sponsored research monthly meeting

Sponsored Research Monthly Meeting January 14, 2020 (Evanston) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Sponsored Research Monthly Meeting January 14, 2020 (Evanston) January 16, 2020 (Chicago) Announcements Open positions in OSR are posted: Associate Grants Officer (Job #37896) Assistant Grants Officer (Job #37895) 2 Grants

  1. Sponsored Research Monthly Meeting January 14, 2020 (Evanston) January 16, 2020 (Chicago)

  2. Announcements • Open positions in OSR are posted: – Associate Grants Officer (Job #37896) – Assistant Grants Officer (Job #37895) – 2 Grants Assistants (Job #37614 and #37615) • Plus a third opening to be posted soon – Sponsored Research Sr. Data Asst. (Job #37969) • Farewell and best wishes to Grants Assistant Jesseca Rodgers, whose last day is this Friday January 17 th 1

  3. Today’s Agenda • Hot topics • This year's meeting theme • Federal issue deep dive – SciENcv (and ORCID) • Looking ahead 2

  4. Hot Topics

  5. Hot Topics: NIH • NIH Proposals Font: – Do NOT use Times New Roman 11 – Font is non-compliant with formatting rules, and Northwestern applications using it have been rejected – If PI loves Times New Roman, be sure to use size 12. • Revised NIH Grants Policy Statement for FY 2020 – https://grants.nih.gov/grants/policy/nihgps/Significant- Changes-Table-NIHGPS-2019.pdf (summary of significant changes) • NIH Has Updated Human Subject Research Decision Tool – https://grants.nih.gov/policy/humansubjects/hs- decision.htm 4

  6. Hot Topics: NIH - upcoming • NIH career (K) and fellowship (F) applications require ORCID IDs starting with January 25, 2020 submissions – https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice- files/NOT-OD-19-109.html – https://libguides.northwestern.edu/orcid • New Executive Level II salary $197,300 - NIH Guide notice forthcoming • Forms F will be coming in May, more details to follow 5

  7. Hot Topics: NSF • NSF's PAPPG (Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide) will be effective 90 days after published – Publication date still TBD – CURRENT AND PENDING in addition to bio sketches will need to be done in SciENcv • Research.gov (aka Fastlane's eventual replacement) – Will support collaborative proposals in Spring 2020 – Fastlane will be retired (date TBD), so it’s never too early to start using Research.gov! – Provide feedback to NSF 6

  8. Hot Topics: UEI Number • Unique Entity Identification (UEI) number – Phasing in throughout 2020 – 12-digit alphanumeric (instead of 9-digit DUNS) – Northwestern will receive one for Chicago campus and one for Evanston campus – Update from General Services Administration (GSA) here 7

  9. Shaping a Healthy, Aligned Research Administration Ecosystem (SHARE)

  10. Research Ecosystem The interconnectedness of all things in the complex university research administration environment. "Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves . All things are bound together. All things connect ." Scull, J. (2000). Chief Seattle, er Professor Perry speaks. Gatherings: Seeking Ecopsychology, 2,Retrieved fromhttp://www.ecopsychology.org/journal/gath- erings2/scull.htm 9

  11. CLEAR • Monthly Meetings Rebranded Northwestern Central & Local Exchange for Effective Administration of Research (CLEAR) 10

  12. Federal Issue Deep Dive: SciENcv

  13. SciENcv • National Science Foundation (NSF) has designated the National Institutes of Health’s SciENcv (Science Experts Network Curriculum Vitae) as an NSF- approved format for submission of biographical sketch(es) • Encouraging SciENcv use to prepare a biographical sketch for inclusion in proposals to NSF beginning with the next iteration of the PAPPG (effective date TBD) • NSF will only accept PDFs for biographical sketches that are generated through use of an NSF-approved format. Current and Pending, too! NSF SciENcv Info and Links to Training 12

  14. Current and Pending, too! • The release of the NSF PAPPG typically occurs in October, with a January effective date BUT still no ETA for the 2020 guide • NSF is working with SciENcv to add support for generating Current and Pending Support in an approved format in addition to Bio Sketches (as previously announced) 13

  15. Be prepared! • If your PI submits proposals to NSF – get ready now!! • The 2020 NSF PAPPG will be effective 90 days after it is published – so could be as early as May 1 • Practice now with the Bio Sketch format • As soon as the Current & Pending support format is available – pounce! 14

  16. ORCID to SciENcv: NSF-Recommended Flow Import ORCID MyNCBI ORCID info Profile ->SciENcv into SciENcv 15

  17. Step 1 – ORCID Profile 16

  18. ORCID Profile Add works Add funding 17

  19. Step 2 – MyNCBI Login • In the drop-down for other login options, choose 'Northwestern University' from the list (to use our InCommon federated login, which uses your NetID/password) • Either create a new account or link to existing one 18

  20. 19

  21. Step 3 – Create a Biosketch Tip: Link your ORCID ID to your SciENcv profile first! 20

  22. Biosketch continued... 21

  23. Enter once, re-use often 22

  24. Resources • SciENcv – SciENcv Background – YouTube Video: SciENcv Tutorial – Using SciENcv to create your biosketch (NC State) • ORCID – YouTube Video: Integrating with ORCID – https://support.orcid.org • Northwestern – Northwestern Library Guide: What is ORCID – Galter Health Sciences Library ORCID Information 23

  25. Until we meet again…

  26. Looking Ahead • Upcoming NIH Cycle I Deadlines – January 25*: Variety of grants, notably Program Project Grants and Center Grants (P) and Institutional NRSA’s (T) – February 5: New R01 & U01 – February 12: New Research Career Development (K) – February 16*: Other Research Grants and Cooperative Agreements (R03, R21, R33, R21/R33, R34, R36, U34, UH2, UH3, UH2/UH3) *Deadline falls on a weekend • Next meetings: – Tuesday, Feb. 18, 10:00am (Evanston) – Thursday, Feb. 20, 12:30pm (Chicago) 25

  27. Thank you for joining us! Find meeting slide decks at: https://osr.northwestern.edu/presentations/


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