taboada c agus n g cabaleiro p varela i cort s c ayuso c

Taboada, C.; Agus/n, G.; Cabaleiro, P.; Varela, I.; Corts, C.; Ayuso, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Taboada, C.; Agus/n, G.; Cabaleiro, P.; Varela, I.; Corts, C.; Ayuso, C.; Laredo, M.; Aneiros, I.; Lpez, A.; Molina, M; Gonzlez, A.; Tellado, F; Mar/nez R.; Garca, F . EMDR SPAIN } Hornsveld et al., (2011) found that

  1. Taboada, C.; Agus/n, G.; Cabaleiro, P.; Varela, I.; Cortés, C.; Ayuso, C.; Laredo, M.; Aneiros, I.; López, A.; Molina, M; González, A.; Tellado, F; Mar/nez R.; García, F . EMDR SPAIN

  2. } Hornsveld et al., (2011) found that eye movements (EMs) during recall of posiHve and resourceful autobiographic memories (such as those used in resource development and installaHon [RDI]) led to decreases of (a) vividness, (b) pleasantness, and (c) experienced strength of the intended quality or resource } Leeds and Korn stress their posiHve clinical experience with RDI and emphasize the limitaHons of that study } Given the absence of any confirmatory results , the authors propose to stop the use of EMs in the RDI and safe place procedures unHl their addiHonal value has been proven

  3. HYPOTHESIS 2 HYPOTHESIS 1 Due to the finding of BLS decreasing image Safe place protocol (Shapiro 2001) vividness and emoHon intensity, it would also and Resource Development and decrease posiHve (adapHve) elements. InstallaHon use BLS as a part of their procedures, to sHmulate the When it is included in Safe place and RDI informaHon processing system. procedures, BLS would be ineffecHve or even counterproducHve for reinforcing these BLS will strengthen posiHve elements. (adapHve) elements when it is included in these clinical procedures. Safe place installaHon and RDI would work with BLS because of other acHve elements, but they would funcHon beWer without it.

  4. } Korn and Leeds´s study shows how RDI is useful in a clinical sample of complex trauma paHents, but we don´t know if they improve more using BLS } Hornsveld, De Jongh & Broeke ´s study is developed in a non-clinical sample, and the selecHon of the resources is more focused on standardizaHon. In the clinical use of RDI the therapist tries to find the most significant resources for each parHcular paHent } Image vividness is not the only element that may change } It is well established in basic research how image and emoHon of the memory decreases with BLS , and this finding has been related to the working memory hypothesis about the effect of EM, but this is only one of the hypotheses proposed to explain EMDR effects , and there is sHll not a consensus about it } There is controversy about when EMDR is safe and effecHve in dissociaHve paHents

  5. } Studies in clinical samples analysing RDI as a part of a therapeuHc process in real paHents } To compare an acHve treatment group with a control group } To analyse more elements apart from image vividness } To see if the procedure can be used safely and effecHvely in paHents with more dissociaHve symptoms

  6. } The resource is very specific for each client . It´s not just an image that the paHent considers posiHve. It is something that may help the paWent to face a problemaWc situaWon } Differences between a clinical se^ng and an experimental se^ng: - Some%mes the pa%ent selects something apparently posi%ve because it was posi(ve previously (but it is related to a lost figure, and connec%ng with it ac%vates grief) - The pa%ent may choose something apparently posi%ve that is dysfunc%onal, because there is an idealiza(on of that figure or situa%on - Some%mes the pa%ent is not aware of resources that they have, or they are not aware of them being real resources - The therapist´s interven(on, the knowledge of pa(ent´s history, and clinical judgment are essen(al in order to select an adequate resource } RDI is more than the vividness of image: it includes all the percepHve elements, emoHons and sensaHons, and also what the resource means to the paWent ; this is the essence of that resource.

  7. Adults } In the acHve group ( RDI + BLS) there are staHsHcally significant improvements in all the four variables } In the control group (RDI + SHAM condiHon) there are only changes with staHsHc significance in the intensity of body sensaHon

  8. Adults RDI+ BLS U of Mann-Whitney 7 6 5 4 PRE 3 POST 2 1 0 *Image Vividness (p=0,001) Intensity of Body Sensation *Emotional Intensity (p<0,0001) *General Well-Being (p<0,0001) (p<0,0001)

  9. Adults RDI + SHAM U of Mann-Whitney 7 6 5 4 PRE POST 3 2 1 0 Image Vividness *Intensity of Body Sensation Emotional Intensity General Well-Being (p<0,021)

  10. CHI-SQUARE E IN ADU DULTS BLS BLS SHAM SHAM *Image vividness improvement t 26 (52%) 26 (52%) 13 (26,5%) 13 (26,5%) (p=0,035) (p=0,035) Image vividness deterioration or no 24 (48%) 36 (73,5%) improvement *Inte tensity ty body sensati tion 37 (74%) 37 (74%) 23 (46,9%) 23 (46,9%) improvement t (p=0,035) Intensity body sensation, 13 (26%) 26 (53,1%) deterioration or no improvement Emotional intensity improvement 25 (50%) 19 (38,8%) Emotional intensity, deterioration or 25 (50%) 30 (61,2%) no improvement *General well-being improvement t 25 (50%) 25 (50%) 15 (30,6%) 15 (30,6%) (p=0,56) (p=0,56) General well-being, deterioration or 25 (50%) 34 (69,4%) no improvement The difference in the improvements of the BLS group is significant or close to significant in all variables, except the improvement in emoHonal intensity.

  11. } 15 in the acHve group (BLS) 11 in the control group (SHAM) } No significant differences in DES scoring in the pre-test (p=0,413) } Only in the acHve group are there pre/post differences with staHsHcal significance } The vividness of image is not the variable that improves most. EmoWonal intensity and intensity of body sensaWon showed the greatest changes.

  12. Adolescents RDI+ BLS U of Mann-Whitney 7 6 5 4 PRE POST 3 2 1 0 *Image Vividness (p=0,53) *Intensity of Body Sensation *Emotional Intensity (p=0,006) General Well-Being (p=0,929) (p=0,028)

  13. Adolescents RDI+ SHAM U of Mann-Whitney 7 6 5 4 PRE 3 POST 2 1 0 Image Vividness (p=0,246) Intensity of Body Sensation Emotional Intensity (p=0,786) General Well-Being (p=0,785) (p=0,140)

  14. CHI-SQUARE E IN ADO DOLES ESCEN ENTS BLS BLS SHAM SHAM Image vividness improvement 6 5 Image vividness deterioration or no 9 6 improvement Intensity body sensation 9 5 improvement Intensity body sensation 6 6 deterioration or no improvement *Em Emoti tional inte tensity ty improvement t 10 10 3 3 Emotional intensity deterioration or 5 5 8 8 no improvement General well-being improvement 7 2 General well-being deterioration or 8 9 no improvement There is no significant differences in the improvements between the groups. However, the improvement in emoHonal intensity is the most evident, due to the fact it is a very small sample.

  15. } 31 children aged 4-12, 16 in the acHve group and 15 in the control group } No significant differences (Mann-Whitney) in the pre-test regarding age and level of dissociaHon (CDC) } Improvement in emoHonal intensity is staHsHcally significant in both groups } The control group also improves significantly in image vividness } The benefits of BLS are not evident in the acWve group, probably due to the need of adaptaWons in the procedure for li\le children

  16. Children RDI+ BLS U of Mann-Whitney 6 5 4 PRE 3 POST 2 1 0 Image Vividness Intensity of Body Sensation *Emotional Intensity General Well-Being

  17. Children RDI+ SHAM U of Mann-Whitney 7 6 5 4 PRE POST 3 2 1 0 *Image Vividness Intensity of Body Sensation *Emotional Intensity General Well-Being

  18. The hypothesis 1 (BLS in the RDI procedure acHvates the AIP system) is more supported by our data than the hypothesis 2 (BLS would be counterproducHve in RDI because it has decreased image vividness and emoHonal intensity in basic research). } In adults, the improvement is bigger in the acHve group (RDI + BLS) in all the variables except emoHonal intensity } In adolescents the improvement is bigger in the acHve group in emoHonal intensity and intensity of body sensaHon, but only reaches staHsHcal significance in emoHonal intensity } In children only the emoHonal intensity improves in the post measures at a significant level, but the control group improves in emoHonal intensity and image vividness. The differences between the acHve and sham condiHon group did not reach staHsHc significances when they are compared in the post-test.

  19. } The groups of adolescents and children offer only preliminary results (small sample) } Introducing BLS in the RDI procedure seems to be beneficial in adults and adolescents } Basic research cannot be directly translated to clinical situaHons } Children need adaptaHons of protocols, and the results are difficult to generalize due to the different ages and developmental stages

  20. } We need a Specific protocol to work with children of similar developmental stage and needs } The clinical effect of the RDI intervenHon (not only changes in the resource characterisHcs) needs to be analysed } Those results should be also analysed using subjects with different diagnoses

  21. } Shapiro, F (2012)The New York Times, march 2 } Davidson and Parker, 2001. Eye Movement DesensiWzaWon and Reprocessing (EMDR): A Meta-Analysis, Journal of Counselling and Clinical Psychological, 69 (2), 305-316 } Hornsveld et al. (2012). Stop the Use of Eye Movements in Resource Development and InstallaWon, unWl their addiWonal value has been proven: A rejoinder to Leeds and Korn (2012) } Hornsveld et al. (2011) Journal of EMDR PracWce and Research, vol. 5 number 4 } Leeds, A.; Korn, D. (2012) Journal of EMDR PracWce and Research, vol. 6 number 4


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