social and emotional development

Social and emotional development Kate Lloyd Parent support advisor - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Social and emotional development Kate Lloyd Parent support advisor What do we want for our children? We want the best for our children We want them to be responsible happy and caring We want them to achieve their full potential We

  1. Social and emotional development Kate Lloyd – Parent support advisor

  2. What do we want for our children? — We want the best for our children — We want them to be responsible happy and caring — We want them to achieve their full potential — We want them to have successful relationships — We want them to independently take their place in the world

  3. Definition of Self Esteem — “Self Esteem is a realistic self awareness and a belief the we are basically ok” — “A quiet feeling of self worth”

  4. Symptoms of low Self Esteem Wish they were Over dependence someone else on authority figures Symptoms Rarely volunteer Lack energy May bully other Feel inferior Panic when children or unworthy faced with a new task = Anxiety

  5. How do we help our children — Value them — Spend time with them — Respect them — Trust them — Commit to them — Be their role model — Be on their side

  6. Core Self Esteem — Core Self Esteem — Self confidence — Self approval — Self trust — Self Image

  7. Why improve our children’s Self Esteem? — Increased physical health — Higher academic achievement — Form stronger relationships — Less physical outbursts — Increased emotional health

  8. Five steps to emotional wellbeing — Become aware of the child’s emotion — Recognise the emotion as an opportunity for communication and teaching — Put yourself in the child’s shoes and listen, acknowledging the child’s feelings — Help to find words to express the emotion — Set limits while exploring ways to solve the problem

  9. Why don’t we listen? — We are distracted by our own thoughts — We are relating it all to our own experience — We have switched off because we think we know what they are going to say — We judge the speaker, labelling everything they are saying instead of listening

  10. Why do we put our children down — To say what was said to us when we were young — It is the right thing to do — We are down on ourselves — It will toughen them up

  11. Who do we go to for advice and help? A starting point is school if you have concerns. There are lots of places to go for help and school can direct you. Please contact Kate Lloyd (PSA) or Lyn Davison (Pastoral support)

  12. Thank you — Any questions ?

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