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Survivo rship 7/ 9/ 15 Collecting Cancer Data: Survivorship Care - PDF document

Survivo rship 7/ 9/ 15 Collecting Cancer Data: Survivorship Care Plans 2014-2015 NAACCR We b ina r Se rie s July 9, 2015 Q&A Ple a se sub mit a ll q ue stio ns c o nc e rning we b ina r c o nte nt thro ug h the Q&A pa ne l. Re

  1. Survivo rship 7/ 9/ 15 Collecting Cancer Data: Survivorship Care Plans 2014-2015 NAACCR We b ina r Se rie s July 9, 2015 Q&A • Ple a se sub mit a ll q ue stio ns c o nc e rning we b ina r c o nte nt thro ug h the Q&A pa ne l. Re minde r: • I f yo u ha ve pa rtic ipa nts wa tc hing this we b ina r a t yo ur site , ple a se c o lle c t the ir na me s a nd e ma ils. • We will b e distrib uting a Q&A do c ume nt in a b o ut o ne we e k. T his do c ume nt will fully a nswe r q ue stio ns a ske d during the we b ina r a nd will c o nta in a ny c o rre c tio ns tha t we ma y disc o ve r a fte r the we b ina r. 2 F ABUL OUS PRIZE S 3 NAACCR 2014-2015 We b ina r Se rie s 1

  2. Survivo rship 7/ 9/ 15 SPE AKE RS • A. Blythe Rye rso n, PhD, MPH • L e a d E pide mio lo g ist a t the Ca nc e r Surve illa nc e Bra nc h, Divisio n o f Ca nc e r Pre ve ntio n & Co ntro l, Ce nte rs fo r Dise a se Co ntro l a nd Pre ve ntio n • L isa L a ndvo g t, BA, CT R • Ac c re dita tio n Se rvic e s Dire c to r Re g istry Pa rtne rs Inc • Ca thy Ble dso e , MPH & Ra ndi Ryc ro ft, MSPH • Co lo ra do Ca nc e r Re g istry 4 NAACCR Cancer Registry and Surveillance Webinar Series Survivorship Care Plans July 9, 2015 Introduction Linking Cancer Registries and the Needs of Survivors and Clinicians A. Blythe Ryerson, PhD, MPH Lead Epidemiologist Cancer Surveillance Branch, Division of Cancer Prevention & Control, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention NAACCR 2014-2015 We b ina r Se rie s 2

  3. Survivo rship 7/ 9/ 15 Presentation Outline Survivorship IS public health  National Program of Cancer Registries (NPCR)  NPCR in survivorship practice & research  • Study recruitment • Patient ‐ centered outcomes research • Treatment summaries and care plans A vision for cancer registries: impacting quality care  • Quality assessment and improvement • Patient ‐ reported outcomes SURVIVORSHIP IS PUBLIC HEALTH Cancer Survivorship Cancer survivors in U.S. now exceed 13.4 million   More people are living with cancer due to: • An aging population • Earlier diagnosis • Better treatment NAACCR 2014-2015 We b ina r Se rie s 3

  4. Survivo rship 7/ 9/ 15 Issues Faced by Cancer Survivors Medical Recurrence, late effects Physical Pain, fatigue, infertility Psychological Anxiety, depression, resilience, awareness Cognitive Memory, learning, attention Social Relationships, communication, care giving Practical Access to care, understanding follow-up Economic Financial burden, lost income, insurance Public Health Prevention THE NATURAL HISTORY OF ANY DISEASE OF MAN Interrelations of Agent, Host, and Environmental Factors Reaction of the HOST to the STIMULUS Production of STIMULUS Early pathogenesis Discemible Early Advanced Disease Convalescence Lesions Prepathogenesis period Period of Pathogenesis HEALTH PROMOTION SPECIFIC PROTECTION EARLY DIAGNOSIS and DISABILITY LIMITATION REHABILITATION PROMPT TREATMENT Health education Use of specific immunizations Case-finding measures, individual Adequate treatment to arrest the Provision of hospital and and mass disease process and to prevent community facilities for retraining Good standard of nutrition Attention to personal hygiene further complications and and education for maximum use of adjusted to developmental phases Screening surveys Use of environmental sanitation sequelae remaining capacities of life Selective examinations Protection against occupational Provision of facilities to limit Education of the public and Attention to personality hazards disability and to prevent death industry to utilize the rehabilitated development Protection from accidents Objectives: As full employment as possible Provision of adequate housing, Use of specific nutrients To cure and prevent disease recreation and agreeable working Selective placement processes conditions Protection from accidents Work therapy in hospitals To prevent the spread of Marriage counseling and sex Use of specific nutrients Use of sheltered colony communicable diseases education Protection from carcinogens To prevent complications and Genetics Avoidance of allergens sequelae Periodic selective examinations To shorten period of disability Primary Prevention Secondary Prevention Tertiary Prevention Baumann LC, Karel A. Prevention: Primary, Secondary, Tertiary. Encyclopedia of Behavioral Medicine. Springer Science+Business Media, New York 2013 Public Health Prevention THE NATURAL HISTORY OF ANY DISEASE OF MAN Interrelations of Agent, Host, and Environmental Factors Reaction of the HOST to the STIMULUS Production of STIMULUS Early pathogenesis Discemible Early Advanced Disease Convalescence Lesions Prepathogenesis period Period of Pathogenesis HEALTH PROMOTION SPECIFIC PROTECTION EARLY DIAGNOSIS and DISABILITY LIMITATION REHABILITATION PROMPT TREATMENT Health education Use of specific immunizations Case-finding measures, individual Adequate treatment to arrest the Provision of hospital and and mass disease process and to prevent community facilities for retraining Good standard of nutrition Attention to personal hygiene further complications and and education for maximum use of adjusted to developmental phases Screening surveys Use of environmental sanitation sequelae remaining capacities of life Selective examinations Protection against occupational Provision of facilities to limit Education of the public and Cancer Cancer Attention to personality hazards disability and to prevent death industry to utilize the rehabilitated development Protection from accidents Objectives: As full employment as possible Provision of adequate housing, Use of specific nutrients To cure and prevent disease recreation and agreeable working Selective placement processes Survivorship Survivorship conditions Protection from accidents Work therapy in hospitals To prevent the spread of Marriage counseling and sex Use of specific nutrients Use of sheltered colony communicable diseases education Protection from carcinogens To prevent complications and Genetics Avoidance of allergens sequelae Periodic selective examinations To shorten period of disability Primary Prevention Secondary Prevention Tertiary Prevention Baumann LC, Karel A. Prevention: Primary, Secondary, Tertiary. Encyclopedia of Behavioral Medicine. Springer Science+Business Media, New York 2013 NAACCR 2014-2015 We b ina r Se rie s 4

  5. Survivo rship 7/ 9/ 15 Public Health and Cancer Survivorship A National Action Plan for Cancer Survivorship: Advancing Public  Health Strategies • LIVE STRONG & CDC: April, 2004 From Cancer Patient to Cancer Survivor: Lost in Transition  • IOM: November, 2005 ‐ Cancer ‐ Patient ‐ to ‐ Cancer ‐ Survivor ‐ Lost ‐ in ‐ Transition.aspx Cancer Care for the Whole Patient  • IOM: October, 2007 ‐ Care ‐ for ‐ the ‐ Whole ‐ Patient ‐ Meeting ‐ Psychosocial ‐ Health ‐ Needs.aspx Living Well with Chronic Illness  • IOM: January, 2012 ‐ Well ‐ with ‐ Chronic ‐ Illness.aspx CDC and Cancer Survivorship Identify the needs of survivors  Raise awareness of issues around survivorship  Support research and programmatic efforts to  meet the needs of survivors NATIONAL PROGRAM OF CANCER REGISTRIES (NPCR) NAACCR 2014-2015 We b ina r Se rie s 5

  6. Survivo rship 7/ 9/ 15 National Program of Cancer Registries CDC funds NPCR registries covering 96%  of the U.S. population Established in 1992 through the Cancer  Registries Amendment Act Develops and supports Registry Plus TM  Works collaboratively with many federal and non ‐ federal partners: National  Cancer Institute (SEER), NAACCR, ACS, etc. Data Dissemination NPCR & SEER United States Cancer State Cancer NPCR + SEER SEER Analytic Statistics Profiles Research Data Data CINA Data NPCR IN SURVIVORSHIP PRACTICE & RESEARCH NAACCR 2014-2015 We b ina r Se rie s 6

  7. Survivo rship 7/ 9/ 15 Study Recruitment Registries provide population ‐ based lists of ALL patients diagnosed with cancer,  regardless of • Socio ‐ economic states • Locality • Quality of clinical care  Can be used to evaluate effectiveness of interventions • Treatments • Behavior change Study Recruitment Early Case Capture Project Complexity of cancer reporting creates delays in collection, consolidation,  dissemination, and use  NPCR Early Case Capture for pediatric cases project • Carolyn Pryce Walker Act (2008) • Seven NPCR programs collecting pediatric cases within 30 days of diagnosis • Faster data=high potential for clinical trial enrollment Study Recruitment Behavioral Interventions  Study recruitment through registries is a common practice for some registries, but not all CDC initiatives to understand barriers, and facilitators, including those at the  federal level • Improving cancer screening among breast and CRC survivors and their relatives • Promote proactive tobacco cessation among cancer survivors NAACCR 2014-2015 We b ina r Se rie s 7


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