SUMMER EU STUDENT EXCHANGE TOP-UP PROGRAMME BRUSSELS 2016 1 The top-up summer programme in Brussels is organized by the European Union Academic Programme Hong Kong (EUAP) with the support of the European Union and the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Brussels. The aim of the programme is to enhance students’ knowledge on the European Union and on the EU’s role in different global issues. Date: Date: 20 th June 2016 (Mon) to 24 th June 2016 (Fri) Qu Quota ota: 15 This unique tailor-made programme includes*: 1. Visiting the European institutions including European Commission, European Parliament and NATO 2. Learning the works of the EU and discussing with the EU officials or experts in person in different areas 3. Joining a dialogue session with the representatives of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Brussels *The itinerary and programme is subject to change and will be given to chosen participants later on Students will benefit in: 1. Learning the institutional development of European integration; 2. Understanding the EU as a global economic player and the importance of its single market; its development under the current crisis 3. Overviewing the new united foreign policy of the European Union under the service of European External Action Service (EEAS) 4. Acknowledging the role of the European Union in different controversial global issues 5. Understanding the relation between Hong Kong and the European Union APPLICATION CRITERIA:
Full Full-ti time me un underg ergra radu duate ate st students dents of of Hong ong Kong ong Baptis aptist t Un Univ iversit rsity, t y, the U he Uni niversi versity of y of Hon Hong Kon g Kong o g or - the Chinese the Chinese Un Univ iversit ersity y of H of Hong ong Kong Kong Priorities will be given to: Students who are going to participate in a summer programme in Europe organized by Hong 2 - Kong Baptist University, the University of Hong Kong or the Chinese University of Hong Kong Students that are not in their final year of studies - SUBSIDY The top-up summer programme is subsidized by the EUAP. Every participant is entitled to a subsidy worth of € 490. The subsidy will be used to first cover each person’s accommodation cost, which has already been arranged and paid by the EUAP. Accommodation during the whole programme (6 nights between 19 th June and 25 th June) will be covered. Participants do not need to reserve any rooms for the 6 nights mentioned nor to pay the EUAP or the hotel for the room cost. The cost will later on be deducted from the subsidy. The rest of the subsidy, after deducing the cost of accommodation, is to be redeemed after the trip via bank transfer. Participant need to fulfill all requirement of the programme in order to redeem the subsidy. The exact amount of subsidy to be received by participants depends on the exact cost of accommodation as well as the exchange rate between Euro and Hong Kong Dollars by the end of the programme. ENROLLMENT Students need to pay HK$3,000 enrollment fee to confirm their registration. Upon successful completion of the whole programme and submission of all necessary materials, the enrollment fee will be refunded to students together with the daily substance. Students should pay HK$3,000 into the Hang Seng Bank account of 283-338366-001 (HKBU). Please enter the following details as our reference when transferring the registration fee. EUAP- 4049-528 Your name Student ID card number The name of your university (HKBU/CUHK/HKU)
You are highly recommended to do the transfer at a counter in a bank b nk branc ranch for entering the reference. Students who have NOT been given a place for the programme will be refunded the HK$3,000 enrollment fee by the end of June. 3 PR PROCEDUR OCEDURES Interested students should fill in 1.) 1.) The a The appli pplication cation fo form rm and s and sen end it d it t to t o the EUAP he EUAP at at , 2.) .) Bank ank-trans transfer fer or p or pay ay-in in sli slip fo p for the r the HK HK$3,0 3,000 00 enroll enrollmen ment t fee fee by by 15 th th Ma May 201 2016 and 3. 3.) A ) A copy of copy of yo your ban ur bank k debi ebit t card (A card (ATM TM card) card) of an of an a account un count under y der you our own r own n name ame*. You can also submit the above at the EUAP office in person. We are located in DLB515, David C. Lam Building, Shaw Campus, Hong Kong Baptist University, 34 Renfrew Road, Kowloon Tong. Our opening hour is 10:00 – 13:00, 14:00 – 18:00. (*We will refund the enrollment fee together with the subsidy to this account) Do Download wnload th the app applic lication form tion form at at: http://eu ttp:// ap.hkbu bu.e ain/?p=3009 09 All selected applicants will be notified by email no later than 22 nd May 2016. If the number of applications EXCEED CEEDS the quota, participants might be selected through phone interviews. If a place has not been filled by a selected student, the available place will be filled automatically by the next student on the waiting list. Successful applicants will ONLY be refunded the entire amount of enrollment fee plus subsidy if the followings requirements are fulfilled: 1. Successful completion of the programme, including attending all the pre-departure briefings and courses in the programme; 2. A group presentation on a specific issue about the EU during the pre-departure briefings; 3. Submission of An individual report with no less than 300 words; 4. Submission of an evaluation form.
Refund is not applicable for withdrawn participants and failure in attending all sessions of the programme or submitting all the documents after the trip. 4 TERMS AND CONDITIONS Eu Euro ropean pean Uni nion on Ac Acad ademi emic c Progr Programm amme e Hong Hong Kong Kong wi will ll not not cover over the the tr travel avel insu insuran rance ce of of the the parti articipants cipants. . Stu Students dents are re are requir quired to ed to bu buy thei y their own r own t travel ravel in insuran surance. Fo ce. For you r your in r informat formation ion, , some some travel travel in insu suran rance ce plans plans do do not not cover over an any y bo bodily dily in inju jurie ries s and and loss loss due due to to ter terro rorist rist att attacks ks. . You You are are rec ecomm ommende ended d to to che heck ck car areful efully ly th the e term terms, s, condit ondition ions s and and maj major or exclu exclusion sions s wi with th the the in insu surers rers bef befor ore e pur urchas chasin ing an g any travel y travel i insu nsuran rance. ce. Enrollment fees paid are non-refundable after successful enrollment unless the programme is cancelled. Enrollment fees do not include transportation to/from Brussels. Students need to make their own travel arrangements at their own expenses. All participants are required to make themselves available at the location on the required arrival date. Details will be given to selected students before the departure. Students accepted to the summer programme are responsible to apply for appropriate travel and/or transit visas. Please contact the respective consulates/embassies for details. (Useful website) Students are recommended to buy their own travel insurance. The European Union Academic Programme Hong Kong will not cover the cost. The European Union Academic Programme Hong Kong reserves the right to make changes to all matters related to the top-up summer programme 2016. Should you have any inquiries, please send an email to or call 3411-6598.
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