SOC OCIAL IAL EN ENTE TERP RPRIS RISES ES AN AND SUS USTAIN AINABLE ABLE DE DEVE VELOPMENT OPMENT By Assoc.Prof.Patcharin Sirasoonthorn, Ph.D Faculty of Social Sciences Naresuan University, Phitsanulok Thailand
Business and model spectrum Impact mpact Investi esting ng Ac Achie ieve e measur surab able e social ial imp mpact act and finan ancial cial ret eturn Traditional Social Traditional charity enterprises business Self-sus sustaining taining Soci cial al bus usiness iness profit its s are reinvest ested ed Mission ion-dri driven en for profit it enter erpris rises es
Ex Exam amples ples of of 5 st 5 star ars s co community mmunity pr prod oduct ucts
Cloth and Weaving ChiengMai Phae Kampeangphet
Organic food and agricultural products Uttaradit Tak Sukhothai Nakonsawan
Handicraft and Gift Phichit Sukhothai Kamphengphet Nakonsawan Fragrant candle
Leather Product Phetchaboon Kamphengphet
Furniture and decoration Sukhothai Nan Kamphengphet Cushions Phae
Metal Product Phetchaboon Kamphengphet Sukhothai Phae
Jewelry, gold and silver products Tak Sukhothai
Ceramic Phetchaboon Lampang
Herbs and medicine Phae Uttaradit Turmeric Balsam
Naresuan University Products
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