stem in lower merion leading our students into the future

STEM in Lower Merion: Leading Our Students into the Future - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

STEM in Lower Merion: Leading Our Students into the Future Engineering and Design Process The engineering and design process is a flexible series of steps that engineers follow to develop a solution to a problem. How does this transform our

  1. STEM in Lower Merion: Leading Our Students into the Future

  2. Engineering and Design Process The engineering and design process is a flexible series of steps that engineers follow to develop a solution to a problem. How does this transform our curriculum? Stud uden ents b become p e problem em s solver vers w who mu must c creat eate a answers t to real wo world q quest stions. ns. It i is hand nds-on on, p project-base sed l learning rning that at a allows s stud uden ents t to collab aborate, c commun mmunicat ate a e and think c crit ritic ically, as w s well a as s cre reatively.

  3. Engineering and Design Process

  4. Makerspace A makerspace is a collaborative workspace for creating, learning, investigating and sharing ideas using high tech to no tech tools. Making is a more about a mindset that flourishes when making something out of nothing or delving deep into personal interests. How does this transform our curriculum? Making ing allows s s student nts t s to explore re t their o ir own wn i intere rest sts a s and c create m meaning ng that at i is authe hentic a and r relev evan ant t to them hem .

  5. Makerspace

  6. Genius Hour Genius Hour, modeled after Google’s 20% Time , allows students to explore their own passions and encourages creativity in the classroom. It provides students with the opportunity to choose what they learn during a set period of time each week. How does this transform our curriculum? ? This t time e me emp mpower ers s stud uden ents t to choose t thei eir c content a and e explore thei heir passi sions wh ns while d developing ing 2 21st st cent ntury ry s skills a s and a achie ieving c ing curric ricular g r goals. s.

  7. Genius Hour

  8. Curriculum Integration The earlier educators integrate STEM into their daily curriculum, the better chance children have to develop a stronger understanding of these skills, as well as cultivate a future interest and fine tune their development of communication, collaboration, creativity and critical thinking. How does this transform our curriculum? Student nts a s apply t their ir underst rstand nding ing o of academic ic c content nt a and s skills i s in innovativ ive wa ways t s through S STEM, M Makersp rspace a and nd Geniu nius H s Hour a activ ivit itie ies. s.

  9. Math Curriculum Integration

  10. Language Arts Curriculum Integration

  11. Project STEM KINDERGARTEN Project Change was upgraded to provide hands-on science inquiry.

  12. After School STEM Activities Beyond the school day, district sponsored activities include Robotics, STEM for Girls, 4th Grade STEM Club and Family STEM Nights. These activities are offered to broaden student’s knowledge of the STEM philosophy and fields. How does this transform our curriculum? Thr hrough han hands-on a n activ ivit itie ies l s like i improving P ing Play-Do Doh a and c creating ing wi windmil ills, s, stud uden ents u used ed t thei eir s skills t to collab aborate a and c creat eate.

  13. After School STEM Activities

  14. After School STEM Activities

  15. Family STEM Night

  16. Coding, Computational Thinking and 3D Printing Coding and computational thinking provide students with the opportunity to explore computer science. 3D designing and printing gives them the tools to turn their creative ideas into real world objects. How does this transform our curriculum? Stud uden ents n not only u y utilize t e techn hnology b but a also e explore a e algorithms ms t that hat d drive ve computer p r progra ramming ing. They b become producers, rs, n not j just st c consumers! rs!

  17. Integrating Coding

  18. Cross Grade Level Coding & Design

  19. Robots & Coding Sphero Dash and Dot Bee Bots Little Bits Ozobots Makey Makey

  20. 3D Printing In Action

  21. “Something happens in students when they define themselves as makers and inventors and creators. They discover powerful skills - problem-solving, critical thinking, and imagination - that will help them shape the world’s future…our future.” John Spencer and A.J. Juliani


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