software engineering i 02161

Software Engineering I (02161) Design by Contract Assoc. Prof. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Software Engineering I (02161) Design by Contract Assoc. Prof. Hubert Baumeister DTU Compute Technical University of Denmark Spring 2020 Contracts and Design by Contract Implementation of Contracts Inheritance and Contracts

  1. Software Engineering I (02161) Design by Contract Assoc. Prof. Hubert Baumeister DTU Compute Technical University of Denmark Spring 2020

  2. ◮ Contracts and Design by Contract ◮ Implementation of Contracts ◮ Inheritance and Contracts ◮ Defensive Programming

  3. What does this function do? public List<Integer> f(List<Integer> list) { if (list.size() <= 1) return list; int p = list.elementAt(0); List<Integer> l1 = new ArrayList<Integer>(); List<Integer> l2 = new ArrayList<Integer>(); List<Integer> l3 = new ArrayList<Integer>(); g(p,list,l1,l2,l3); List<Integer> r = f(l1); r.addAll(l2); r.addAll(f(l3)); return r; } public void g(int p, List<Integer> list, List<Integer> l1, List<Integer> l2, List<Integer> l3) { for (int i : list) { if (i < p) l1.add(i); if (i == p) l3.add(i); if (i > p) l2.add(i); } }

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  5. What does this function do? public List<Integer> f(List<Integer> list) { if (list.size() <= 1) return list; int p = list.elementAt(0); List<Integer> l1 = new ArrayList<Integer>(); List<Integer> l2 = new ArrayList<Integer>(); List<Integer> l3 = new ArrayList<Integer>(); g(p,list,l1,l2,l3); List<Integer> r = f(l1); r.addAll(l2); r.addAll(f(l3)); return r; } public void g(int p, List<Integer> list, List<Integer> l1, List<Integer> l2, List<Integer> l3) { for (int i : list) { if (i < p) l1.add(i); if (i == p) l3.add(i); if (i > p) l2.add(i); } }

  6. What does this function do? public void testEmpy() { int[] a = {}; List<Integer> r = f(Array.asList(a)); assertTrue(r.isEmpty()); } public void testOneElement() { int[] a = { 3 }; List<Integer> r = f(Array.asList(a)); assertEquals(Array.asList(3),r); } public void testTwoElements() { int[] a = {2, 1}; List<Integer> r = f(Array.asList(a)); assertEquals(Array.asList(1,2),r); } public void testThreeElements() { int[] a = {2, 3, 1}; List<Integer> r = f(Array.asList(a)); assertEquals(Array.asList(1,2,3),r); } ...

  7. What does this function do? List<Integer> f(List<Integer> a) Precondition: a is not null Postcondition: For all objects result and a of type List < Integer > : result == f ( a ) if and only if p1(result) and p2(a,result) where p1(a) if and only if for all 0 ≤ i , j < a . size () : i ≤ j implies a . get ( i ) ≤ a . get ( j ) and p2(a,b) if and only if for all i ∈ Integer : count ( a , i ) = count ( b , i )

  8. What does this method do? Comparision Looking at the implementation ◮ Needs to understand the algorithm → Names help → Use intention revealing names

  9. What does this method do? Comparision Looking at the tests ◮ Focus on what the system is doing not Looking at the how implementation → No knowledge of ◮ Needs to the algorithm is understand the needed algorithm ◮ Uses examples → Names help (test cases) to describe the → Use intention behaviour revealing names → extract common behaviour from examples

  10. What does this method do? Comparision Looking at the tests Looking at its contract ◮ Focus on what the ◮ Focus on what the system is doing not system is doing not Looking at the how how implementation → No knowledge of → No knowledge of ◮ Needs to the algorithm is the algorithm is understand the needed needed algorithm ◮ Uses examples → Describes the → Names help (test cases) to external behaviour describe the in a compact form → Use intention behaviour revealing names ◮ Proof that the → extract common implementation behaviour from satisfies the examples contract

  11. Design by contract ◮ Pre- and post conditions: Tony Hoare 1969 ◮ Semantics of statements/method, like x := 3 + y ◮ { Pre } Statements { Post } : ◮ If Pre is true and Statements are executed, then Post is true. ◮ { y = 4 } x := 3 + y { x = 7 } ◮ { true } x := 3 + y { x = 3 + y }

  12. Design by contract ◮ Pre- and post conditions: Tony Hoare 1969 ◮ Semantics of statements/method, like x := 3 + y ◮ { Pre } Statements { Post } : ◮ If Pre is true and Statements are executed, then Post is true. ◮ { y = 4 } x := 3 + y { x = 7 } ◮ { true } x := 3 + y { x = 3 + y } ◮ Design by contract: Bertrand Meyer 1988 ◮ Pre- and post conditions in the context of object-orientation ◮ Contract between Caller and the Method ◮ Caller ensures precondition ◮ Method ensures postcondition → If the client violates precondition (the contract), then the method does not have to guarantee the postcondition → The method does not have to check the precondition!!

  13. Example Counter Counter {context Counter inv: i >= 0} {context Counter :: dec ( ) i : int pre: i > 0 post: i = i@pre - 1 } inc() : void dec() : void {context Counter :: inc ( ) post: i = i@pre + 1} ◮ Caller of c . dec () has to ensure pre-condition ◮ Ex. c . i == 3 ◮ Caller can assume post-condition ◮ c . dec () → c . i == 2

  14. Example Counter Counter {context Counter inv: i >= 0} {context Counter :: dec ( ) i : int pre: i > 0 post: i = i@pre - 1 } inc() : void dec() : void {context Counter :: inc ( ) post: i = i@pre + 1} ◮ Caller of c . dec () has ◮ Pre-Condition to ensure violated ... pre-condition if (c.i > 0) { ◮ c . i == 0 ◮ Ex. c . i == 3 c.dec(); ◮ Post-condition is not ◮ Caller can assume } guaranteed post-condition ... ◮ c . dec () → undefined ◮ c . dec () → c . i == 2

  15. MinMax Example Code public class MinMax { int min, max; public void minmax(int[] array) { min = max = array[0]; for (int i = 1; i < array.length; i++) { int obs = array[i]; if (obs > max) max = obs; else if (min < obs) min = obs; } } }

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  17. MinMax Example Code public class MinMax { int min, max; public void minmax(int[] array) { min = max = array[0]; for (int i = 1; i < array.length; i++) { int obs = array[i]; if (obs > max) max = obs; else if (min < obs) min = obs; } } } Contract public void minmax(int[] array) { pre: array != null && array.length > 1 post: array.contains(min) && array.contains(max) && forall i in array: min <= i <= max

  18. MinMax Example Code public class MinMax { int min, max; public void minmax(int[] array) { min = max = array[0]; for (int i = 1; i < array.length; i++) { int obs = array[i]; if (obs > max) max = obs; else if (min < obs) min = obs; } } } Contract Client checks pre-condition public void minmax(int[] array) { if (array != null && array.length > 1) { pre: array != null && array.length > 1 MinMax mm = new MinMax().minmax(array) post: array.contains(min) && ... array.contains(max) && } forall i in array: min <= i <= max

  19. LibraryApp Example: Code public void addMedium(Medium medium) { mediumRepository.addMedium(medium); }

  20. LibraryApp Example: Code public void addMedium(Medium medium) { mediumRepository.addMedium(medium); } Contract Checking the pre-condition public void addMedium(Medium medium) { pre: adminLoggedIn; post: mediumRepository.allMedia() == if (libApp.adminLoggedIn()) { mediumRepository@pre libApp.addMedium(medium); .allAllMedia() } .add(medium); }

  21. LibraryApp Example: Code public List<Medium> search(String searchText) { List<Medium> found = new ArrayList<>(); for (Medium m : mediumRepository.getAllMedia) { if (b.match(searchText)) { found.add(m); } } return found; }

  22. LibraryApp Example: Code public List<Medium> search(String searchText) { List<Medium> found = new ArrayList<>(); for (Medium m : mediumRepository.getAllMedia) { if (b.match(searchText)) { found.add(m); } } return found; } Contract public List<Medium> search(String searchText) { post result == { m | m in mediumRepository.getAllMedia() && m.match(searchText) } }

  23. Postcondition Assume that result denotes the result of the function f ( x : double ) : double . 1) post: result 2 = x 2) post: result = x 2 3) post: x 2 = result 4) post: x = result 2 Which of this statements describe a the postcondition of the square function? b the postcondition of the square root function?

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  25. Postcondition Assume that result denotes the result of the function f ( x : double ) : double . 1) post: result 2 = x 2) post: result = x 2 3) post: x 2 = result 4) post: x = result 2 Which of this statements describe a the postcondition of the square function? b the postcondition of the square root function?

  26. Precondition ◮ Given the contract for a method minmax ( int [] array ) in a class which has instance variables min and max of type int: pre: array � = null and array . length > 0 post: array.contains(min) && array.contains(max) && ∀ i ∈ array : min ≤ i ≤ max ◮ Which of the following statements is true: if the client calls minmax such the precondition is not satisfied a) A NullPointerException is thrown b) An IndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown c) Nothing happens d) What happens depends on the implementation of minmax

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