C H A M P A I G N C O U N T Y F Y 2 0 1 9 B U D G E T Presented by Tami Ogden , Deputy County Administrator / Finance
C H A M P A I G N C O U N T Y F Y 2 0 1 9 B U D G E T Champaign County Board Legislative Budget Hearings A U G U S T 2 7 S P E C I A L R E V E N U E F U N D S A U G U S T 2 8 G E N E R A L F U N D & O T H E R S P E C I A L R E V E N U E F U N D S
C H A M P A I G N C O U N T Y F Y 2 0 1 9 B U D G E T Regional Superintendent Jane Quinlan R E G I O N A L O F F I C E E D U C A T I O N FTEs: 3.55 Budget Highlights 0 8 0 - 1 2 4 Per Illinois Statute expenses of ROE are The Office of the Auditor General found that ROE allocated to the counties in the service region 9's financial statements as of June 30,2017 are based on the proportion of EAV of taxable fairly presented and there are no findings (5th property in the region. In FY2019, Champaign consecutive year) County represents 94% of total assessed valuation of the region. Awarded $90,232 three-year Truants Alternative and Optional Education Grant in August 2017 to Budgeted Expenditure provide supplemental services to truants and FY2018 $222,554 chronic truants in K-10 and optional education FY2019 $221,636 program (Re-Start) for potential dropouts in 11th and 12th grades from 14 rural districts in the region
C H A M P A I G N C O U N T Y F Y 2 0 1 9 B U D G E T County Director Ginger Boas E X T E N S I O N E D U C A T I O N Budget Highlights FTEs: 0 0 8 0 - 0 1 6 Budgeted Revenue Revenue comes from property taxes which increase FY2018 $422,498 4.35% over the FY2018 extension based on growth FY2019 $439,412 allowed under the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law (PTELL) Budgeted Expenditure FY2018 $422,498 Other funding sources include grants and local, FY2019 $439,412 state, and federal funding Per the 2017 Impact Report Extension led 750 programs and reached 40,000 people
C H A M P A I G N C O U N T Y F Y 2 0 1 9 B U D G E T Superintendent Brad Gould V E T E R A N ' S A S S I S T A N C E Budget Highlights C O M M I S S I O N In conjunction with local businesses a furnace was FTEs: 1 0 8 0 - 1 2 7 provided to a veteran in both FY2016 and FY2017 Budgeted Revenue There is no dedicated revenue source for this A 2015 automobile is being given to a veteran in need budget. When donations are received they are in FY2018 allocated to assistance for Veterans. A $5,000 donation was received from Helping Hometown Heroes in FY2018 Budgeted Expenditure FY2018 $124,765 In FY2018 VAC partnered with VFW Post 630 and FY2019 $125,868 Eastern Illinois Foodbank to provide food for veterans - Increase in software costs for database and filing Partnership will continue in FY2019 claims with the Veterans Administration VAC worked with MTD to provide 3-year bus passes for all veterans
C H A M P A I G N C O U N T Y F Y 2 0 1 9 B U D G E T Coroner Duane Northrup C O R O N E R Budget Highlights FTEs: 6 0 8 0 - 0 4 2 Budgeted Revenue Office receives approximately 1,900+ calls per FY2018 $117,300 year. FY2019 $110,300 Autopsies/Year Budgeted Expenditure ~150 Champaign County FY2018 $571,106 ~100 for neighboring counties and hospitals FY2019 $579,387 Cost increases for indigent burial and medical Grant funds from the Illinois Department of expenses due to increased number of autopsies Public Health were used to upgrade facility security features and access in 2018
C H A M P A I G N C O U N T Y F Y 2 0 1 9 B U D G E T Public Defender Janie Miller-Jones P U B L I C D E F E N D E R Budget Highlights FTEs: 18 0 8 0 - 0 3 6 Budgeted Revenue Public Defender fees are ordered by the judiciary FY2018 $116,000 and have been declining year over year FY2019 $114,895 Nominal fees are expected to be imposed in Budgeted Expenditure traffic, misdemeanor and felony cases before the FY2018 $1,140,110 end of FY2018 FY2019 $1,132,286 Professional services increase of $1,000 for Personnel savings in FY2018 and FY2019 due interpreter costs to a vacancy and in-house promotion
C H A M P A I G N C O U N T Y F Y 2 0 1 9 B U D G E T Presiding Judge Thomas Difanis Court Administrator Lori Hansen C I R C U I T C O U R T Budget Highlights FTEs: 14 0 8 0 - 0 3 1 Budgeted Revenue Increased costs for constitutionally- and statutorily- FY2018 $15,000 mandated services FY2019 $15,000 Transfer from Law Library Fund for employee *Foreign language and sign language interpreters management of library operations *Attorney/legal services due to more multiple- Budgeted Expenditure defendant cases FY2018 $1,080,513 FY2019 $1,070,176 Expenditure decrease reflects personnel savings due to turnover
C H A M P A I G N C O U N T Y F Y 2 0 1 9 B U D G E T Budget Highlights L A W L I B R A R Y FTEs: 0.5 Fund is used to pay for books and Westlaw 0 9 2 - 0 7 4 Budgeted Revenue subscriptions for the Court and Public Defender's FY2018 $91,100 Office FY2019 $91,450 Part-time Law librarian position is currently unfilled and duties are shared among court staff but the Budgeted Expenditure position may be filled in the future due to the FY2018 $80,000 increased need for support FY2019 $90,540 $15,000 transfer to Circuit Court for Court A county IT-supported public access terminal with a employees management of library operations scanner would increase the number of terminals available for e-filing - will consider for FY2020 budget Fund Balance $110,004
C H A M P A I G N C O U N T Y F Y 2 0 1 9 B U D G E T S P E C I A L T Y C O U R T S Budget Highlights FTEs: 1 6 8 5 - 0 3 1 Budgeted Revenue The number of clients in the program has increased FY2018 $81,006 FY2019 $80,081 In 2018 a Veterans Court track was added and Transfer from Public Safety Sales Tax $60,881 there have been two Veteran graduates Budgeted Expenditure FY2018 $77,561 FY2019 $79,152 Predominantly personnel costs for the Problem Solving Court Coordinator Fund Balance $133,099
C H A M P A I G N C O U N T Y F Y 2 0 1 9 B U D G E T F O R E C L O S U R E M E D I A T I O N FTEs: 0 Budget Highlights 0 9 3 - 0 3 1 Budgeted Revenue Program sustainability is under consideration - FY2018 $16,000 AOIC must approve any increase in the filing fee FY2019 $16,000 Current filing fee is $75 Primary Grant funding ended May 2018 An increase to $100 is under consideration Secondary Grant funding ended August 2018 Budgeted Expenditure FY2018 $16,000 Residential mortgage foreclosure mediation FY2019 $24,815 activity on following slide Fund Balance $41,126
C H A M P A I G N C O U N T Y F Y 2 0 1 9 B U D G E T F O R E C L O S U R E M E D I A T I O N
C H A M P A I G N C O U N T Y F Y 2 0 1 9 B U D G E T Sheriff Dan Walsh S H E R I F F Budget Highlights L A W E N F O R C E M E N T FTEs: 59 0 8 0 - 0 4 0 Increased METCAD costs in FY2019 Budgeted Revenue FY2018 $1,323,295 ARMS Law Enforcement Records Management FY2019 $1,917,815 System user fees begin in FY2018 - The 4-year Increase is a transfer from PSST fund to offset no cost agreement ended in July METCAD costs allowing the County to increase it's transfer to CARF for Facilities to $1.12M Civil Process/Business Office application is moving off of County400 positioning for future Budgeted Expenditure data sharing options (SaaS is budgeted in FY2018 $5,443,952 CARF) FY2019 $5,598,425
C H A M P A I G N C O U N T Y F Y 2 0 1 9 B U D G E T C O R R E C T I O N A L C E N T E R Budget Highlights FTEs: 92.5 0 8 0 - 1 4 0 Budgeted Revenue Competitively bid medical/dental/mental health FY2018 $672,986 contract resulted in a significant cost increase FY2019 $673,195 Food service contract increases based on Food Budgeted Expenditure Away from Home CPI (2.8%) FY2018 $6,454,888 FY2019 $6,710,311 Jail Management SaaS is budgeted in CARF
C H A M P A I G N C O U N T Y F Y 2 0 1 9 B U D G E T S H E R I F F ' S M E R I T Budget Highlights C O M M I S S I O N The Merit Commission has now contracted with FTEs: 0 0 8 0 - 0 5 7 National Testing Network to provide continuous Budgeted Revenue testing opportunities FY2018 $0 FY2019 $0 The change is expected to dramatically increase the applicant pool available to the Budgeted Expenditure Sheriff’s Office and is a significant advance from FY2018 $19,141 the testing once every two years or as needed FY2019 $19,141
C H A M P A I G N C O U N T Y F Y 2 0 1 9 B U D G E T S H E R I F F ' S D R U G F O R F E I T U R E S Budget Highlights FTEs: 0 6 1 2 - 0 4 0 Budgeted Revenue Funds are used to obtain the latest technology FY2018 $15,151 available for drug interdiction and arrest FY2019 $15,701 Budgeted Expenditure FY2018 $26,000 FY2019 $26,000 Fund Balance $119,467
C H A M P A I G N C O U N T Y F Y 2 0 1 9 B U D G E T J A I L C O M M I S S A R Y Budget Highlights FTEs: 0 6 5 8 - 1 4 0 Budgeted Revenue Commissary services are provided through a FY2018 $52,400 contract vendor FY2019 $52,400 Funds are used for detainee welfare Budgeted Expenditure FY2018 $300,000 FY2019 $300,000 Fund Balance $142,558
C H A M P A I G N C O U N T Y F Y 2 0 1 9 B U D G E T J A I L M E D I C A L C O S T S Budget Highlights FTEs: 0 6 5 9 - 1 4 0 Budgeted Revenue This fund is essentially a pass-through fund FY2018 $23,020 FY2019 $24,100 Funds are transferred to the General Fund at the end of the fiscal year to offset inmate medical costs Budgeted Expenditure FY2018 $23,020 FY2019 $24,100 Fund Balance $1,951
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