strategic planning

Strategic Planning Strategy Management & Institutional - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Alia Mitkees Strategic Planning Strategy Management & Institutional Effectiveness Process Workshop 2020-2022 A GENDA Strategic Planning Process Requirements Cascade, Align and Track strategic Plans Components of a Strategic Plan

  1. Alia Mitkees Strategic Planning Strategy Management & Institutional Effectiveness Process Workshop 2020-2022

  2. A GENDA Strategic Planning Process Requirements Cascade, Align and Track strategic Plans Components of a Strategic Plan Summary of AUC Centennial Strategic Plan Sample Initiatives and KPIs Process Timeline Activities and Discussion Overview on Planning and Assessment Software (Compliance-Assist)

  3. S TRATEGIC P LANNING P ROCESS REQUIREMENT Align and link department/unit plans with AUC’s Strategic Plan and cascade to department level Review of department/unit strategic goals and objectives Set your unit strategies Identify strategic measures and targets (KPIs) Report on your unit results and revise unit plans

  4. R EVIEW AND C ASCADE P LANS Developed & reviewed • Academic • Department Plan/ Area Plans/ unit • School Plans plans Plans/ Subarea Plans Developed and Developed & need review by reviewed Oct. 1

  5. C ASCADE AND T RACK P LANS I NITIATIVES /P ROJECTS AND KPI S Cascade all academic initiatives/Projects to school and department levels Cascade all academic KPIs to school and department levels

  6. S TRATEGIC P LANNING A LIGNMENT School and Department plans with AUC’s 5 Strategic Goals Resource Allocation Strategic Objectives Individual Objective Strategic Goals

  7. C OMPONENTS OF A S TRATEGIC P LAN Mission • 1-3 sentences that outline the purpose of the unit and how the unit helps the university achieve its mission. • May also include vision and core values • Vision • How the organization will look like in the future • Core Values • Shared beliefs that provide a framework for decision- making

  8. C OMPONENTS OF A S TRATEGIC P LAN E NVIRONMENTAL S CAN Strengths Weaknesses What advantages does your unit What could you have? improve? What should you avoid? Example: reputation, faculty Example: bureaucracy, turnover rate SWOT Threats Opportunities What obstacles does your unit What opportunities might your strengths create? face? Example: growing community Example: exchange rate

  9. C OMPONENTS OF A S TRATEGIC P LAN Goals • Where do you want to be at the end of the plan? • Goals should be “big picture items” • Not necessarily time-bound • Not more than three to five • Relate to the university goals

  10. C OMPONENTS OF A S TRATEGIC P LAN Goals • Example: Lead and direct the university’s planning processes and the Institutional continuous assessment of our Effectiveness academic and administrative units to enhance the institutional effectiveness

  11. C OMPONENTS OF A S TRATEGIC P LAN Objectives • Specific outcomes items that are to be achieved. More concrete and specific than goals • Objectives must be SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound) • Each goal may have several objectives.

  12. C OMPONENTS OF A S TRATEGIC P LAN SMART Objectives • Example: Establish a new program for Data Science by FY21 Introduce a carpool service to the community through the AUC mobile application by FY20

  13. C OMPONENTS OF A S TRATEGIC P LAN Strategies • The specific actions your unit will take to achieve your objective (Example: conduct focus groups, establish committee..etc.) Required Resources • Budget, faculty, staff, space… etc Assessment • Identify Key performance indicators (KPIs/Assessment Measures) benchmarks for each objective (Example: number of enrolled students/users satisfaction rate) • Set targets (Example: 80 enrolled students, min. 80% satisfaction rate) • Report on results



  16. I NSTITUTIONAL P ILLARS AND T ARGETS • 20% International Students • American students to represent 50% of international students • 45% American Faculty Internationalization • 80% Student Satisfaction • 80% Employability • 80 QS Ranking employer reputation AUC score Experience • 90% Senior Student Satisfaction (NSSE) Quality of • 85% Faculty and Staff Satisfaction (IE Education survey) • 85% institutional effectiveness index (IE survey) • 70% first choice candidates are hired, 100% of top two Institutional • 50% cost cutting on ink and paper Effectiveness • 35% Interdisciplinary offering • Innovation 30% Faculty apply innovative teaching strategies • 20 annual increase in number of blended/ online courses • 80% innovation as perceived by the AUC community (IE survey)

  17. I NSTITUTIONAL P ILLARS AND T ARGETS Quality of International- AUC Institutional Innovation Education ization Experience Effectiveness Presence at High quality Digital Professional Online/ blended international teaching technology Development learning campuses AUC’s Student and Alumni Recruitment Learning faculty relations and and admission entrepreneurshi spaces exchange contribution processes p profile Multi- High impact International Student life Process of disciplinary research partnerships services hiring faculty programs and research

  18. S TRATEGIC P LANNING T IMELINE Annual Report on Strategic Link results of Business strategic previous objectives to Planning year FY19 Conference unit budget (Sept. 13-14) (Oct. 1) (Oct. 10) Strategic Review Link department/u strategic Planning nit strategic goals to Workshops plan FY20- individual (Sept. 26) FY22 performance evaluation (Oct. 1) (TBD)

  19. Activity 1 Goals, Objectives and KPIs Discussion 10 Minutes Office of Strategy Management and Institutional Effectiveness| Planning and Assessment Workshop| 2018

  20. What is Assessment? PLAN: Develop clear goals and assessment measures DO: Offer ACT: Use courses, results to programs, student improve services Today’s Session ANALYSE: Assess COLLECT: data progress Office of Strategy Management and Institutional Effectiveness| Planning and Assessment Workshop| 2018

  21. Why do we Assess? Helps us know if we are doing Provides evidence 1 2 what we are that AUC is actively supposed to monitoring its progress towards its be doing goals and achieving its mission.  Required by Assessment results 4 3 provide valuable accreditation bodies information to help in decision-making Office of Strategy Management and Institutional Effectiveness| Planning and Assessment Workshop| 2018

  22. What is an Assessment Report? A summary of 1 results from the previous An action plan for academic year. 3 implementing changes based on results Analysis & evidence 2 that results are used to improve, plan Office of Strategy Management and Institutional Effectiveness| Planning and Assessment Workshop| 2018

  23. Assessment Process Create Assessment Measures Conduct Assessment Collect Data Analyze Results Create Action Plan Office of Strategy Management and Institutional Effectiveness| Planning and Assessment Workshop| 2018


  25. What can they measure? Tracking participation/productivity – e.g. track participation in programs or services • Example of Assessment Measure: KPIs Program Effectiveness – e.g. level of satisfaction, involvement, effectiveness, helpfulness, etc. • Examples of Assessment Measure: survey, focus group, KPIs such as the number of complaints Attitudes towards program/service – assess how a participant will think, feel, or act differently as a result of your program/course/service • Example of Assessment measure: “quiz type” survey Office of Strategy Management and Institutional Effectiveness| Planning and Assessment Workshop| 2018

  26. Types of Assessment Measures Direct Indirect Requires subjects to reflect on Requires subjects to display their their knowledge, behavior or knowledge, behavior or thoughts thoughts Where on campus would you go if I can identify where on campus to go if I had a problem with you had a problem with registering for one of my courses. registering for one of your I can identify what documents I courses? need to apply for a scholarship What documents are needed to (Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Strongly Disagree) apply for a scholarship? Office of Strategy Management and Institutional Effectiveness| Planning and Assessment Workshop| 2018

  27. Examples of Assessment Measures Assessment Objective Measures Students are served in an 1. Number of complaints effective, courteous, and 2. Student survey professional manner Students will demonstrate 1. Student “quiz type” survey increased awareness of 2. Student survey financial aid opportunities Office of Strategy Management and Institutional Effectiveness| Planning and Assessment Workshop| 2018


  29. What should you look for in your data? Change Achievement over time Difference Reasons why Any others? targets are not met between groups Effectiveness of Maximize on assessment good results measures Office of Strategy Management and Institutional Effectiveness| Planning and Assessment Workshop| 2018

  30. Possible Responses to Assessment results: 1. No changes needed 2. Change in goal or objective 3. Change in program or service 4. Change in assessment measures Office of Strategy Management and Institutional Effectiveness| Planning and Assessment Workshop| 2018


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