Student Assignment Boundary Recommendations Boundary Recommendations B Board of Education d f Ed ti May 12, 2009
History Planning Process • Planning staff in spring prepares for review of Planning staff in spring prepares for review of boundaries for new schools. – 2010-11; two high schools – 2011-12; two elementary schools • Post boundary discussion options on website mid March for community review mid-March for community review. • Community meetings started mid-March .
History • Community meetings – Two for each region (North and East) g ( ) – Purpose to o obtain meaningful feedback on boundary discussion options from parents and community residents community residents. – Format to allow for individual and group input directly on maps and worksheets. y p – Staff recommendation may differ from discussion options.
New High School North Region • New Bailey Road High School opens N B il R d Hi h S h l 2010-11 – Relieves overcrowding at Hopewell North Relieves overcrowding at Hopewell, North Meck and West Charlotte • No senior class for new school 2010-11 • Sibling guarantee only applies at the new school assignment
New Bailey Road High School Opening 2010-11 Projected Enrollment = 1,428(*) Facility Utilized = 83% y Free/Reduced Priced Lunch % = 15% (*) With projected senior class Utilization % / FRL % of other schools: • Hopewell = 106% / 33% Hopewell 106% / 33% • North Meck = 100% / 40% * • West Charlotte = 121% / 73%* (*Figure reflects attending student FRL).
Boundary Change Elementary School, North • Torrence Creek experiencing extreme T C k i i t overcrowding; projected 1,407 for 2009-10. • Boundary change Torrence Creek to Barnette Elementary 2009-10, impacts 110 students (total). Rising 5 th grade may remain at current school (20 students). ( ) • Sibling guarantee only applies at the new school assignment.
Boundary change Torrence Creek to Barnette Elementary for 2009-10 Barnette ES 2009-10: Projected Enrollment = 828 (less 5 th grade) Facility Utilized = 99% Free/Reduced Priced Lunch % = 15% Free/Reduced Priced Lunch % 15% No additional mobiles needed. Torrence Creek ES 2009-10: Projected Enrollment = 1,317 F Facility Utilized = 170% ilit Utili d 170% Free/Reduced Priced Lunch = 11% No additional mobiles needed to accommodate growth Four mobiles needed without change
New Elementary School North Region • New Stumptown Road opens 2011-12 (depends New Stumptown Road opens 2011 12 (depends on future sale of bonds) – Relieves overcrowding at Torrence Creek • Rising 5 th grade may remain at current school • Rising 5 th grade may remain at current school • Sibling guarantee only applies at the new school assignment
New Stumptown Road Elementary Opening 2011-12 Projected Enrollment = 653 Facility Utilized = 79% Facility Utilized 79% Free/Reduced Priced Lunch % = 9% Utilization % / FRL % of other schools: • Torrence Creek = 90% / 13% • Barnette = 102% / 15% Barnette 102% / 15%
New High School East Region • New Mint Hill High School opens N Mi t Hill Hi h S h l 2010-11 – Relieves overcrowding at Butler Relieves overcrowding at Butler, Independence and East Meck • No senior class 2010-11 for new school • Sibling guarantee only applies at the new school assignment
New Mint Hill High School New Mint Hill High School Opening 2010-11 Projected Enrollment = 1812 Facility Utilized = 107% Free/Reduced Priced Lunch % = 43% Free/Reduced Priced Lunch % 43% Utilization % / FRL % of other schools: • Butler = 109% / 25% • East Meck = 136% / 49%* • Independence = 102% / 59% Independence = 102% / 59% (*Figure reflects attending student FRL).
New Elementary School Northeast Region • New Robinson Church Road opens 2011-12 New Robinson Church Road opens 2011 12 – Relieves overcrowding at Hickory Grove and Windsor Park Elementary • Rising 5 th grade may remain at current school Rising 5 grade may remain at current school • Sibling guarantee only applies at the new school assignment
New Robinson Church Road Elementary Opening 2011-12 Projected Enrollment = 584 Facility Utilized = 97% Free/Reduced Priced Lunch % = 83% Utilization % / FRL % of other schools: • Hickory Grove = 87% / 77% • Windsor Park = 142% / 86% Windsor Park 142% / 86%
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