Switchless Matching Networks for Dual-Band Class-E Power Amplifiers Yifei Li, Zhen Zhang and Nathan M. Neihart Iowa State University MWSCAS 2014-College Station, TX.
Outline Motivations Dual-Band Matching Networks for Power Amplifiers Proposed Dual-Band Matching Networks for Class E PA Simulation Results Conclusion 2/22
Motivations Multi- band radio is a basic requirement for today’s wireless devices Non-contiguous Carrier Aggregation requires concurrent operation Simultaneous tasks Carrier 20 MHz #5 Carrier 20 MHz #4 Aggregated 100 MHz Mobile Data 20 MHz Carrier Capacity #1 Pipe Carrier 20 MHz #2 Carrier 20 MHz #3 3/22
Motivation for Dual-Band/Multi-Band Power Amplifier PA is a major part of RF front end Multi-band PA brings Smaller area Lower cost IPhone 5 mother board GSM Tx PA GSM Tx Primary Antenna WCDMA Tx PA WCDMA Tx Antenna Switch Typical PA module 4/22
Outline Motivations Dual-Band Output Matching Networks for Power Amplifiers Switch-Based Transmission-Line Based Lumped Element Based Proposed Dual-Band Matching Networks for Class E PA Simulation Results Conclusion 5/22
Single and Dual-Band Output Matching Networks Output matching networks 50 Ω 50 Ω converts 50 Ω antenna load to desired load impedance Z Load Z Load (Z Load ) seen by the transistor Usually low impedance Single-band OMN: conversion only achieved at one frequency Dual-band OMN: conversion can be achieved at two frequencies We care about: desired impedance loss 6/22
Switch-Based Output Matching Networks Disadvantages Extra cost of RF switches Extra loss of RF switches Does not support concurrent operation Advantages Simple design Can be extended to multiple bands 50 Ω Z Load 7/22 Luca Larcher et al, Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition, Apr. 2009, pp.364-368.
Transmission Line and Lumped Element Output Matching Networks Transmission line OMN Disadvantages: Large area Advantages: Low loss Lump element OMN Advantages: Small area. Disadvantages: Circuit complexity an loss increase with number of supported frequency bands (beyond 3 bands) This particular lumped element OMN has no control on harmonics V DD V DD λ /4 @ 3f 1 λ /4 @ 3f 2 50 Ω 50 Ω Z Load λ /4 @ 2f 1 λ /4 @ 3f 2 λ /2 @ 2f 2 Z Load Danish Kalim et al, IEEE International Microwave Symposium Digest(MTT), Jun. 2011, PP.1-4. 8/22 Koji Uchida et al, IEEE Asian-Pacific Microwave Conference Proceedings, Dec.2005.
Outline Motivations Dual-Band Matching Networks for Power Amplifiers Proposed Dual-Band Output Matching Networks for Class E PA All Lumped Element Output Matching Network Transformer-Based Output Matching Network Simulation Results Conclusion 9/22
Conventional Single-Band Output Matching Network for Class E PA Desired Z Load =7+j8 Ω at the design frequency, and high absolute impedance at harmonics Part A realizes real-to-real impedance conversion, providing real part of desired impedance, R L , at design frequency Part B provides X L at the design frequency and high impedance at harmonics L x L o C o C s B A L p 50 Ω Z Load =jX L +R L R L 10/22
Proposed Dual-Band Output Matching Networks for Class E PA Desired impedance: 7+j8 Ω @ 800MHz and 1900MHz Proposed all-lumped element output matching network C O L 1 L 2 L S C S 50 Ω B L P C 2 A C P Z Load =jX L +R L R L Proposed transformer-based output matching network L S L 1 C O C S k L P L 2 C P 50 Ω Z eff A B C 2 R L Z Load =jX L +R L 11/22
All-Lumped Element Dual-Band OMN C O L 1 L 2 First consider the real-to-real L S C S 50 Ω impedance conversion B L P C 2 A C P Part A converts 50 Ω to 7 Ω at both Z Load =jX L +R L R L frequencies C sL , L pL form equivalent low-band L match L S C S 50 Ω C sH , L pH form equivalent high-band C P L P L match R L Component values in equivalent Low Band High Band single-band MNs can be C sL L sH calculated at each 50 Ω 50 Ω L pL C pH frequency R L,Low R L,High 12/22
All-Lumped Element Dual-Band OMN Now consider the positive reactance Part B provides +j8 Ω at both frequencies and high impedance at their harmonics C O L 1 L 2 Green box acts as a variable inductor L S C S 50 Ω B L P C 2 A C P Z Load =jX L +R L R L High band Low band L xL L xH L oH C o L oL C o How to determine C O Trade off between harmonic impedance (loss in power transistor) and loss in the matching network 13/22
Transformer-Based Dual-Band OMN Part B provides +j8 Ω at both frequencies, and high impedance at their harmonics Green box acts as a variable inductor Red part of the expression is what we used The rest is parasitic resistance C O L 1 L S C S 𝑙2𝑏 𝑙 2 1−𝑏 2 k L P 𝑅 50 Ω L 2 C P 𝑎 𝑓𝑔𝑔 = 𝜕𝑀 1 + 𝑘𝜕𝑀 1 1 + 2 2 1 + 1 1 + 1 Z eff A 𝑏 −𝑏 𝑏 −𝑏 𝑅2 𝑅2 B C 2 where R L Z Load =jX L +R L 𝜕 𝑝 = 1/ 𝑀 2 𝐷 2 , High band Low band 𝑅 = 𝜕 𝑝 𝑀 2 , 𝑆 2 L xH L oH C o L xL L oL C o 𝑏 (𝑀,𝐼) = 𝜕 (𝑀,𝐼) /𝜕 𝑝 14/22
Loss Optimization of Transformer-Based OMN C O Sweep 𝜕 𝑝 , for each 𝜕 𝑝 , the values L 1 L S C S k L P 50 Ω L 2 C P of 𝑀 1 and 𝑙 can be determined. Z eff A B C 2 𝑙 2 1−𝑏 2 R L Z Load =jX L +R L 𝑀 1 1 + = 𝜕 𝑀 (𝑀 𝑌𝑀 +𝑀 𝑃𝑀 ) 2 1 + 1 High band 𝑏 −𝑏 𝑅2 Low band 𝑙 2 1−𝑏 2 𝑀 1 1 + = 𝜕 𝐼 (𝑀 𝑌𝐼 +𝑀 𝑃𝐼 ) 2 1 + 1 𝑏 −𝑏 𝑅2 L xH L xL L oH C o L oL C o Loss model Total loss in terms of parasitic resistance is expressed as 𝑙 2 𝑏 + 𝜕𝑀 1 𝑅 𝑅 𝑦 is the quality factor of 𝑄𝑏𝑠𝑏𝑡𝑗𝑢𝑗𝑑 𝑆𝑓𝑡 Ω = 𝜕𝑀 1 2 𝑅 𝑦 1 + 1 𝑀 1 at each frequency 𝑏 − 𝑏 𝑅 2 Parasitic resistance from the primary winding Reflected parasitic resistance from the secondary winding 15/22
Loss Optimization of Transformer-Based OMN Trade off between OMN loss and transistor loss Higher harmonic impedance -> low loss in transistor To increase the impedance at the 2 nd harmonic of low band, 𝝏 𝟏 should be closer to 𝟑𝒈 𝑴 . 𝜕 𝑝 is set at 2 π *1.25G rad/s Higher loss in high band OMN Higher loss in low band power transistor Parasitic Res H [ Ω ] Parasitic Res L [ Ω ] 16/22 Resonant frequency [GHz] Resonant frequency [GHz]
Outline Motivations Dual-Band Matching Networks for Power Amplifiers Proposed Dual-Band Matching Networks for Class E PA Simulation Results Conclusion 17/22
Simulation Results Simulation environment HBT power transistor with 3.5V power supply TDK MHG0603 (mm) inductors Murata GJM 0603 (mm) capacitor Low DC resistance (m Ω ) 1 μ H choke Inductor Operation frequencies: 800MHz and 1900MHz Substrate: 2-layer PCB with a thickness of 864 μ m, average dielectric constant of 3.57, metal thickness of 18 μ m, average loss tangent of 0.0036 V DD Component values Choke Ind L S (nH) C S (pF) L P (nH) C P (pF) OMN 2.5 6.6 2.3 7.2 50 Ω L 1 (nH) L 2 (nH) C 2 (pF) C 3 (pF) k All-lumped 7 3.7 3.5 3.6 – Transformer 8.1 4 4.1 4.5 0.64 18/22 -based
Simulation Results All-lumped output matching network At 800MHz, η =71%@30.2dBm At 1.9GHz, η =68%@29dBm Transformer-based output matching network At 800MHz, η =75%@30.1dBm At 1.9GHz, η =67%@27.4dBm Transformer based 19/22 All-lumped element
Simulated Performance Comparison Simulated output Frequency Band Simulated Efficiency Ref Power* Load Type (GHz) (%) (watt/V 2 ) Switch- [2] 0.9/1.8 0.011 η=44/40 based/off chip 1.9/2.3/ η=64/62 [3] 0.02 On-chip 2.6/3.5 /59/58 η=73.6/ [4] 1.81/2.65 0.0075 TLs 70.1 PAE=51.6/ Lumped/ [6]** 0.8/1.5 0.05/0.026 51.9 Off chip This work all- lump load 0.8/1.9 0.067/0.038 η=75/67 Lumped/ network Off chip This work transformer 0.8/1.9 0.038 η=71/68 Lumped/ based Off chip * Output power normalized to V 2 DD ** Measured Result Luca Larcher et al, Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition, Apr. 2009, pp.364-368. Ki Young Kim et al, IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, vol.21, no.7, July.2011. Danish Kalim et al, IEEE International Microwave Symposium Digest (MTT), Jun. 2011, pp.1-4. 20/22 Koji Uchida et al, IEEE Asian-Pacific Microwave Conference Proceedings, Dec.2005.
Conclusion Two compact switchless dual-band output matching networks are designed for class E power amplifier which achieve drain efficiency above 67%, with transformer-based one having a little higher efficiency. All-lumped element OMN is preferred when area is the main concern. Transformer could be several times larger than a lumped component. Transformer-based OMN is preferred when performance is the main concern. Especially with advanced substrate and thick metal. In such circumstances, transformer based PA will have higher efficiency than all-lumped element PA. 21/22
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