The Absence of Governance: The Absence of Governance: Climate Change Policy in Climate Change Policy in Canada & the United States Canada & the United States Barry G. Rabe Barry G. Rabe Gerald Ford School of Public Policy Gerald Ford School of Public Policy University of Michigan University of Michigan
Areas of Agreement Areas of Agreement � Severe threats to regions in both nations Severe threats to regions in both nations � � Robust and interactive science communities Robust and interactive science communities � � Approximately 30% of global emissions Approximately 30% of global emissions � � Early bi Early bi- -national engagement (1988, 1992) and national engagement (1988, 1992) and � mutual signing signing of Kyoto of Kyoto mutual � Subsequent national disengagement Subsequent national disengagement � � Default through decentralization Default through decentralization � � No bi No bi- -national institutional leader national institutional leader �
Points of Divergence Points of Divergence � Kyoto: Canada ratifies Kyoto: Canada ratifies--- ---and ignores (+26%) and ignores (+26%) � � Kyoto: US spurns (+15%) Kyoto: US spurns (+15%) � � Provinces: Maximum authority, minimal policy Provinces: Maximum authority, minimal policy � � States: Moderate authority, major policy States: Moderate authority, major policy � � Cap Cap- -and and- -trade trade � � RPS and energy efficiency RPS and energy efficiency � � Vehicle emission standards Vehicle emission standards � � Statewide reduction targets Statewide reduction targets � � Suing the feds Suing the feds �
American State Policy Development American State Policy Development
Canadian Provincial Policy Canadian Provincial Policy Development Development
Sub- -federal Cap & Trade Policies federal Cap & Trade Policies Sub
Sub- -federal federal RPSs RPSs Sub
Possible Points of Convergence Possible Points of Convergence � Cross Cross- -border diffusion, Canada border diffusion, Canada- -style (BC, style (BC, � perhaps Manitoba and Quebec) perhaps Manitoba and Quebec) � Federal governments Federal governments scrutinize scrutinize cap & trade cap & trade � � Provincial Provincial- -State Partnerships emerge State Partnerships emerge � � BC/MB enter WCI BC/MB enter WCI � � MB enters MRGGRA MB enters MRGGRA � � Powering the Plains Powering the Plains � � ECP/NEG ECP/NEG �
Case for Expanded Cooperation Case for Expanded Cooperation � Intensive state policy development along Intensive state policy development along � Canadian border Canadian border � Energy interconnectedness Energy interconnectedness � � North North- -south movement south movement � � Limiting leakage and sinks Limiting leakage and sinks � � Renewable energy promotion or protection Renewable energy promotion or protection � � RPS and related barriers RPS and related barriers � � North America as an international leader?? North America as an international leader?? �
Case Against Expanded Case Against Expanded Collaboration Collaboration � Lack of an institutional home or leader Lack of an institutional home or leader � � Limited cross Limited cross- -border policy discussions border policy discussions � (Congressional hearings) (Congressional hearings) � Policy capacity gap (mezzo Policy capacity gap (mezzo- -level staffing) level staffing) � � Different policy styles (regulation v. Different policy styles (regulation v. � voluntarism v. cap & trade) voluntarism v. cap & trade) � Protection of Protection of ‘ ‘home home- -grown grown’ ’ energy sources energy sources � and technologies and technologies
Where to Begin Where to Begin � Lessons: RGGI, EU, Australia Lessons: RGGI, EU, Australia- -New Zealand New Zealand � � Expansion of regional experiments Expansion of regional experiments � � Toward a common framework Toward a common framework � � Common reporting metrics Common reporting metrics � � Common definition of renewable energy and REC Common definition of renewable energy and REC � mechanisms mechanisms � Interactive cap & trade provisions Interactive cap & trade provisions � � Thinking outside the box: New Bi Thinking outside the box: New Bi- -National or National or � Continental Institution 100 years after IBWT that Continental Institution 100 years after IBWT that focuses upon climate? focuses upon climate?
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