supporting images for representation mackays to peka peka


UNDER The Resource Management Act 1991 IN THE MATTER OF A Board of Inquiry appointed under s149J of the Resource Management Act 1991 to consider applications for a Notice of Requirement and Resource Consents made by the New Zealand Transport

  1. UNDER The Resource Management Act 1991 IN THE MATTER OF A Board of Inquiry appointed under s149J of the Resource Management Act 1991 to consider applications for a Notice of Requirement and Resource Consents made by the New Zealand Transport Agency in relation to the MacKay’s to Peka Peka Expressway proposal. THE BOARD OF INQUIRY Hon. Sir John Hansen (Chairperson) Environment Commissioner David Bunting Glenice Paine Mark Apeldoorn SUPPORTING IMAGES FOR REPRESENTATION : MACKAYS TO PEKA PEKA EXPRESSWAY - NOR AND RESOURCE CONSENTS DENNIS PAGE 8 January 2013

  2. New Zealand Air Department - Civil Aviation Authority: Paraparaumu Aerodrome proposed approach protection 12-30 runway. [copy of ms map]. May 1958. Plan F54-42-E Date: 1958 By: New Zealand Civil Aviation Authority. Airways Division; Wellington Regional Planning Authority Ref: MapColl-832.47962gbbd/Pa/1958/Acc.51655 Map of Paraparaumu Aerodrome showing protection areas at the north western and south eastern ends of runway 12-30. The map also shows a proposed new runway extending east of the terminal area, a proposed westward deviation of Beach Road (now Kapiti Road), and a turnoff for a proposed motorway through Paraparaumu, east of the aerodrome. %5D=motorway+kapiti Figure 1 – Cataloguing text for a map held by the National Library of New Zealand that makes reference to a Kapiti Motorway planned for situation just east of Kapiti Aerodrome.

  3. Figure 2 – Proposed Western Link Road Plans (Source: Kapiti District Council and NZTA)

  4. Figure 3 – Illustration of highway safety issues associated with SH1 and SH57 between Otaki and Levin and contrasting their similarities with the WLR alignment illustrated in Figure 2. (Image source:

  5. Figure 4 – Road crossings over the Waimakariri River, Canterbury. SH1 (left) is of dual carriageway (motorway) standard with separated lanes and the older Main North Road crossing (right) is still maintained for alternative local use. (Source: Google Maps)

  6. Figure 5 – Bridge pylons on the Waimakariri River Crossing, Christchurch Northern Motorway, illustrating ‘future-proofing’ by allowing for the provision of future spans and carriageway expansion. (Source: Internet image)

  7. Figure 6 – Topographical Map (NZMS 1, Figure 7 – Topographical Map (NZMS 1974); Kapiti, showing urban development 260, 1984); Kapiti, showing urban and separation of communities. development and separation of communities.


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