the adams presidency the election of 1796 it s a tie

The Adams Presidency The Election of 1796 - Its A Tie! (?) Thomas - PDF document

The Adams Presidency The Election of 1796 - Its A Tie! (?) Thomas Jefferson John Adams Democratic-Republican Federalist ! Federalist electors voted for Adams Republican electors voted for Jefferson Constitution says the candidate who

  1. The Adams Presidency The Election of 1796 - It’s A Tie! (?) Thomas Jefferson John Adams Democratic-Republican Federalist ! Federalist electors voted for Adams Republican electors voted for Jefferson Constitution says the candidate who wins the most electoral votes becomes President Vice-President is candidate with the next highest number of votes

  2. The XYZ Affair President 3 Frenchmen Adams sent demanded a a team to $250,000 France to bribe negotiate a treaty “millions for defense, but not once cent for tribute” ! ! everyone wanted war, but Adams knew we couldn’t win smoothed things over w/the French but lost political support The Alien and Sedition Acts Federalists wanted to avoid war with France and silence their critics, many of whom were foreign-born who wanted the US to go to war w/France The Sedition Acts The Alien Acts made sedition illegal ! raised residency requirement for citizenship from 5-14 yrs ! President can deport any alien during peace

  3. The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions Jefferson and Madison organized support in the southern Republican states against these acts ! ! ! VA and KY declared that states had the right to declare a federal law unconstitutional within their borders and not follow it Jeffersonian Democracy

  4. electors cast two ballots without specifying President or Vice President ! Jefferson and Burr earned 73 electoral votes ! Constitution says if its a tie, the House must decide Revolution of 1800: political control of a country was transferred by democratic election (rather than through war) Judiciary Act of 1801 reduced number of Supreme Court justices from six to five ! the night before he left office, Adams appointed many Federalist “midnight judges” ! Jefferson refused to allow these judges to have their jobs Marbury v. Madison 1803 Supreme Court case ! William Marbury sued for his judge position ! decision: Marbury had the legal right to his appointment ! Judiciary Act of 1789 is unconstitutional ! the right of “judicial review” ! Chief Justice John Marshall (to interpret the Constitution)

  5. The Louisiana Purchase 1803 Spain had ceded Louisiana, including New Orleans, back to France in 1800 ! Toussaint L’Ouverture led a rebellion in Haiti (French colony) ! France ready to give up American possessions Jefferson offered Napoleon $10 million for FL and New Orleans ! he bought the entire area for $15 million (3 cents/acre) ! ! Lewis and Clark 1803 Captain Meriwether Lewis and Captain William Clark conducted an expedition to find a water route to the Pacific The Corps of Discovery, 1803–1806 name given to the group made up of people of diverse backgrounds and experiences Charbonneau= French trapper; Sacajawea=Charbonneau’s Native American wife; York=slave ! collected and recorded animals and plants and met Natives


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