showing uncertainty of official statistics

Showing Uncertainty of Official Statistics Edwin de Jonge, Jan van - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Showing Uncertainty of Official Statistics Edwin de Jonge, Jan van der Laan en Jessica Solcer, NTTS 2015, Statistics Netherlands 1. User study with synthetic data (n=108) All statistics are Uncertain Better interpretation when CIs are shown!

  1. Showing Uncertainty of Official Statistics Edwin de Jonge, Jan van der Laan en Jessica Solcer, NTTS 2015, Statistics Netherlands

  2. 1. User study with synthetic data (n=108) All statistics are Uncertain Better interpretation when CI’s are shown! 2 StatMine

  3. 2. Real data/Real users like CI’s ! 3

  4. Show your margins! All statistics have confidence interval (CI) or error. - But they are mostly not communicated! In contrast to common assumption: - Policymakers/journalists appreciate seeing CI’s - User statements on data are more correct when CI’s are shown (n=108) Official Statistics should strive to publish and communicate their accuracy. 4


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