patient experience abroad

Patient Experience Abroad Amy Maclean, Head of Patient Experience - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Patient Experience Abroad Amy Maclean, Head of Patient Experience Bit about me Lived and worked in USA until 2000 From Chicago most recently. Married a Brummie in 1999 had been working in Chicago. Own and run a healthcare

  1. Patient Experience Abroad Amy Maclean, Head of Patient Experience

  2. Bit about me • Lived and worked in USA until 2000 — From Chicago most recently. • Married a Brummie in 1999 — had been working in Chicago. • Own and run a healthcare business since 2003 and trained and worked with NCT from 2003. • Service user since 2000, MSLC member, Governor into the HoPE role in 2014 at BWH, now BWC.

  3. 21 USA Site Visits since ‘15 Most recently: • Providence Hospital — Burbank, California • Emory University Healthcare System — Atlanta, Georgia • Keck Medical Center, University of Southern California • Cedars Sinai Hospital — Los Angeles, California • 2015 — 17 other US Hospitals:

  4. Most noticeable themes • Thought Leadership — where do the ideas/learning come from? • Leadership and organisational structure • Data drivers • The things that jump out: - Customer Service: Living/Breathing a ‘Service Economy’—moving to a ‘Connection Economy’ - Utter compliance with standard behaviours - Voluntarism/Giving/Philanthropy - Partnership — Family and Patient Centered Care

  5. A few general principles USA UK 326 million people 66 million people 50 governments 1 government There is little to no ‘choice’ (market) in The marketplace dominates, so consumers win. However, once into an health healthcare — offering choice quickly becomes a episode, it is difficult to exercise true choice. Reviews of facilities and individual clinicians is readily available, and hospitals are protective of conversation about private healthcare. reputational damage. • Spirit of people: Government holds solutions • • Fiercely self-reliant: personal freedoms, individual responsibility, resist More skeptical of change, more likely to someone telling them what to do or how to live. resist changes which might infringe on • Rapidly embrace change, seeing progress as a good thing. Easily mirror privacy. • industry and take that as a model to comfortably adapt to. Ultimately do adapt to industry but it takes longer. Voluntarism/Giving/Philanthropy deeply engrained from early on. Present but less developed. Needs a nudge! Obamacare centralised obligation to report on Pt Experience through monthly FFT came about in 2012-13 as first centralised reporting via HCAHPS (Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare measure for Pt Experience Providers & Systems)

  6. American Patient Experience Thought Leadership • Beryl Institute • Press Ganey/Picker • Studor, partner of Press Ganey • Planetree, partner of Picker • Institute for Family and Patient Centered Care • Cleveland Clinic

  7. Organisation Differences • C-Suite positioning : Chief Experience Officers more common • Patient Experience Teams called Departments of Service Excellence • Pt Experience includes: Staff Experience, Comms, Giving, Advocacy • Still has a strong link of Complaints to Risk /Legal elements

  8. How they use data: What matters most:

  9. Rising tides —Biggest ‘bang for your buck!’ Statistics tell us these ‘rising tide’ measures: By improving ‘nurse/ midwife/doctor communication’ the following domains also improve: Safety, overall experience, reduced readmission, reduced pain. And two proven ways to improve nurse/midwife communication: 1. Purposeful rounds (preferably hourly). 2. Bedside handover.

  10. Tools to drive communication

  11. A Service Economy: Far more than ‘customer service’ • Look to industry — our patients do! • 15 Steps — 5 Senses challenges A focus on getting the ‘service right’ and attempting ‘service recovery.’ Intentional interventions: Memorial Sloan Kettering What can we do? Coffee cards! Outstanding customer service including service recovery

  12. WOWs: Into Giving National initiative made • Art and music bedside local: ‘Project Linus’ and in busy clinics • Compassion Carts • Pamper Hamper • Pets as Therapy

  13. WOWs/Giving — into Partnership • Partnership begins with family access • Baby Webcams: leader/news/tn-blr-me-providence-media- 20170603-story.html • Video of lead nurse detailing camera

  14. Voluntarism, Giving and Philanthropy • ‘Grateful Patients’— channeling gratitude — acknowledging the innate human need for reciprocity • Grateful Pt Rounds: Giving of time, feedback/stories/money • Planting seeds for philanthropy including patient/family led PE Awards • Highly structured, intentional, normalising the ‘ask’— making it simple for patients/families/businesses to give.

  15. Family and Patient Centered Care • Personalised care: food, discharge, information needs, family involvement • Caregiver involvement: classes, inclusion, rounds, empowerment, facilities • IFPCC toolkit: together.html • Planetree Care Partner Programme: Primer.pdf • This tool from 2008 is used to move services to being move patient centred: Patient Centered Care Improvement Guide

  16. Big current theme: ER Waiting Times • Feinberg: Former UCLA CEO now in Pennsylvania at Geisinger System working on reducing ER wait times to 20 minutes • Dashboard for ER Waiting times: • In his own words: ZNuE • media/news-releases/2017/06/19/19/46/david-feinberg-third-on- modern-healthcare-top-50-influencers-list

  17. Patient Experience Hierarchy : Where to begin? Patients as partners Patient and family centred care WOWs--Harnessing Gratitude Outstanding customer service including service recovery Empathy

  18. Six Aims of BWC Patient Experience • Building and enhancing teams and processing for capturing, reflecting and reporting what patients/parents/carers/family members tell us - and what we are doing about it – it matters to us! Systems Leadership • An Engagement Strategy developed with our children, young people, patients, parents and families which is inclusive of our seldom heard parents/patients. Includes active participation forums and support for clinical group development. Outreach, Engagement and Participation • Robust triangulation of feedback from above functions, for interpreting and messaging to clinical areas. Demonstration of application of learning from feedback. Insight into action • Volunteering/feedback/giving (fundraising)/other opportunities for patients and families to connect. Reciprocity • Patient: Information, learning, support, engagement our families and patients require and when — working in partnership with clinicians and comms, developing mechanisms for the most effective knowledge support systems during health journeys. • Staff: Staff health and well being, education, staff induction, ongoing staff training for patient / customer service, culture that encourages and Knowledge/Educatio recognises initiatives. n: Patient/Staff • Art and facilities connections to ensure physical spaces enhance the patient experience – a healing environment! Health Environment

  19. Final Thoughts • Stay curious to the world around us: Industry and healthcare from patients’ and families’ points of view. • Use your travel and share. This is a field in its infancy and your thinking can make a difference. • Muse out loud — you never know what ideas may inspire others.

  20. Contact/Reading Thank you Amy Maclean, Head of Patient Experience @amymaclean Great reads: Service Fanatics: How to Build Superior Patient Experience the Cleveland Clinic Way by James Merlino An Epidemic of Empathy in Healthcare by Thomas H. Lee The Experience Economy by Joseph Pine Sorry Works by Doug Wojcieszak If Disney Ran your Hospital by Fred Lee Black Box Thinking by Matthew Syed

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