supply chain improvements

Supply Chain Improvements Linda S Sorrell Chief Ex Chief Ex - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Supply Chain Improvements Linda S Sorrell Chief Ex Chief Ex xecutive xecutive Melbourn ne Health Wh t What i is 5S 5S 5S is a system which h was developed in Japan to establish ba asic discipline and order in the workplac p

  1. Supply Chain Improvements Linda S Sorrell Chief Ex Chief Ex xecutive xecutive Melbourn ne Health

  2. Wh t What i is 5S 5S • 5S is a system which h was developed in Japan to establish ba asic discipline and order in the workplac p ce

  3. The 5 S process • Seiri - Sort • Seiton -Set in orde er • Seiso – Shine and clean up • Seiketsu - Standar Seiketsu Standar rdise rdise • Shitsuke - Sustain

  4. Benefits Benefits s of 5 S s of 5 S • Culture of order C lt f d • Improved efficiency Improved efficiency • Improved quality • Process performance e evident • Improved safety Improved safety • Workplace ownership • Extra space

  5. If you can do If you can do 5S you can do 5S you can do any y ything g “If you can do 5S, you ca y , y an do anything. The y g company that can do w well with 5S can also do well with all other pract e t a ot e p act t ces tices. The company that e co pa y t at cannot even implemen nt the basic 5S, will not be able to do any of the be able to do any of the e other things required e other things required of a competitive organi isation.” Takashi Osada Takashi Osada

  6. Wh t did What did d we do? d d ? • Reviewed usage • Reviewed usage • Developed standard p procedure • Conducted 5S in clinic cal areas’ storerooms • Established imprest in • Established imprest in 17 new areas 17 new areas • Training program • Altered layout • Rationalised stock • Rationalised stock

  7. Achiev Achiev vements vements • Right amount of produ ucts • Clinical areas account • Clinical areas account table table • Ordering process stre amlined • No of returns reduced • Lower levels of stock • Lower levels of stock held held • Space

  8. Rehabilita ation Unit – b f before - m main store i t

  9. B Before - continence ti e & wound stores & d t

  10. After – one room

  11. Before – o Before o one of many one of many variable processes

  12. After – one standard process p

  13. Ordering takes a few minutes Ward staff scan orders scan orders g Ward staff

  14. F Further imp th i provements t •Improved reporting •Processes improved •Procedure manual Procedure manual •Annual imprest review ws •Audits to sustain A dit t t i •FMIS training •Finance training

  15. Concl Concl usions usions • Achieved aims: Better un • Achieved aims: Better un nderstanding and nderstanding and transparency of supply c chain process • 5S enables identification 5S bl id tifi ti n of other forms of waste f th f f t • Improvements reduce tim me, and support effectiveness of cost cen ntre managers • Ongoing improvement – Ongoing improvement next area is warehouse next area is warehouse delivery processes


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