SUC UCCE CESS SS OF OF IND INDIA IANA NA TR TRAN ANSPORTA PORTATION TION EN ENHA HANC NCEM EMEN ENTS TS Indiana TE Committee Gerald Nieman, INDOT, TE Program Manager Tom Beck, INDOT/Railroad Glenda Seal, INDOT/Seymour District Marta Moody, Indiana MPO’s Jon Smith, INDR-Historic Bob Bronson & Steve Morris, IDNR-Outdoor Recreation Marianna Weinzapfel, IDOC Andrea Johnson, Assoc. of Cities & Towns Dax Denton, Assoc of Indiana Counties Joyce Newland, FHWA
History & Program Overview Program Authority • ISTEA – 1992 - 1997 $9 -11 Million @ year for Committee funding limit • TEA-21 – 1998 - 2003 $15 -17 Million @ year for Committee funding limit • SAFETEA – 2004 – 2009 Unspecified at this time
Federal Perspective Eligibility Public/Private Section 106 Policy
INDOT Program Overview Policies & Perspectives • Annual Submittals (2 nd Friday of December) • Purging (Projects that are not progressing) • Submittal/Selection Schedule (Annual cycle)
INDOT Program Overview December - Application Deadline January - Distribution of Apps. February/March - Committee Review April - Committee Recommendations May-June - Selection July-August - Announcements
INDOT Program Overview All Applications Current Must use current form. Policies Must be submitted by due date. Must be typed Must be sponsored by Local Government agency
Application Details Areas of Emphasis • Detailed Budgets • Public Support/Input • Public Benefit/Quality of Project • Categorize your Project • Complete Category Specific Application Sheet If strong dual categories – fill out all applicable sheets • Use of Previously Approved Funds
Trails Preservation of abandoned railway corridors (including the conversion and use thereof for pedestrian or bike trails) Provision of facilities for pedestrians and bicycles Provision of safety and educational activities for pedestrians & bicyclists
Commerce Scenic or historic highway programs (including provision of tourist and welcome center facilities) Acquisition of scenic easements & scenic or historic sites Landscaping and other scenic beautification Control and removal of outdoor advertising Establishment of transportation museums
Historic Rehabilitation & operation of historic transportation buildings, structures or facilities (including historic RR facilities and canals) Archaeological planning and research Historic Preservation
Mitigation Environmental mitigation to address water pollution due to hwy runoff or reduce vehicle-caused wildlife mortality, maintaining habitat connect.
Application History 70 60 50 Number of Applications 40 Historic Commerce Trails 30 20 10 0 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Year
Award History 45 40 35 30 Number of Awards 25 Historic Commerce Trails 20 15 10 5 0 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Year
Summary of Applications by Category Category 1995 95 1996 96 1997 1998 98 1999 99 2000 00 2001 2002 02 2003 03 Averag age e by Category Historic 24 27 19 37 19 26 19 31 27 25 Commerce 13 14 24 21 20 13 39 25 59 25 Trails 40 42 38 50 44 41 55 55 54 47 Totals 77 83 81 108 83 80 113 111 140 97 Historic 31% 33% 23% 34% 23% 33% 17% 28% 19% 27% Commerce 17% 17% 30% 19% 24% 16% 35% 23% 42% 25% Trails 52% 51% 47% 46% 53% 51% 49% 50% 39% 49%
Summary of Awards by Category Category 1993 93 1994 1995 95 1996 96 1997 1998 98 1999 99 2000 00 2001 2002 02 Averag age e Historic 24 4 4 9 6 13 20 12 12 15 11 Commerce 14 6 2 6 8 6 17 9 10 14 9 Trails 42 14 2 17 8 9 12 10 12 14 11 Totals 80 24 8 32 22 28 49 31 34 43 20 Historic 30% 17% 50% 28% 27% 46% 41% 39% 35% 35% 44% Commerce 18% 25% 25% 19% 36% 21% 35% 29% 29% 33% 34% Trails 53% 58% 25% 53% 36% 32% 24% 32% 35% 33% 48%
Summary of Projects Completed by Category Category 1993 93 1994 1995 95 1996 96 1997 1998 98 1999 99 2000 00 2001 2002 02 Averag age Historic 13 4 3 2 7 8 7 5 3 0 4 Commerce 14 10 5 6 4 7 12 2 5 1 4 Trails 29 10 1 8 6 3 5 4 4 1 3 Totals 56 24 9 16 17 18 24 11 12 2 8 Historic 23% 17% 33% 13% 41% 44% 29% 45% 25% 0% 34% Commerce 25% 42% 56% 38% 24% 39% 50% 18% 42% 50% 48% Trails 52% 42% 11% 50% 35% 17% 21% 36% 33% 50% 43%
Thank you And, Remember, there is no direct connection between: • # of Pages • Weight of Application • Hard cover 3-ring binders And Project Rating/Selection
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