capability presentation

CAPABILITY PRESENTATION Synergy at work Why Vmech? Why Vmech? 2 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Company Confidential 1 CAPABILITY PRESENTATION Synergy at work Why Vmech? Why Vmech? 2 It is not the strongest of the species that survives, not the most It i t th t t f th i th t i t th t intelligent; it is the one that is most

  1. Company Confidential 1 CAPABILITY PRESENTATION Synergy at work

  2. Why Vmech? Why Vmech? 2  It is not the strongest of the species that survives, not the most It i t th t t f th i th t i t th t intelligent; it is the one that is most adaptable to change. Charles Darwin  We believe, with Darwin, that the 2008-2013 economic crisis has completely changed the market and if we do not adapt our business completely changed the market and if we do not adapt our business model to the new environment, we will disappear.  No company will consciously plan for failure, so we decided it was time to act time to act.  Vmech is a group of 5 mechanical SME who decided to create a network as competitive answer to the new market challenges and customers’ needs customers needs Company Confidential

  3. The market challenges The market challenges 3 Market challenges and trends Customers’ needs  Increased global I d l b l  Reduced costs competition  Flexibility  Higher Quality g y  Standardized processes,  Shorter product life  Growing diversified customized products demand and niche  Quality is a given markets  Higher energy costs  Higher energy costs  Shorter time to market  Shorter time to market  Green technologies  Lower inventories Company Confidential

  4. The next generation supply-chain The next generation supply chain 4  To meet the increasing global competition, it is crucial to T t th i i l b l titi it i i l t optimize and streamline the manufacturing chain.  Vmech network is a fast growing, leading industrial business  Vmech network is a fast growing, leading industrial business partner in mechanical manufacturing, whose offering enables increased growth, reduced capital binding and lower relationship costs for its customers by providing lower relationship costs for its customers by providing complete manufacturing solutions in mechanics and final assembly.  Vmech can be an industrial business partner in manufacturing for both large and small companies by taking over full - or part of - the manufacturing process so that p g p customers can continue to grow by focusing on product development, marketing and sales Company Confidential

  5. Mission Statement Mission Statement 5  We provide integrated manufacturing services to the Power Generation-Conversion and Transmission industry and create extraordinary value for our Customers and Stakeholders through a novel and synergic business model.  Our Goal is to always exceed our customers  Our Goal is to always exceed our customers expectations. Company Confidential

  6. Business Model Business Model 6  To Develop and Offer a reliable integrated Supply Chain network, in order to increase profitability for our customers:  Vmech is the only contact point for the customer, which makes each project cost efficient and gives the customer as well as Vmech full control of the manufacturing process.  Vmech has a complete set of manufacturing technologies and services which takes the idea of the customer to finished delivered products Company Confidential

  7. 5 good reasons to work with us 5 good reasons to work with us 7  Reduced supplier-base with more innovative manufacturing solutions  Increased sales opportunities due to higher flexibility  Faster time-to-market on new products  Increased profitability due to a more simple and I d fit bilit d t i l d solid supply-chain solution  Quicker reaction to your demand variations Company Confidential

  8. Core Values Core Values 8  Our Core Values drive our business and represent O C our compass. The Core Values are what we expect f from all our employees and what brings value to ll l d h t b i l t our relationship.  Whether you are an employee, customer or business Wh h l b i partner of Vmech, we always strive to create the best possible Experience best possible Experience.  All components are equally important both in our internal work as in our customer and partner i t l k i t d t relationships. Company Confidential

  9. Core Values Core Values 9 We make things easier We We are in We are in believe b li constant in team progress Customer work experience We We are always commit- communi i ted -cate Company Confidential

  10. 5 Core Values 5 Core Values 10 WE MAKE THINGS EASIER: In our customer relationships we always have one WE MAKE THINGS EASIER I t l ti hi l h   contact interface for quick communication. Additionally, we remove processes that does not add value to our customer business. WE ARE IN CONSTANT PROGRESS We continuously develop our company to y p p y  improve our offer, become more efficient and decrease our spending. We quickly adapt to our customer needs to always stay ahead of competition. WE ALWAYS COMMUNICATE Communication is an important cornerstone to reach  our vision; we work proactively in our dialogue both internally and externally. i i w w k ti l i di l b th i t ll d t ll Everyone is involved: customers, employees, owners and other stakeholders. WE ARE COMMITTED Commitment is a crucial part of our daily work. We are  always reachable and we keep our promises. Our goal is to exceed our customers y p p g expectations. WE BELIEVE IN TEAMWORK We work as ONE team, not as individuals. We believe  in a high level of personal relationship and operate in a project-oriented mindset. G Good teamwork leads to great business d t w k l d t t b i Company Confidential

  11. Quality statement Quality statement 11  We at Vmech strive to organize our internal and external processes W t V h t i t i i t l d t l and cooperation in such a manner that will ensure to our customers expected level and extent of:  Flexibility & reliability Fl ibili & li bili  Competence & expertise  Product implementation & realization  Our foundation is our committed and professional employees in close cooperation with our customers. They are supported by effective and clear processes; we continuously improve and reduce waste p y p  We are certified:  ISO 9001:2008  ISO 14001 2004  ISO 14001:2004  ISO TS 16949:2009 third edition Company Confidential

  12. Key figures Key figures 12  Sales 2013: 31.5 m€  Facilities: 10  Surface: 25000 m 2  # people 200  # people: 200  Internal Capacity: about 400.000 hours Company Confidential

  13. Our Services Our Services 13  Co-design  Industrialization  Fast prototyping  S  Sourcing i  Logistics  Measuring and Testing  Assembling  Assembling Company Confidential

  14. Services, 1 Services, 1 14 Co-Design Engineering D Deep analysis of the production l i f h d i  Product analysis in a perspective P d l i i i  process using software and of feasibility and cost optimization algorithms, as well as 3D modeling  Opportunities to simplify and software software automate the industrial process further by adapting the product. Company Confidential

  15. Services, 2 Services, 2 15 Fast prototyping Sourcing We are organized to quickly build W i d i kl b ild The total cost of a product is Th l f d i   prototypes in close conjunction with determined much more than the customer component price. through a comprehensi e re iew of the prod ct comprehensive review of the product and the value chain, we identify areas with potential savings and reduced total cost of ownership reduced total cost of ownership Company Confidential

  16. Services, 3 Services, 3 16 VMI Measuring and Testing W h We have worked with multiple k d i h l i l  Dedicated areas with specific D di d i h ifi  logistic models for our customers, latest-generation instruments including VMI solutions. With vendor-  Non destructive controls such as managed in entor we facilitate managed inventory, we facilitate magnetical, liquid penetrant, communication and ensure the correct hardness tests etc. inventory levels. Company Confidential

  17. Services, 4 Services, 4 17 Assembling Assembly Robot  To simplify operations for our  To simplify operations for our customers we offer Assembly Services for sub groups and complex parts. p p  This means that our customers can reduce their amount of suppliers and have a higher of the products they source from supplier.  By making group prioritizations, we can always ensure on-time l i deliveries with highest possible quality. Company Confidential

  18. Our Technologies Our Technologies 18  Turning  Milling, Drilling, Boring g, g, g  FMS  G i di  Grinding  Large size, Oil & Gas Company Confidential

  19. Technologies,1 Technologies,1 19 Multispindle Turning Turning Turning center fro gears   max 800 mm  800  Single-, longitudinal,- CNC- multispindle CNC , multispindle turning  Material: Steel, cast iron, Al, Cu and special materials  Gears turning with on G t i ith line CPK measure Company Confidential

  20. ….1, continues ….1, continues 20 Multi tasking machining 5 axis machine  Simultaneous 5 axis  One set up from raw p to finished parts  Small to medium  Small to medium volumes   max 600 mm  600  L max 1000 mm Company Confidential

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