sustainability and

Sustainability and Energy security; FCH in the context of EU - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Competitiveness, Sustainability and Energy security; FCH in the context of EU energy policy Bart Biebuyck 20 th Nov. 2018 Hydrogen Sweden Conference Stockholm World Greenhouse gas emissions Target is to stay below +2C average global

  1. Competitiveness, Sustainability and Energy security; FCH in the context of EU energy policy Bart Biebuyck 20 th Nov. 2018 Hydrogen Sweden Conference Stockholm

  2. World Greenhouse gas emissions Target is to stay below +2°C average global warming and to aim for +1.5°C (Paris Climate Agreement) 2

  3. CO2 and Pollution are the problem A) CO 2 problem: B) Pollution: ✓ Transport CO 2 evolution on yearly basis vs 2030/2050 ✓ Air pollution is a real problem for the health of EU decarbonisation targets shows that the recent citizens (467.000 premature deaths - EEA) ✓ EU cities forced to shut down due to high economical growth increases the CO 2 again. ✓ Transport counts for nearly a quarter of the CO 2 . concentration of pollutants Source: European Environmental Agency

  4. Fuel Cells & Hydrogen technologies in the context of the European Energy policy research excellence leading to industry 1 innovation and growth 1 Increase independence from unstable 2 COMPETI- outside regions TIVENESS • FUELL H2 is a clean energy carrier • Transport and Energy applications, generate CELLS 3 electricity and heat with very high efficiency and • Possibility for storage of renewable energy sources HYDROG 3 2 • Reduction of CO2 emissions 80-95% CO 2 EN reduction 40% CO 2 reduction SUSTAIN- 20% CO 2 reduction ENERGY 27% 32% enewables 20% Renewables ABILITY SECURITY 27% 32.5% Energy Eff 20% Energy Eff. 2020 2030 2050 4

  5. Strong public-private partnership with a focused objective A combined private-public of 1.73 billion Euro has been invested to bring products to market readiness by 2020 47.5% FUEL CELLS AND HYDROGEN JOINT UNDERTAKING 401 million euros 128 projects 42% Industry grouping Research grouping >130 members 70 members 50% SME 353 million euros 227 projects 59 projects supported for 5.5% 844 m€ Energy Transport Cross-cutting 47 million euros H 2 production Road vehicles standards, safety, Non-road vehicles and distribution 37 projects education, consumer H 2 storage Refueling infra awareness, … 5% F/C for CHP Maritime, rail and aviation applications 42 million euros 3 projects Similar leverage of other sources of funding: 886 m €

  6. FCH 2 JU Objectives Market readiness of a portfolio of clean, efficient and affordable solutions for our energy and transport systems H 2 storage for Clean grid balancing Transport Demonstrate on a large- Reduce fuel cell system scale hydrogen’s capacity costs for transport to harness power from applications renewables and support its integration into the energy system Green hydrogen production Minimal use of Heat & Increase efficiency and critical raw electricity reduce costs of hydrogen materials production, mainly from production Reduce platinum water electrolysis and Increase fuel cell loading renewables efficiency and lifetime 6

  7. The role of hydrogen in our society & economy Hydrogen allows more renewables in the energy system through storage and enables sectoral integration (2) SECTORAL INTEGRATION (1) STORAGE (seasonal) Transport Industry Feedstock NG Heating & Cooling 7

  8. Overview of FCH JU activities in Sweden BUDGET ALLOCATION Demonstration Research 37% SWEDEN REGIONS INITIATIVE: Gavleborg County: 63% • 24 Swedish beneficiaries -Galesburg 5 Buses planed (JIVE) -Mariestad • Participating in 35* projects Plans: • Total FCH JU 5 planned FC cars – H2ME contribution: 16.7 Mil € Malm ö : 1 planned H2 Refuelling Station • AFI shows 5 stations by 4 cars deployed in Stockholm – H2ME 2 (HYFIVE) 2025 In total 9 HRS* and more than 100 cars* are Sandviken: planned to be deployed in Sweden by 2020 1car & 1 HRS deployed (H2ME) Facts: More than 35 cars on the roads* Mariestad: • 7 deployed HRS* 1 HRS deployed (H2ME 2) * Including non-FCH JU demonstrations 8 *Nordic Hydrogen Corridor & H2ME 2

  9. SECTOR Green H 2 production and industry 9

  10. Electrolysis for energy storage and greening of Industry Support to developing electrolysers; Increasing demonstrations with falling support HRS Steel industry Refineries Food industry Electrolyser Demo Projects 12 25 98 M€ 10 FCH JU Support (MEuro/MW) 20 Capacity (MW) 8 15 6 10 4 5 2 31 Projects 0 0 2011 2014 2016 2017 Axis Title 10

  11. Big industries are discovering the potential of Hydrogen (1/2) Thanks to FCH-JU research projects the costs of electrolysers decreased and became interesting for big industries to invest AUSTRIA 3.4 MW electrolyser at MPREIS (bakery plant) in Völs 6 MW electrolyser at VOESTALPINE (steel plant) in Linz • The green H 2 is produced from hydro-electricity (from Alps) • The green H 2 is produced from hydro-electricity (from Alps) • 1 st phase: it is used to heat the ovens to bake the bread • It is used to produce steel in this way the industry can make a • 2 nd phase: distribution by using H 2 trucks first step towards CLEAN STEEL DURATION: 2017- 2022; project 7.74 M€ (2.93 M€ by FCH -JU) DURATION: 2017-2021; project 18 M€ (12 M € by FCH -JU) 11

  12. Big industries are discovering the potential of Hydrogen (2/2) Thanks to FCH-JU research projects the costs of electrolysers decreased and became interesting for big industries to invest GERMANY 150/30kW Reversible electrolyser, Salzgitter 10 MW electrolyser at SHELL in Köln • To operate a high-temperature Electrolyser as reversible • The green H 2 is produced from curtailed wind energy due generator (rSOC, reversible Solid Oxide Cell) in the industrial to a full electricity grid. • The produced H 2 will be injected in the natural gas grid environment of an integrated iron and steel work. • The system is flexible to produce either H 2 or electricity. (part of it can be used for Shell internal processes) DURATION: 2018-2022; project 16 M€ ( 10 M€ by FCH -JU) DURATION: 2016-2019; project 4.5 M€ (100% by FCH-JU) (Website under preparation) ( 12

  13. Next steps Scaling-up from MW to GW-scale through further research and an EU wide electrolyser initiative (1) Continue RESEARCH (low TRL) to bring costs further down & performances up May ’18: Research Ministers worldwide agreed on a new H 2 Mission Innovation challenge “ Accelerating development of a global hydrogen market by identifying and overcoming key barriers to the production, distribution, storage and use of hydrogen at gigawatt scale” Led by: Australia, European Commission and Germany (others: Austria, Canada, China, France, India, Italy, Japan, Norway, Saudi Arabia, UK, USA) (2) Market ACCELERATION to keep EU leadership, creating jobs and growth in EU To boost investments and create the Thanks to FCH-JU, EU has a 3 year technological lead supply chain an initiative is needed e.g. vs others and can be the supplier 40GW electrolyser initiative of the world 13


  15. Roll out of cars by FCH-JU Hydrogen Mobility Europe (H2ME) All FCH-JU projects together will put 1600 vehicles on the EU market to gain experience with the technology 2017 2018 (Today) 2021 20xx 2025 ’13 Hyundai IX35 AUDI / VW ’15 Renault Hykangoo model ’15 Toyota Mirai MARKET IN FAST ’16 Honda Clarity EXPANSION… Next HONDA HYUNDAI Nexo DAIMLER launched GLC NEW TOYOTA MIRAI & Clarity BMW small series LEXUS (est.) Hydrogen fuel cell cars & vans in Europe FCEV's on EU roads • About 1200 FCEV’s on EU roads 6000 US 1800 5000 • EU OEM’s : small demo’s ~2025, 1600 In H2ME projects 4000 mass production 2025~ JP 1400 3000 1200 (EU OEM’s part of FCH -JU) 1439 Plan… Number 1000 2000 PSA: start FCV development EU 333 800 Depl… 1000 • FIA: Start H 2 competition in ’24 600 0 400 • California & Japan sales are going 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 200 fast due to strong policy support 2018 2020 2022 2025 2030 0 EUROPE JAPAN UNITED STATES Europe 1200 - - (0.9 -1 mill)* Tbc ** EU mobility package is good China 150 5000 - 50.000 1 million Hyundai Ix35 HyKangoo ZE maxi Toyota Mirai Honda Clarity FCX Daimler-Mercedes Jaar chance to catch up Japan 2500 40.000 - 200.000 800.000 USA 5000 - - - - S-Korea 0 - 16.000 - - 15 * According to the action plan of Alternative Fuel Directive ** McKinsey study Hydrogen: Europe roadmap to be released Oct 2018.

  16. Roll-out of the required infrastructure in Europe Europe installs Hydrogen Refuelling Stations thanks to European programs (FCH-JU & CEF) & national programs. Source: FCH JU KM data collection file, 20/09/2017, public stations Development of a system for HRS availability in the EU USA-DoE & CaFCP, Japan-HySUT To date ca. S1 2017 Public hydrogen refueling stations 100 90 In H2ME projects 80 70 60 49 Planned 50 40 10 Deplo… 30 20 10 0 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 to date Sept Japan Europe USA 2018 2020 2022 2025 2030 Europe 100 - - (820~842)* Tbc ** China 12 100 - 350 1000 Japan 100 160 - 320 (900) USA 35 100 - 200~225 - S-Korea 0 - 310 - - “H2 live” App * According to the action plan of Alternative Fuel Directive H2 mobility Deutschland ** McKinsey study H2: Europe roadmap to be released Oct ‘18. 16


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