Project One Smart Phone Interaction
Sketch, design, implement and document via a portfolio an animated touch-based and a sensor-based interface for a mobile phone that is an alternative to “slide to unlock”.
Goal Create 2 prototypes to demonstrate a method for unlocking a phone: One using touch screen interface One using other device sensors Constraints: Apple’ s “slide to unlock” patent Avoid copying Windows/Android designs too
However… Don’ t neglect the first phases of the design process! Empathize: Think about it in the context of your needs Ask friends/family if you find it helpful Define: What does it mean to “unlock” a phone?
Materials Nokia Lumia 520 or your own device Standard sensors: ambient light accelerometer proximity camera (back) microphone
Constraints Requirement: Do not infringe US Patent 8046721 B2 (Apple’ s “slide to unlock”) Recommend to avoid: Google’ s various schemes for Android OS Nokia’ s “double tap” to wake
US008046721B2 (12) United States Patent US 8,046,721 B2 (10) Patent N0.: *Oct. 25, 2011 Chaudhri et a]. (45) Date of Patent: (54) (56) References Cited UNLOCKING A DEVICE BY PERFORMING GESTURES ON AN UNLOCK IMAGE U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS (75) Inventors: Imran Chaudhri, San Francisco, CA 5,465,084 A 11/1995 Cottrell .................. .. 340/825.31 (US); Bas Ording, San Francisco, CA 5,559,961 A 9/1996 Blonder ................. .. 395/18801 5,677,710 A 10/1997 Thompson-Rohrlich 345/173 (US); Freddy Allen Anzures, San 5,821,933 A 10/1998 Keller et al. ......... .. 345/348 Francisco, CA (US); Marcel Van Os, 5,907,327 A 5/1999 Ogura et a1. 345/339 San Francisco, CA (US); Stephen O. 6,151,208 A 11/2000 Bartlett ..... .. 361/683 Lemay, San Francisco, CA (US); Scott 6,160,555 A 12/2000 Kang et a1. .. 345/358 6,192,478 B1 2/2001 Elledge ..... .. 713/202 Forstall, Mountain View, CA (US); 6,249,606 B1 6/2001 Kiraly et a1. ................ .. 382/195 Greg Christie, San Jose, CA (US) (Continued) Assignee: Apple Inc., Cupertino, CA (US) (73) FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS EP 1 284 450 A2 2/2003 Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this (Continued) patent is extended or adjusted under 35 OTHER PUBLICATIONS U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. IBM, “Access/ Control Icons (Icon Keys),” IBM Technical Disclosure This patent is subject to a terminal dis Bulletin, V0. 38, No. 4, Apr. 1995. claimer. (Continued) (21) Appl. No.: 12/477,075 US. US. Primary Examiner * Boris Pesin Assistant Examiner * Andres E Gutierrez (22) Filed: Jun. 2, 2009 Patent Patent Device Device Device Device 400 (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm * Morgan, LeWis & Bockius 400 400 400 LLP (65) Prior Publication Data (57) ABSTRACT US 2009/0241072 A1 Sep. 24, 2009 A device With a touch-sensitive display may be unlocked via Oct. 25, 2011 Oct. 25, 2011 Touch Screen Touch Screen Touch Screen Touch Screen gestures performed on the touch-sensitive display. The device Related US. Application Data 502 502 is unlocked if contact 4 4 With the display corresponds to a pre O4 \ O4 \ 502 502 de?ned gesture for unlocking the device. The device displays (63) Continuation of application No. 11/322,549, ?led on Button 410 Button 410 one or more unlock images With respect to Which the pre Menu Menu 408 408 408 408 Dec. 23, 2005, noW Pat. No. 7,657,849. de?ned gesture is to be performed in order to unlock the Sheet Sheet L4 L4 device. The performance of the prede?ned gesture With Movement Movement 5 0f 5 0f (51) Int. Cl. respect to the unlock image may include moving the unlock 504 504 02 02 15 15 G06F 3/033 (2006.01) image to a prede?ned location and/or moving the unlock image along a prede?ned path. The device may also display (52) US. Cl. ....................... .. 715/863; 345/173; 345/179 visual cues of the prede?ned gesture on the touch screen to (58) Field of Classi?cation Search ................ .. 715/154, remind a user of the gesture. 715/863; 345/156 US US Figure 5B Figure 5B Figure 5A Figure 5A See application ?le for complete search history. 15 Claims, 15 Drawing Sheets 8,046,721 B2 8,046,721 B2 Touch Screen 408 Device 400 404 Movement 504 Menu Button 410
Interpretation What actually constitutes infringement? Let’ s look at some examples…
Bottom Line Infringement is not black or white: In the real world, companies pay huge $$$ for lawyers to duke it out I am not a patent lawyer, so I will not be a stickler about details In this project, original ideas will score better in the evaluation
Deliverables 10 sketches, touch screen (Oct 1) 10 sketches, phone sensors (Oct 6) 10+10 sketch refinements (Oct 8, 13) Functional prototypes (any platform) Visual project summary
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