SPAPSD COVID-19 Protocols
GENERAL SAFETY EXPECTATIONS It is our responsibility to mitigate risks associated with the spread of COVID-19 u and take that responsibility seriously, but we cannot guarantee a COVID-19 free environment. It is critical that all staff understand and follow the protocols and u expectations outlined in this presentation and in the Employee Guidelines.
GENERAL SAFETY PROTOCOLS Self monitor at home u Do not come to work if you are ill or waiting for COVID-19 test results u Avoid close contact with others by maintaining at least six (6) feet of space where possible u Appropriate face masks are required on buses and in District buildings except in private work u spaces, unless social distancing is not possible. Face masks are required whenever social distancing is not possible Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands u Cover your mouth and nose with tissue or the inside of your elbow when sneezing or coughing u Limit congregating u Use email, telephone and videoconferencing to limit face-to-face interactions u Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds frequently. Utilize hand sanitizer upon arrival to a u building, office and/or classroom
EMPLOYEE ILLNESS Stay home u Report your illness to your supervisor. Supervisors will contact HR Director if employees are u experiencing COVID-19 related symptoms Contact your physician if you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms: Fever, chills, cough, u fatigue, shortness of breath, muscle or body aches, headache, loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion, runny nose, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea No test recommended – remain home until you are symptom free for 24 hours and provide HR u with a letter from physician indicating that a test was not recommended Waiting for test results – remain home until you receive the results u Negative test – remain home until you are symptom free for 24 hours and provide HR with a u copy of test results Positive test – remain home until 10 days have passed since symptoms started and no u symptoms for 72 hours without using medication. Provide HR with County release
EMPLOYEE EXPOSURE Notify your supervisor. Supervisor will notify Human Resources Director u If close contact with someone who has tested positive, self-quarantine and u request testing Self quarantine for fourteen (14) days, even with a negative test result u If close contact with a positive case at work, you will be notified by County u Health department and/or Human Resources May request test and self quarantine for fourteen (14) days, even with a u negative test result
EMPLOYEE PAY DURING QUARANTINE FFCRA Leave – 80 hours (pro-rated based on FTE) of Emergency Paid Sick u Leave not deducted from employee’s sick leave balance Telework if eligible u Accrued paid time off u
STUDENT ILLNESS Students exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms should be taken to the building isolation u room Contact parents to pick up student u Contact Assistant Superintendent/ Director of Elementary Education u Close down area where student was located (for 24 hours), move class to u alternative location Contact building custodian u If a student tests positive in an elementary classroom, the classroom will have to u move to E-Learning Assistant Superintendent/Director of Elementary Education will direct u communication for staff and students u Communicate positive cases to building and families u Coordination of identifying and notifying close contacts
CLEANING Increased air ventilation and circulation of outside air into buildings through u HVAC systems Daily and weekly cleaning protocols utilizing EPA registered chemicals for u disinfection Special attention placed on disinfecting high touch points u Enhanced areas of focus on restrooms, communal spaces, front desks and u lobby areas Possible COVID-19 – Area will be closed for 24 hours, then sanitized, u disinfected, air flushed and reopened
BUILDING PREPARATIONS 6 FT distance markings inside and out u Traffic flow control u Extra sanitizing stations (All students and staff to use upon entering) u Isolation rooms identified (Two for every building) u Masks and thermometers distributed to every building u Plexiglass installed in public facing offices u Limit visitors, no volunteers u
CLASSROOM PREPARATIONS Desks placed 6ft apart u Students assigned desks where possible u Plexiglass installed in some classrooms u Sanitizer in every room u No sharing of supplies u Common objects sanitized between use by students u Lunch in some classrooms, limited numbers to cafeteria u Music, Art, Library teachers will come to your classroom u Moratorium on field trips, except for Boston School Forest u No Birthday or other treats u
ATHLETICS/CO-CURRICULARS u Low contact, low risk sports can begin September 1. Moderate to high risk can begin September 7. u Co-Curriculars can begin September 8. u Masks required when together in groups. u Athletes required to sanitize equipment used after each use
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