SLCS Preparedness & Response Plan 2020-2021 Return to School 08.10.2020
Tonight’s Presentation ● Why we are recommending a remote start ● What does a remote start look like? ● How we will phase back in-person instruction using a hybrid model
Why We Are Recommending a Remote Start
Benefits of Beginning Remotely Starting all students in a remote setting allows the whole class to receive ● consistent instruction and form relationships with their teachers and one another. Students are also able to develop virtual learning skills and health and safety routines prior to a hybrid or in-person model. The health and safety of our students and staff is our priority. Cases in ● our community are currently on the rise. Bringing more students and staff together indoors will likely cause an increased number of cases. Starting remotely helps reduce community spread. If the State moves our region back to Phases 1-3, students will be able to ● learn remotely effectively.
Benefits of Beginning Remotely Allows time to post guest teacher, custodial, and bus driver positions to ● improve our ability to maintain a consistent work force to support instruction. Provides time to stock up on sufficient amounts of supplies (i.e. facial ● coverings, soap, hand sanitizer, cleaning materials), take delivery of supplies we have ordered and not yet received, and evaluate supply chains. This also allows us time to take supply purchases through the bid process when needed.
What Does a Remote Start Look Like?
Remote Learning Overview Our 2019-2020 spring remote learning plan was an emergency ● response plan. Our remote learning plan for 2020 is more robust than what we ● experienced in the spring. For the 2020-2021 school year, both the Virtual Learning Pathway and ● our remote instructional plan call for regular live lessons with staff, graded assignments, daily attendance, and our normal level of rigor and depth.
Elementary Remote Instruction Daily morning meeting ● Daily workshop blocks (reading, writing, math, science/social ● studies rotated throughout the week) Daily read aloud, text talks, math talks ● Additional asynchronous (recorded) lessons with ● independent activities (can be completed at any point in the day) Built in breaks for movement, lunch, play, and snacks ● Daily specials time (art, music and PE rotations) ● Weekly small group instruction ●
SAMPLE Elementary Schedule
Secondary Remote Instruction Students at the secondary level would have assigned class ● periods for core classes and electives Classes would meet live for portions of that class period, ● with the remaining time for independent work, group work, and small groups meeting with the teacher Student assignments and assessments are graded and a ● semester letter grade is given, just like traditional in-person instruction A block schedule is being considered ●
SAMPLE Secondary Schedule
How We Phase Back In-Person Instruction
Shifting to In-Person Instruction Using a Hybrid Model While we will be starting fully remote, grades (JK-1) are targeted to ● begin hybrid in-person instruction as soon as week 5 with the remaining grades joining them as soon as week 6. Factors contributing to transitioning to hybrid in-person ● instruction will include: Local and county health data ○ Adequate staffing can be maintained ○ Supplies including PPE, cleaning and disinfecting materials are ○ secured in adequate supply
Shifting to In-Person Instruction Using a Hybrid Model As we begin to bring students back to school in person, our ● approach will be to have approximately 25% of the students in the school returning on any one day, with groups rotating whose turn it is to attend in-person instruction. This allows for social distancing and the teaching and reinforcing ● of health and safety practices.
Phasing in at the Elementary Level Phase in focuses on JK, K and 1 as soon as week 5, then adding ● grades 2-5 approximately a week later. Students would begin by attending instruction remotely in the ● morning, then in-person in the afternoon one day a week. This is one quarter of the students in a classroom at a time, for a half day of in-person instruction. One day per week, all students would be remote. ● Once we are able to move to 50% of students attending in-person ● at a time, each group would attend two afternoons a week.
Phasing in at the Elementary Level Phasing in would allow students to ease into mask ● requirements and learn safety, bus, school, and classroom routines in smaller groups. Depending on needs, students may be assigned to attend ● additional days per week. Exploring the possibility of offering Kids Club in the morning ● for a student if they were attending in person instruction that afternoon, with a separate payment scale for families who qualify for free or reduced lunch.
SAMPLE Elementary Phase In Schedule
Phasing in at the Secondary Level Phase in with one quarter of the students (by last name) attending ● one day per week, as soon as week 6. In this phase, students would attend one in-person day per week, ● and four remote days. Over the span of two weeks, students are able to attend in-person for each of their six classes. This would allow us to teach safety, bus, and school routines to ● smaller groups.
Phasing in at the Secondary Level Once we are able to move to 50% of students attending in-person ● at a time, students would be able to attend two days per week in person and three days per week remotely. Depending on needs, students may be assigned to attend ● additional days per week.
SAMPLE Secondary Phase In Block Schedule Week 1
SAMPLE Secondary Phase In Block Schedule Week 2
Instructional Models for Fall 2020-2021 JK-12 Remote Start with Phase-in for Hybrid In-person Instruction ● All current students enrolled in this option unless the family enrolls in the ○ virtual learning pathway. The hybrid model can shift to all students attending in-person all days when ○ we reach Phases 5 and 6 as a region. SLCS Virtual Learning Pathway ● A planned full year shift to virtual learning. ○ Families must sign up for this model. ○ A communication from the district went out today regarding this option. ○ Parents who are interested should see that email regarding the deadline and how to sign up.
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