t he winning e dge gr ant wr iting str ate gie s for suc

T he Winning E dge : Gr ant Wr iting Str ate gie s for Suc c - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

T he Winning E dge : Gr ant Wr iting Str ate gie s for Suc c e ss Susa n L inn slinn@ e pile psyne we ng la nd.o rg Age nda 1. A little a b o ut yo u 8:30 2. My to p 10 list 8:35 3. Mo re T ips 9:35 4. Yo ur T o p L ist/

  1. T he Winning E dge : Gr ant Wr iting Str ate gie s for Suc c e ss Susa n L inn slinn@ e pile psyne we ng la nd.o rg

  2. Age nda 1. A little a b o ut yo u 8:30 2. My to p 10 list 8:35 3. Mo re T ips 9:35 4. Yo ur T o p L ist/ Sha ring 9:45 5. Que stio ns 10:20

  3. 10. Qua litie s of Hig hly Suc c e ssful Gra nt Write rs 1. Wo rk “E thic ” 2. Dive rse Org a niza tio na l De ve lo pme nt Skills/ K no wle dg e 3. Pro fe ssio na l De ve lo pme nt: Gra nt Write rs a s Re vie we rs 4. Ge t o r Sta y Co nne c te d 5. Pe rsua sive Writing

  4. 9. Gra nt Profe ssiona l a s Proje c t Pla nne r 1. F a c ilita to r 2. Build a Pla nning T e a m 3. L o g ic Mo de l

  5. L ogic Mode ls “T he pro g ra m lo g ic mo de l is de fine d a s a pic ture o f ho w yo ur o rg a niza tio n do e s its wo rk – the the o ry a nd a ssumptio ns unde rlying the pro g ra m. A pro g ra m lo g ic mo de l links o utc o me s (b o th sho rt- a nd lo ng -te rm) with pro g ra m a c tivitie s/ pro c e sse s a nd the the o re tic a l a ssumptio ns/ princ iple s o f the pro g ra m.” Gre a tly stre ng the n the c a se fo r inve stme nt. WK Ke llo g g F o undatio n

  6. L og ic Mode ls Many for mats

  7. Let’s Try This Needs/Data • Goals • Objectives • Activities • Process Outcomes • Impact Outcomes • https://www.nationalservice.gov/sites/ default/files/upload/OpAC%20Logic%2 0Model%20draft%20in%20progress.pdf

  8. But 1st • Objectives are measurable; they are tangible, specific, concrete, and achievable in a specified time period • Goals are conceptual, broad, and sometimes abstract • CLIENTS

  9. NEEDS GOALS OBJECTIVES ACTIVITIES PROCESS IMPACT PwE need emergent care by trained 1 st responders 1 st responders aren’t trained

  10. 8. Is your org a niza tion g ra nt- re a dy? 1. Gro wn-up? 2. Org a niza tio na l prio rity 3. Pro je c t o wne rship 4. Org a niza tio na l re a dine ss to unde rta ke the pro je c t 5. So und e va lua tio n a nd susta ina b ility pla ns

  11. 7. Re se ar c h Your Gr antor 1. Guide line s 2. F o rm 990: e .g ., nc c s.urb a n.o rg

  12. What does it tell you?

  13. 6. Re lationships 1. Gra nto rs 2. Bo a rd Me mb e rs/ Othe rs 3. Gra nt Write rs 4. Othe r No npro fits 5. Yo ur T e a m

  14. 5. Know Whe n to Wa lk Awa y F ind the b a la nc e : 1. “No thing ve nture d, no thing g a ine d” 2. Ove rta xing re so urc e s/ pre ma ture a pplic a tio ns  Gra nt Se e king Stra te g ic Prio ritie s  Gra nt Ca le nda rs

  15. 4. Use of “Infogr aphic s” A pic ture is wo rth a tho usa nd wo rds. Co mpa re : “T he de mo g ra phic s o f L PS stude nts a re 40% first la ng ua g e no t E ng lish (vs. 18% in MA), 75% lo w-inc o me (38% MA), a nd 82% “hig h ne e ds” (49% MA).”

  16. Title % of District % of State First Language not English 39.6 17.8 English Language Learner 29.4 7.9 Low-income 75.1 38.3 Students With Disabilities 15.1 17.0 Free Lunch 66.3 33.6 Reduced Lunch 8.8 4.7 High Needs 82.1 48.8

  17. Outcomes Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Students Cohort 1: 140 Cohort 1: 140 Cohort 1: 140 completing/updating Cohort 2: 110 Cohort 2: 110 career portfolio Cohort 3: 110 Students participating in Cohort 1: 140 Cohort 1: 140 Cohort 1: 140 basic job search Cohort 2: 110 Cohort 2: 110 workshops/activities Cohort 3: 110 Students choosing career Cohort 1: 140 Cohort 2: 110 Cohort 3: 110 pathways

  18. 3. Sta rt with a T ra nspa re nt Budg e t 1. L e a ving it to la st c o uld spe ll disa ste r 2. Sho uld te ll yo ur who le pro je c t sto ry 3. Use na rra tive – mo re tha n the fina nc e pe o ple

  19. Lowell Afterschool STEM Program Item Cost Notes 2,250$150 per elementary school @ 3 schools; $225 STEM Team FIRST Registration Cost per middle school @ 8 schools Materials (e.g., building supplies) for 6,255$724.80 for each elem school (3 teams per 3 each afterschool STEM Team schools); $510 for each middle school team (8) Trainers to teach FIRST Team Teacher 980$560 for middle school trainer for 16 hours; Leaders $420 for elementary trainer at 16 hours 1,440$480 per elementary team coach/leader (3 Elementary School team leaders total) 3,360$420 per middle school team coach/leader (8 Middle School team leaders total) Indirect costs at 8% 1,143Administration of project TOTAL 15,428

  20. 2. T he Wor kplan Who is g o ing to do wha t, whe n? Po we rful:  I nfo g ra phic  Pla nning T o o l  Ma na g e me nt T o o l  Re po rting T o o l

  21. Activity/Milestone Person(s) Responsible 1 2 3 Issue Press Release to announce Executive Director, with X award Foundation staff Research web development Program Manager X consultants Issue contract for web design CFO X X Web designer produces first “draft” Web designer consultant X “Draft” circulated to Board Program Manager; Board “Draft” reviewed by 8-member Program Manager; focus X focus group of clients group “Final draft” presented to Board Program Manager with X Consultant Web design finalized X X New web design “live” Program Manager

  22. ACT IVIT Y/ Mile stone Pe rson(s) Re sponsible De c Ja n F e b Ma r Apr Ma y Jun E sta b lish 10+ me mb e r mo nthly F 2S T a sk x F o rc e F 2S Pro je c t Mg r Re po rt o n b e st pra c tic e s fo r F 2S in "like " x c o mmunitie s De ve lo s writte n susta ina b ility pla n fo r a ll F 2S T a sk F o rc e x pro je c t c o mpo ne nts I de ntify ta rg e t fruits a nd ve g e ta b le s fo r lo c a l pro c ure me nt a nd a va ila b le x x x x Ma ss. F a rm to Sc ho o l & me tho ds o f pro c ure me nt Ara ma rk F o o d Se rvic e s I de ntify a ll o ppo rtunitie s to pa rtic ipa te in Dire c to r funde d pro g ra ms tha t wo uld suppo rt x x x F 2S e ffo rts I mple me nt lo c a l fo o ds pro mo tio na l F 2S Pro je c t Mg r; F 2S T a sk c a mpa ig ns (e .g ., MA Ha rve st o f the F o rc e ; Ma ss F a rm to Mo nth). Sc ho o l F 2S Pro je c t Mg r; F 2S T a sk I de ntify o ppo rtunitie s fo r po lic y c ha ng e F o rc e ; Ma ss F a rm to x to suppo rt F 2S Sc ho o l; L PS He a lth a nd We llne ss Co mmitte e

  23. 1. Gr ant Wr ite r ’s Role on/ afte r Awar d 1. L a unc h the pro je c t 2. Ste wa rd the g ra nto r 3. Pro mo te suc c e sse s

  24. Mo re T ips 9:35 Yo ur T o p L ist/ Sha ring 9:45 Que stio ns 10:20

  25. PAIR UP(ish) 5 minutes: • Brief intro • What is something you will use that you learned today? • What has helped you write grants? And/or • What tip would you give to the group?

  26. MORE TIPS X •


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