEED

  54. MEMORY

  55. < MEMORY =

  56. THE ROAD 1.x T emplate Syntax 2.0 T ypes Bindings ES6 Components

  57. MIGRATION ? 2.0 1.x

  58. MIGRATION Big Bang 2.0 1.x Incremental

  59. BIG BANG


  61. WHAT TO CHOOSE? Big Bang Incremental Small App Big App Few dependencies Many dependencies If you have the time If there is no time

  62. EXAMPLE: A Big Bang Incremental Small App Big App Few dependencies Many dependencies If you have the time If there is no time

  63. EXAMPLE: B Big Bang Incremental Small App Big App Few dependencies Many dependencies If you have the time If there is no time

  64. PREPARING FOR 2.0 1. Upgrade to 1.4 2. Use the new router 3. Use ES6 classes

  65. DONE 1.x T emplate Syntax 2.0 T ypes Bindings ES6 Components


  67. CONCLUSION DDO jqLite angular. module Controllers $scope

  68. THE END During the conference you can find me at the 42's stand. So if you have any questions you know where to find me.


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