solar energy and battery energy storage for cabrillo

Solar Energy and Battery Energy Storage For Cabrillo College - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Solar Energy and Battery Energy Storage For Cabrillo College Gabriel Susca-Lopata Climate Corps Energy Fellow, Cabrillo College FPPO Department 1 Moti tivati tion f for P PV project Cabrillo College Sustainability Plan (2016) goals:

  1. Solar Energy and Battery Energy Storage For Cabrillo College Gabriel Susca-Lopata Climate Corps Energy Fellow, Cabrillo College FPPO Department 1

  2. Moti tivati tion f for P PV project • Cabrillo College Sustainability Plan (2016) goals: GHG reduction and renewable energy • Project goal: ~2- 3MW onsite PV 2

  3. Proj oject ect I Inves esti tigati tion on/Del elivery M Model el • Power-Purchase Agreement (PPA) • Vendor owns the PV equipment, customer pays vendor for the PV energy • Vendor responsible for O&M • Small upfront payment, lifetime cost higher than project cash price Considered Two Vendor Proposals From Similar Procurement Processes Both proposed Carport Canopies PV 3

  4. Current V Vendor or Propos osals Forefront Power Sunpower 4

  5. Forefron ont P Pow ower r Propos osals: Forefront Solar-Only Forefront Solar & Storage Aptos Campus Annual Offset 80% 80% Contract 20-yr PPA 20-yr PPA, 10-yr storage contract Energy Rates $0.11/kwh $0.11/kwh + ~$61k/yr storage fee Year-1 Energy-Bill Savings $45,023 $30,826 5

  6. How PPA $$ A $$$ S Savings w works Example: Forefront Power Solar & Storage Proposal Annual $ Savings 6

  7. How PPA $$ A $$$ S Savings w works If renew/new agreement for storage after yr-10: Annual $ Savings 7

  8. Paying F For Grid Interconnect ction [ [ex. x. Fo Foref efront nt so solar & & storage sc scenario] ] ex. $300k interconnection fees Include in PPA: rate increases to $0.1174/kwh Upfront capital funding (PPA rate remains $0.11/kwh) 8 Lower net cash flow Simple payback period ~5 years

  9. Project Benefits: Project Risks: • Lower utility escalation • GHG reduction eq. to ~282 passenger vehicles driven for • Surprises in geotech assessment (soil one year (Forefront proposal)* conditions) • Visible indication of climate • Changes in future MBCP rate structure action at Cabrillo • Unknown interconnection cost (for • Supports future building solar&storage scenario) electrification *EPA Equivalencies Calculator 9

  10. Next S Step eps Deadline/Milestone Date/Deadline Sign PG&E interconnection agreement (if solar- 10/31/19 (deadline) only) Commit to solar PPA project -> vendor procures ~October 2019 5+% to secure 30% Investment Tax Credit Construction Summer 2020 Begin operation Fall 2020 10

  11. Questions? Full Sunpower & Forefront presentation and pro-forma files are available on request 11

  12. Supplemental Slides 12

  13. Comparison o of Solar-Only v vs Solar ar&Storag age Scenar arios 13

  14. Solar-Only S Sce cenario: T TOU-gran andfathering f for y year ars 1-7 14

  15. Fo Foref efront Power – Sys ystem D Design 15


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