taxiway alpha rehab construction

TAXIWAY ALPHA REHAB CONSTRUCTION Shane A. Nixon. Airport Project - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

TAXIWAY ALPHA REHAB CONSTRUCTION Shane A. Nixon. Airport Project Manager Limits of Construction Area A Limits of Construction Area A1-30 days Area A2-60 days Work within A1 and A2 may occur simultaneously All work within Twy

  1. TAXIWAY ALPHA REHAB CONSTRUCTION Shane A. Nixon. Airport Project Manager

  2. Limits of Construction

  3. Area A Limits of Construction Area A1-30 days • Area A2-60 days • Work within A1 • and A2 may occur simultaneously All work within Twy • E object free area/taxiway safety area shall be completed at night

  4. Area B Limits of Construction Area B1-20 days • Area B2-50 days • Work within Area B1 • and B2 may occur simultaneously

  5. Crushing and removal

  6. Scarifying and drying dirt

  7. Undercut Area and Undercut Repair

  8. Concrete Pavement Section and Shoulder Joint Detail

  9. Concrete Treated Base (CTB) Placement

  10. Trenching in Lighting Conduit, Installing Underdrain

  11. Light Can Installation and Backfill

  12. Concrete Joint and Elevation Plans

  13. Reinforced Concrete Slabs

  14. Production Concrete Pours

  15. Concrete Production Pours

  16. Production Concrete Pours

  17. Saw Cutting Joints and Installing/Coring Taxiway Edge Lighting

  18. Area A/B- Finished Product

  19. Area C Area C -60 days • 60-day closure of Twy • Romeo Twy Golf nightime • closure Work may be • performed currently with work in Area D

  20. Area D Area D- 30 days • 6” Mill and Pave Operation •

  21. Area C and Area D

  22. Areas C and D Paving

  23. Area C and D Paving

  24. Area E All work within • Area E shall be completed between Friday at 2300 to Sunday at 1800. Work in Area E • must complete within 10 consecutive calendar days

  25. CLT Airport: Building an Airport for the Future!


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