Spinal Cord xs
Spinal cord xs showing detail of gray and white matter
xs of nerve (100x) Fascicle xs of nerve (400x) showing detail
Very nice SEM image of nerve, showing myelinated axons in bundles (fascicles)
(above) cross section of spinal cord with detail of dorsal root, dorsal root ganglion and ventral root (right)
Cerebrum, showing cortex (gray matter) and white matter. Picture above is low power with easy visual distinction between the gray and white, on the right is a higher power with the somewhat variable layers of the cortex indicated.
Cerebellar cortex (two layers) and the arbor vitae cerebellar cortex layers arbor vitae
High powered view of cerebellar cortex layers
Eye – low power section sclera conjunctiva ciliary body optic nerve retina iris optic disc cornea (blind spot) Lens (fragmented) posterior chamber of anterior Anterior Posterior cavity filled with cavity cavity filled vitreous humor with aqueous humor anterior chamber of anterior cavity iris
Eye detail (anterolateral)
Optic Notice the absence nerve of photoreceptors (3 rd layer) in this area which is the optic disc.
cochlea cochlea detail
Crista ampullaris
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