2 12 2019

2/12/2019 Northeast Healthcare Preparedness Coalition Husky Energy - PDF document

2/12/2019 Northeast Healthcare Preparedness Coalition Husky Energy Response Jo M. Thompson, MPH, Regional Healthcare Preparedness Coordinator Adam Shadiow, MBA, Regional Healthcare Preparedness Coordinator Marilyn Cluka, MS, RN, PHN, Public

  1. 2/12/2019 Northeast Healthcare Preparedness Coalition Husky Energy Response Jo M. Thompson, MPH, Regional Healthcare Preparedness Coordinator Adam Shadiow, MBA, Regional Healthcare Preparedness Coordinator Marilyn Cluka, MS, RN, PHN, Public Health Preparedness Consultant Disclosures / Conflicts 1

  2. 2/12/2019 Objectives Upon completion, participants will be able to: • Describe successful coalition communication processes • Identify successes and challenges as they relate to mass casualty incidents and evacuations for hospitals, long term care, and public health • Identify additional partners to consider engaging in the coalition Minnesota At a Glance Region At a Glance • 18,263 sq miles • 325,000 Residents • Tourism / Large Community Events • Weather Extremes 2

  3. 2/12/2019 7 counties 3 tribes International Border (Eh?) Regional Large Port Dynamics 148th MN Air National Guard 2 additional MN Healthcare Coalitions The Bridge to Beer and Cheese Northeast Healthcare Preparedness Coalition Coalition // Party Planners Officers A collaborative Members environment for (NHPC) agencies to plan, exchange information, and analyze hazards to mitigate negative impacts HPP Grant Workgroups “Teamwork means never having to take all the blame yourself.” 3

  4. 2/12/2019 Who Doesn’t Like to Exercise? Whe here re is thi his in our ur HVA? Husky Energy Refinery Refinery in Superior Wisconsin Processes up to 38000 barrels of oil a day Much of this is sold and distributed in NE MN and NW WI 4

  5. 2/12/2019 The scene on a normal day • Husky is highlighted in yellow • The white containers are, for the most part, petroleum products • The bottom of the image, Husky Energy is the Enbridge Energy facility Some perspective … Little more perspective … 5

  6. 2/12/2019 The Initial Explosion • In meetings, working on UnderOneRoof conference, and normal business day tasks • Initial reports came from TV Initial actions among regional leadership This looks Looked to be Sharing of a bad…but not limited to a news story. an oh $#!+ refinery and moment. EMS issue. 6

  7. 2/12/2019 1000 - 1230 Communication process • Email to EMS leadership about MCI Awareness • Email to RHPCs and MDH about MCI Level • Phone call with Metro about burn plan activation Activation Interesting incident, but not a pressing event for us Continued about our day Health care response to an Mass Casualty Incident The fire is out…or not. 7

  8. 2/12/2019 1230 – 1400 1340 Elevated RHPC/PHPC concern among teleconference RHPC/PHPCs …that didn’t happen Reignition of the fire Informed of EH- Decision made to Sup evac by our activate at coalition operations level members and move to SLC EOC 1330 1400 Coalition leadership @ the EOC • What we knew • Evacuation of hospital • Evacuation of community (small) • 20 “casualties” • EMS and fire staged and ready to assist Coalition leadership @ the EOC • More importantly…what we didn’t • How many long term care facilities were impacted • What all was in the fire • Were other containers in danger • Rapidly changing circumstances 8

  9. 2/12/2019 Coa Coali litio ion Res esponse to o an Evacuatio ion Community Perspectives Sheltering UW-Superior Students at the College of St Scholastica 9

  10. 2/12/2019 Partners in Sheltering At a 3 p.m. press conference, Mayor Paine said everyone within a 3-mile radius of the refinery should evacuate and stay out 10

  11. 2/12/2019 Media: Gotta Love “ Em 430 - 630PM 11

  12. 2/12/2019 630PM / 8PM 10AM on a Thursday = All hands on deck Circumstances Wind blowing smoke over a that allowed closed golf course and a for success smaller populated area Up to 700 employees on their break in a break room and not outside • Gaps and challenges encountered • Transfer/referral Cross Borders patterns Partnership and Communications • Working with or lack thereof with HCC cross border 12

  13. 2/12/2019 Lessons Learned (Facilities) • Staffing across state lines • Home care clients from evac zone • Staff family assistance • Command structure Lessons Learned (Coalition) • Succession planning • Continuity of operations planning • Job action sheets are not enough • More exercises for HMAC partners • Transition from person dependent • Long Term Care bed reporting Whe here re is thi his in our ur HVA? 13

  14. 2/12/2019 QUESTIONS? 14

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