For Current 6 th Grade Students
Gra rade de 7 Co Cours rse e Sele lecti ction on Co Contr tract act
Fine Arts Taken in 6 th Grade th grade: Find the he sec ectio ion n titled led Ele lecti tives ves taken en in 6 th e: on y your Course e Se Sele lectio ion n Contra ract ct (top of page): th gra Li List t th the Fin ine Art rt cl class ss yo you are re ta takin ing g in in 6 th rade: e: Band Band, , Ch Choi oir, , Th The Wh Wheel el, , (Art rt, , Th Theat atre) re) or or NO NONE NE.
Students have the option of choosing Le Level vel Classes or Pre re-AP AP Classes.
Thin Th inking king about out a Pre re-AP AP Cl Class? ss? Our Pre re-AP AP Clas asses ses are for the Gifted Gi ted an and T alen al ented ted & Adva vance nced d Lea earn rners ers in that particular subject th Pre EXC XCEPTION: PTION: To Sele lect ct 7 th re-AP AP MATH: TH: You MUST currently be taking 6 th Grade Pre-AP Math
Th There ere is is a a Gr Grade ade Req equirement uirement yo you MU MUST ST mee meet in in or order der to o st stay y in a n a PR PRE-AP AP Class…
In In Pre re-AP Clas AP Classes ses St Stud udents ents Mus ust ea earn rn at at lea least st a a 70 70 Aver verag age e Ea Each ch 6 W 6 Wee eeks ks to to st stay ay in in.
PR PRE-AP AP Clas lasses ses are are muc much h mo more re Rig igor orous ous th than an the the Lev evel el Cla lasses. sses.
PR PRE-AP AP cla classes sses mo move a ve at t a a fast faster er pa pace ce.
In In PR PRE-AP AP Cla Classes sses th there ere wi will ll be be MORE MO RE HO HOME MEWORK WORK th than an in in a leve a level clas l class. s.
Mak Make a goo e a good de d decis cision: ion: To o ch choo oose se th the e cl class ass yo you w u wan ant to t to tak take, e, pl place ace an an in in fr fron ont of t of tha that co t cours urse. e.
Decided ecided to to enr enroll oll in a in a Pre re-AP AP Cl Class? ss? If you elected to enroll in a PR PRE-AP AP Cla Class ss yo you u mus must do 2 things …
Pre re-AP AP Cl Class ss Se Select lection ion In Inst structio ructions ns First, re read ad over the PAR ARENT/ST ENT/STUDENT UDENT CONTR CO NTRACT ACT located on the ba back ck of the Co Course urse Se Selection lection Co Contract. ntract.
Pre re-AP AP Cl Class ss Se Select lection ion In Inst structio ructions ns Secon Se cond, Student and Parent/Guardian Mus ust t CO COMPLETE PLETE AND ND SI SIGN GN th the P e Pre re-AP AP Co Contract ntract (on (o n th the back ck of of Co Course rse Cont Co ntract) ract) before turning it in.
(___) J570 Football (Physical Required)
(___) J570 Football (Physical Required)
Oth ther er PE PE Cho Choice ice are re:
Make your one choice on the Course Selection Contract …
MUST RANK 1-10 1=Top Pick 2=2 nd Fav 3=Next Choice… 2 1 TIP: Wait to see and hear 4 information 3 6 about each 8 elective on 10 the next 9 5 slide before 7 you number your preferences.
th Grad 7 th ade e Electi ctives ves Mini Mini-Descri Descriptions ptions Choir oir- Singing Technique and Sight Reading Band Ba nd- Play an Instrument Gateway eway to En Engineering ineering- (GtE) Design & Modeling/Automation & Robotics Gatewa eway y to Compu mputer ter Sci cien ence ce- Programming, Coding, APP Creation tics – (After GtE) Computer Programming & Mechanical Designs Gateway eway to Adv. Robotic Explora oratory tory Languages ages- Various Languages and Cultures Skill lls for Livin ing- Budgeting, Careers, Child Care, Cooking, Clothing Care, Relationships Intro ro to Art- Drawing, Painting, Printing, & Sculpture 3-D Art- Sculptures, Ceramics, Fibers, Jewelry, & Assemblage Theat atre re- Performing monologues, scenes, & pantomimes Technical Theatre- Lighting, Sound Design, Stage Make-up, Sets, Costumes Lifesk eskil ills ls Aide (Bear r Buddies) ies)- Assisting peers with disabilities
El Electi ective ve Ch Choices oices 1. 1. Yea earb rbook an and Audi dio o Video eo Product duction ion (BE BEAR AR BU BUZZ ZZ) ar are by e by APPLIC PLICATION TION ONLY ON Y - Located in Counselor’s Office. 2. 2.Adva vance nced d Thea eatr tre e has as a a Requi equire red d App pplication lication an and Audition ition – Mr Mrs. . Lumpkin mpkin fac acilita litates. tes.
Ma Math th or or R Read eading ing La Lab Mat ath an h and/or or Rea eading ing Lab ab will be be sch chedul eduled ed in pl plac ace e of of on one se e seme mester ter el elec ecti tive ve if ST STAAR AR T es est t Gr Grad ade e is NOT OT pa passing ing at least at “approaches level” or ab abov ove. e.
th Gr Firs irst t 7 th Grade de Assign ignment: ment: 1. Make e sure e yo you dis iscuss ss & c complet plete e the Course rse Contrac ract Form at home wit ith yo your parent ent/gu /guard ardian ian. . (I (It MUS UST have their ir sig ignat nature ure before ore yo you can turn it it in in.) 2. 2. If taking ing a PR PRE-AP AP cour urse se: Complet mplete e the he Pre-AP AP Contract tract on the e back of form. m. 3. 3. T ur urn n in form to your ur MA MATH TH teacher acher on or before ore Thu hurs rsday day, , Ja Jan. n. 30 30.
REM EMINDER INDER: St Stud udent ent and P nd Parent/Gua rent/Guardian rdian MUST MU ST SI SIGN th the bo e bott ttom om of of th the e Cou ours rse Sel e Selec ection tion Con ontrac tract t bef befor ore turn e turning ing it it in in to to yo your ur Mat Math h te teac ache her.
MJ MJH 20 H 20-21 1 Co Course rse Se Selec ection tion Gu Guide All 7 th Grade course information and course descriptions can be found ON-LINE: MJH school web page • Counseling Center • Counselor’s Corner • Course Selection • Information (1 st tab) 20-21 Course Selection • Guide
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