traffic switch onto tg alignment november 2020

Traffic Switch onto TG Alignment November 2020 Mackays Crossing - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Traffic Switch onto TG Alignment November 2020 Mackays Crossing Stage 1: Southbound on TG, Northbound stays as is TG Northbound onramp Future TG Motorway Traffic Switch onto TG Alignment November 2020 Mackays Crossing Stage 2: Switch

  1. Traffic Switch onto TG Alignment November 2020 Mackays Crossing Stage 1: Southbound on TG, Northbound stays as is TG Northbound onramp Future TG Motorway

  2. Traffic Switch onto TG Alignment November 2020 Mackays Crossing Stage 2: Switch northbound and southbound SH1 lanes onto TG via the onramp TG Northbound onramp Future TG Motorway

  3. N MACKAYS Queen Elizabeth CROSSING Park Whareroa Farm KEY TG Vehicles Public Vehicles ASPHALT PLANT AND FUTURE WEIGH STATION Switch onto Nbnd ramp first (November)


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