th ju wednes nesday

th Ju Wednes nesday day 27 th June 2018 18 Welcome lcome to - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Year r 6 In Indu ducti ction on Evening ing- th Ju Wednes nesday day 27 th June 2018 18 Welcome lcome to Sout utham ham College lege TUTOR GROUP: TUTOR CONTACT : House use Syst stem em Miss ss Pratl tley ey Mr Adkins

  1. Year r 6 In Indu ducti ction on Evening ing- th Ju Wednes nesday day 27 th June 2018 18

  2. Welcome lcome to Sout utham ham College lege • TUTOR GROUP: • TUTOR CONTACT :

  3. House use Syst stem em Miss ss Pratl tley ey Mr Adkins kins Miss ss MacL cLac achlan an Miss ss Lippert pert

  4. Timin mings gs of the e college lege day; Please arrive by 8.45am. 8.50-9.10am-Morning Registration/Assembly/T utor Time • 9.10-10.10am-Period 1 • 10.10-11.10am-Period 2 • 11.10-11.30am-Break • 11.30-12.30pm-Period 3 • 12.30-1.20pm-Lunch • 1.20-2.20pm-Period 4 • 2.20-3.20pm-Period 5 • 3.20-3.30pm-Afternoon Registration •

  5. Daily equi uipment pment Students are also expected to bring the following items of equipment with them to college each day: Black or blue ballpoint pens • • Pencil sharpener READIN DING Pencils • BOOK Pair of compasses • Pencil eraser • Ruler 12”/30cm • PLANN NNER ER Coloured pencils/fine fibre tips • • Protractor T ransparent pencil case • Calculator •

  6. Uniform rm

  7. Less sson on expectati pectations ons Lea earni ning ng Res espo ponsi nsibil biliti ities es: • Alw lways s be e eq equipp pped ed and rea eady to le learn • Particip icipate te and li listen en to othe hers s • Be r e res espo pons nsibl ible e for y your r le learning ng and try to wo work thi hings s out yourself self • As Ask and answe wer que uestio ions ns about ut your ur le learning ng • Res espo pond nd to fe feed edback ck and actions ns straight ht awa way

  8. Creati eating ng an inde depend pendent ent cul ultur ure... e...

  9. HOME LEARNIN ING The home learning timetable for each year group is issued separately and should be written into the Student Planner. Each subject has an amount of time given for home learning based on the number of periods taught for each subject within the year group. Students will be given the homework and a date by which it is to be completed. This is done via an online platform called ‘Show My Homework’. All homework will be given to students electronically and parents are able to log on and check this regularly and that home learning is being completed by the deadlines set. Students should also record deadlines in their planners.

  10. Languages uages in Year 7 a 7 and 8 In order to support the new MFL curriculum there is a greater need for students to have a stronger understanding of grammar and vocabulary. This has meant a change in recent years to our Languages curriculum. Students at Southam College study one base language (French) and one other language either Spanish or German. It is important to note that if your child studies Spanish they will not be able to study German and vice versa. French nch and Spanish nish T utor tor groups oups: : GV1, , GV2, 2, SE1, , SE2 2 and WG WG1 French nch and German an T utor tor groups: ups: WE WE1, , WE WE2, 2, WH WH1, 1, WH WH2

  11. COMMUNIC UNICATION TION WITH PARENTS • Please review our modern and regularly updated website and year blogs at for the latest activities and achievements. • Year 6 blog • A T ermly newsletter will be emailed out every term to parents • Email contact with tutors • Like us on Facebook: • Follow us on T witter:

  12. Final al bi bits ts of informa ormation... tion... First st mornin rning g in Septe temb mber Year 7 come me to the HALL; L; exact ctly y as they ey have ve • today day. . Students udents will ll have e one hour r with th their eir tutor tor on the e first t morning. ning. No need d to send d full ll PE kit t on firs rst t day as if they y have e PE they ey do not expec ect t • them em to have e brough ought t kit t as they ey will ll get thei eir r time meta tabl ble e on the e firs rst t morning ning. The e use of Mobi obile le phones nes is not permi mitt tted ed at any time. e. Stude dents ts may carr rry y • them, em, but t we have ve a ‘not seen n or heard ard policy’. LABEL EL EVERYTHIN ING; G; this is will ll avoid oid misplac placed ed shoes/ oes/bags/c ags/coat oats/ s/PE PE Kits • T wo o week k timet etab able. e. LSA support ort for r the e first st week ek • Extra ra curric ricular ular activ tivities ities do not start rt until il the e second cond week k of term, m, a • timet etabl able e will ll be publish lished ed on the e Blog g so stude udents ts can n select ect acti tivit vities es to take part in. Insigh ight •

  13. Dates es to note. te... Y7 T utor Evening uesday 9 th October T


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