strategy deployment from ogsms to hoshin kanri

Strategy Deployment: From OGSMs to Hoshin Kanri Tony Hayes Global - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Strategy Deployment: From OGSMs to Hoshin Kanri Tony Hayes Global Director, Continuous Improvement Trina Poston Senior Continuous Improvement Consultant 2 3 Theres not a single thing we are doing that we cant do better - Dick

  1. Strategy Deployment: From OGSMs to Hoshin Kanri Tony Hayes – Global Director, Continuous Improvement Trina Poston – Senior Continuous Improvement Consultant

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  4. “There’s not a single thing we are doing that we can’t do better” - Dick Haworth

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  6. Strategic Overview Shareholder Objective – Be the Best Customer Satisfaction / Market Share Growth / Profitability Our Foundation Promise / Mission / Vision / Values People OWS HMS Drive Develop Deliver Demand Solutions Excellence Order | Plan | Manufacture | Transport | Customer Service Supporting Infrastructure – HR / IS / Finance

  7. Tony Hayes Rick Whitman Brian DeVries Amy Sequeira Katie Lanenga Trina Poston Global Director of Sr. Continuous Continuous Improvement Sr. Continuous Assoc. Continuous Sr. Continuous Continuous Improvement Improvement Champion Champion Improvement Champion Improvement Champion Improvement Champion Bruce, MS Big Rapids Components Holland Components HMS Program Support Demand Conover, NC Big Rapids Wood Distribution Delivery Highpoint, NC Kentwood Walls Development Panels Ludington Portfolio Companies Laminates 7

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  9. The Shingo™ Model 4 Dimensions and the Guiding Principles “A relentless barrage of ‘why’s’ is the best way to prepare your mind to pierce the clouded veil of thinking caused by status quo. Use it often.” - Dr. Shigeo Shingo 9

  10. Challenge Condition: Strategy Development & Deployment 10

  11. OGSM Model Alignment  Velocity  Vision  Organizational Staffing / Design  Narrative  Open to Interpretation  Misalignment across Value Streams  Lacked Cross-functional Resourcing  Cadence for Performance Reporting 

  12. Enterprise Alignment 2: HOW FAR 1: WHAT Corporate strategy on one page! 12

  13. Integrated Performance Scorecard

  14. Challenges & Barriers 14

  15. Lessons Learned Value Proposition is Self Explanatory  Keep it Simple – Identify the vital few and advance them  Communication is Key  Engage a Change Champion  Early Adopters are Critical  Share Success Stories  Multiple Uses  (Recruitment, Retention, Annual Goals, Team Alignment, Daily Prioritization) Build in Review Cadence  15

  16. Alignment Builds Collaborative Culture Empower: Enable: Engage: Every member is enabled to Every member is empowered in a safe Every member is engaged through environment, where risk taking is collaborate with others, generate their daily involvement, participation, innovative ideas and drive continuous encouraged to affect change and and commitment to continually improvement. continually improve. improve. Stay the Course

  17. Tony Hayes Trina Poston


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