terrorism transnational crime and information warfare an

Terrorism, Transnational Crime, and Information Warfare An - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Terrorism, Transnational Crime, and Information Warfare An Increasing Security and Development Threat Drawn from: 2001 State of the Future, Future Mind, and personal reflections - not an official UNU presentation 11 September 2001

  1. Terrorism, Transnational Crime, and Information Warfare … An Increasing Security and Development Threat Drawn from: 2001 State of the Future, Future Mind, and personal reflections - not an official UNU presentation

  2. 11 September 2001 Terrorist Attacks ✯ Short-term counter without West vs Islam ➢ Freeze assets - and freeze those who don’t ➢ Military Force, no negotiations, smoke out ➢ ICC and UN Trusteeship Council ✯ Long-term counter Mind Set that creates terrorism ➢ This is a job for information warfare ➢ and better foreign policy and attitude ➢ Devastate now to avoid bio-terrorism later

  3. Terrorist Mind Set ✔ Fear elimination of Islam by Western cultural hegemony ✔ Defeated USSR/godless communism in Afghanistan ✔ Can and has a responsibility to defeat USA/globalization ✔ US Israeli policies are not helping ✔ King of the Hill phenomena and US arrogance on top of that hill. ✔ It is Islamic Law’s tern to rule the world

  4. 2001 State of the Future ✔ UN early warning system transparent ✔ Integrate it with NGOs and Media ✔ Shared intelligence ✔ Make intelligence technology available ✔ Double funding of anti-terrorism efforts ✔ Smarter sanctions ✔ Broadcast ICC trail of leaders who harbor terrorists

  5. Continued ✔ Use counter money laundering strategies ✔ Global media dialogues over decades on issues that inflame terrorists ✔ Link such dialogues to school curriculum changes ✔ Global Partnership for Development ✔ Sharouk-like development strategies used in Egypt

  6. Private Sector Government Competitive Intelligence Organizations Advanced Non-governmental Marketing Techniques Information Organizations Warfare Terrorist Transnational Organizations Organized Crime (Political, Ethnic, or Religious)

  7. Private Sector Government Advanced Competitive Intelligence Organizations Non-governmental Marketing Techniques Organizations Terrorist Transnational Organizations Organized Crime (Political, Ethnic, or Religious)

  8. Some Transnational Some Transnational Organized Crime Threats Organized Crime Threats ➣ $2 Trillion per year; 1 Trillion Profit ➢ 2-5% Global Economy Laundered ➣ Banks vs Internet with $1-2 trillion/per day ➢ What percent of world under influence? ➣ Buys the future of crime: countries ➣ Elections are run on software ➣ Other New Markets: Terrorism and Infowar

  9. Elements of Counter Money Elements of Counter Money Laundering Strategy Laundering Strategy ✓ Global, simultaneous, focused. ✓ IMF Finance Ministers Meeting ✓ Shared money laundering data base ✓ Prioritize list by global volume ✓ Protocol to Palermo, ICC, UN SC ✓ Deputize Courts ✓ Situation Room under IMF or other

  10. Strategic Sequence ✓ When the largest is clear ✓ Legal case is solid ✓ A court is willing to open on no notice ✓ Assets and access can be frozen ✓ You know where he is ✓ Local authorities will make the arrest ✓ Sit Room confirms arrest capability ✓ Sit Room confirms all else is ready

  11. What’s Next for this Counter What’s Next for this Counter Money Laundering Strategy? Money Laundering Strategy? ➣ Continue to assess governments ➣ How to deputize courts? ➣ Palermo Treaty protocol? ➣ Rome Statue for ICC protocol? ➣ Explore UN - Security Council as it deputizes Military, can it also do Courts?

  12. The UN University, The UN University, the American Council for the UN University, the American Council for the UN University, and the Millennium Project and the Millennium Project  United Nations University (UNU) is the principal academic research organ of the UN headquartered in Tokyo with centers around the world.  The American Council for the United Nations University (AC/UNU) was created by the UNU in 1975 as U.S. NGO to be the point of contact between Americans and the UNU and represent its interests in Washington, D.C. www.acunu.org  The Millennium Project operates under the auspices of the AC/UNU with funding from UNU and other sponsors.

  13. The Millennium Project New Kind of Think Tank  Accumulative participatory global futures research  Over 1000 futurists, scholars, business planners, and policymakers  who work for the UN and international organizations, corporations, governments, NGOs, and universities in over 50 countries  Transinstitutional, Interdisciplinary, Intercultural  Funded and used by this broad range of institutions

  14. Millennium Project Nodes... Millennium Project Nodes... are groups of individuals and institutions that connect global and are groups of individuals and institutions that connect global and local views in: local views in: London Moscow Paris Prague Washington, DC Rome Tehran Tokyo Maui Cairo Beijing Caracas Madurai Bogota Sao Paulo Brisbane Buenos Aires Nodes identify participants, translate questionnaires and reports, and conduct Nodes identify participants, translate questionnaires and reports, and conduct interviews, special research, workshops, symposiums, and advanced training. interviews, special research, workshops, symposiums, and advanced training.

  15. For further information For further information ✩ State of the Future at the Millennium ✩ Web address: http://acunu.org


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