brooks secondary school

BROOKS SECONDARY SCHOOL for Grade 12 students and their - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

BROOKS SECONDARY SCHOOL for Grade 12 students and their INFORMATION FOR parents/guardians GRADE 12 S GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Students need a minimum of 80 credits (20 courses) in Grades 10-12. 12 required courses 7 elective courses

  1. BROOKS SECONDARY SCHOOL for Grade 12 students and their INFORMATION FOR parents/guardians GRADE 12 S

  2. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Students need a minimum of 80 credits (20 courses) in Grades 10-12. ♣ 12 required courses ♣ 7 elective courses ♣ Graduation Transitions ♣ 4 courses must be at the Grade 12 level

  3. AT A GLANCE Students must successfully complete all of the required and elective courses (see chart) in order to graduate.

  4. GRADUATION TRACKING q All Grade 12s will receive a letter from their school counsellor with a copy of their Diploma Verification report. q Diploma Verification reports show all of the courses a student has taken toward their graduation program. q Students who are not in a position to graduate this year should meet with their alpha-counsellor to discuss how to best meet their graduation requirements. SCHOOL COUNSELLORS: o A – L (Mr. Marciniak) o M – Z (Mrs. Burt) o International Students (Mr. Brach)

  5. GRADUATION TRANSITIONS Graduation Transitions is intended to prepare students for a successful transition to life after secondary school. Graduation Transitions encourages students to: ­ take ownership of their own health and learning ­ examine and demonstrate connections between their learning and their future ­ create a plan for their growth and development as skilled, healthy, knowledgeable, participating citizens ­ exhibit attributes of a model BC graduate

  6. GRADUATION TRANSITIONS CONT… Students complete: q 150 minutes per week of physical q resume activity from Grades 10-12 q cover letter q personal health reflection q application q 30 hours of work and/or community q Transition Plan service q Exit Interview q employability skills reflection Please visit our school website for more detailed information about Graduation Transitions:

  7. GRADUATION CEREMONIES AND CELEBRATIONS q June 6, 2014 Cap and Gown Ceremonies q June 7, 2014 Grand March and Class of 2014 Celebrations

  8. WHAT STUDENTS NEED TO DO TO GRADUATE AND PARTICIPATE IN GRADUATION ACTIVITIES 1. Cap and Gown: In order to attend Cap and Gown on June 6th: 1. You must be within 2 credits of graduating. 2. You must be measured for your gown. Ms. Behan will collect your height measurement in January at a Grade 12 assembly. 3. Please pay your Grad fees. 2. Graduation: In order to attend Graduation ceremonies on June 7 th : 1. Please pay your Grad fees. 2. Collect your tickets from the front office.

  9. GRADUATION PHOTOS Graduation photos are done by MARK YOUR CALENDAR!! Lifetouch Photos Grad photos will be: Thursday, January 23 rd ­ Book your appointment at the front office of Brooks School – January 25 th, 2013 ­ Come to the photos clean and tidy ­ Boys need a shirt and tie Sign up sheets will be in the front office. ­ Gowns and other accoutrements are available The room for photos will be announced on the day of the photos closer to the date.



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