state compensatory education allotment

State Compensatory Education Allotment October 2017 Association - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

State Compensatory Education Allotment October 2017 Association for Compensatory Educators of Texas Statutory Purpose Funds allocated under this section shall be used to fund supplemental programs and services designed to eliminate any

  1. State Compensatory Education Allotment October 2017 Association for Compensatory Educators of Texas

  2. Statutory Purpose “Funds allocated under this section shall be used to fund supplemental programs and services designed to eliminate any disparity in performance on assessment instruments administered under Subchapter B, Chapter 39, or disparity in the rates of high school completion between students at risk of dropping out of school, as defined by Section 29.081, and all other students.” [TEC 42.152(c)] 2

  3. Statutory Purpose, cont’d.  Supplement not supplant • Expenditures must be in addition to any other federal, statutory or local requirement • Must not replace expenditures that were funded or planned to be funded • Test: Would you be doing it if SCE were not available?  Directly serve students who meet at least one of the 13 at-risk criteria in 29.081 or locally established criteria  Eliminate disparity on required state assessments • Designed to increase the achievement of at risk students  Fully fund accelerated instruction for students who do no perform satisfactorily on required EOC  Flexibility to support other programs such as Title I Part A schoolwide campuses, dyslexia, mentoring and DAEPs 3

  4. General Requirements – “Must do” Conduct an Annual Planning and Evaluation Process  Comprehensive needs assessment including analysis of student performance data resulting from Assess state assessment  Design appropriate compensatory, intensive, or accelerated instructional services for students that Design Improve enable them to be performing at grade level at the conclusion of the next regular school term  Deliver services to students  Evaluate the impact on assessment scores between at risk and other students Evaluate Deliver  Hold a public meeting on program evaluation results  Assess results and make changes based on results 4

  5. General Requirements – “Must do” If district SCE allotment in prior year was $500,000 or more: • Submit prior year improvement plans 150 days after the PEIMS mid-year resubmission date posted on TEA website at a_Standards/2017-2018_PEIMS_Collection_Schedule/ • Submit 2016-2017 plans by Monday, July 9, 2018 • Submit one prior year district improvement plan and two campus improvement plans • Choose campuses with highest percentages of at risk students • Of those, at least one should be for a non-schoolwide campus if a district has such campuses • Also submit plans for every campus that did not meet standards during the prior year • See the FASRG, Module 9, page 6-7 for instructions • TEA AUDITS application 5

  6. Student Success Initiative (SSI) & Accelerated Instruction  TEC 28.0217: Each time a student fails to perform satisfactorily on a required EOC, the school district in which the student attends school shall provide to the student accelerated instruction in the applicable subject area…  TEC 29.081(b): “Each district shall provide accelerated instruction to a student who has taken an end-of-course assessment administered under 39.023(c) and has not performed satisfactorily on that assessment or who meets one or more of the risk criteria”  Before the next scheduled administration of the assessment  At no cost to student  Any subject in which the student failed to perform satisfactorily on a required EOC  Must separately budget sufficient funds, including SCE allocation funds, for this purpose  May not budget SCE funds for any other purpose until the district adopts a budget to support additional accelerated instruction under 29.081(b) 6

  7. Student Success Initiative (SSI) & Accelerated Instruction – Coding and Resources  Use program intent code (PIC) 24 when coding additional accelerated instruction expenditures on campuses that are not Title I Part A schoolwide  Use PIC 30 when coding these expenditures for a Title I Part A schoolwide campus To the Administrator Addressed Letter April 9, 2014 7

  8. Budgeting R g Requirem emen ents and R Refer eren ences es 1. Budget for SSI accelerated instruction for students who fail a required EOC and statutory at risk students – REQUIRED • Funds must be budgeted for this purpose before budgeting for anything else (29.081 (b-2)) • Districts can use the flexibility offered by SCE statute when establishing budgets on a schoolwide campus during this step, as long as the budget provides accelerated instruction for all of the required students 2. Flexibility to budget for optional allowed activities (42.152(g)) • DAEP under 37.008 • Placing students in a JJAEP under 37.011 • Support a program eligible under Title I of the ESEA at a campus with 40%+ educationally disadvantaged • Accelerated reading instruction under Section 28.006(g) • Program for treating dyslexia or related disorders required by Section 38.003 • Mentoring program under 29.089 • Other allowable activity identified by needs assessment data and articulated in the CIP/DIP Expend at least 52% of the annual allocation on these program activities 8

  9. Budget Requirements, Cont’d…  All costs must be supplemental to the regular education program  All costs must be designed to support the purpose of SCE. The purpose of the SCE allotment is to eliminate any disparity in performance on assessment instruments administered under Subchapter B, Chapter 39, or disparity in the rates of high school completion between students at risk of dropping out of school, as defined by 29.089, and all other students (42.152) 9

  10. Budget Requirements: Allowable – “May Fund”  Disciplinary alternative education program (DAEP) under 37.008  Placing students in a JJAEP under 37.011  Accelerated reading instruction under 28.006 *  Dyslexia or related disorder under 38.003 *  Mentoring services program under 29.089  Support a “schoolwide program” * In proportion to the percent of students who meet the at risk criteria Using SCE for other allowable activities does not relieve the district from the requirement to serve all at-risk students and students who failed an EOC with accelerated instruction. 10

  11. How can districts use indirect SCE funds?  The SCE Program provides guidance for direct costs only  Indirect costs - up to 48% of the annual allotment per 19 TAC §105.11 - may be attributed in the General Fund to the following expenditure function codes:  34- Student Transportation  41- General Administration  81- Facilities Acquisition and Construction  the Function 90 series of the General Fund  Financial Accountability System Resource Guide, Modules 1 and 9 At least 52% of the state compensatory education allotment must be spent on the LEA’s identified state compensatory education programs and services. 11

  12. Locating SCE Allocation: Summary of Finances 12

  13. Direct Link to School District State Aid Reports Located in the Summary of Finances 13

  14. Instructions for Accessing Allotments in the Summary of Finances 1. Click on the dropdown for Select Report and click on “Summary of Finances” 2. Click “Select” 3. Click on the dropdown for to select the school year and enter the “County District Number” or “District Name” in the box 4. Click “Submit” 5. From the reports listed for Summary of Finances, find the most recent date and click on the type of report you would like to have (HTML, PDF, EXCEL) 6. In the report, scroll down to Tier I Allotments (Program Intent codes – Allotments) to 24-Compensatory Education Allotment to find your district’s allotment 7. Print report 14

  15. State Compensatory Education Allotment Located under Tier 1 Allotments under PIC Code 24 15

  16. Eligibility Requirements for SCE Alternative Reporting  State law permits districts and open-enrollment charter schools to generate SCE funding for students who participate in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) or School Breakfast Program (SBP) at one or more campuses in the district and for students who participate in a locally-funded program at one or more campuses in the district timedia/Correspondence/TAA_Letters/(REVISE D)_New_Eligibility_Requirements_for_Compen satory_Education_Alternative_Reporting/ 16

  17. Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) To the Administrator Addressed Letter – April 4, 2014 • Texas implemented CEP in 2015-2016. • CEP is related to child nutrition programs and was created to: • Improve access to free meals in eligible high poverty local education agencies and schools and • Eliminate the administrative burden of collecting household applications for free and reduced-price meals (these apps are not collected for participating campuses) 17


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