Members: Maura O’Rahilly - SAC system wide Kathy Carney – Nurse Leader system wide Mark Talbot – Administrator system wide Anne Ward – School Committee rep Friend Weiler- SRO system wide Shannon Jones – Guidance rep system wide Susan Murray – Food Service system wide Heather Jordan – Chandler faculty rep Tom Cody - Chandler parent rep Denise Amiot- Alden faculty rep Kristen O’Keefe – Alden parent rep Donna Doyle- DMS faculty rep Meeting Dates and Times: Jen Klein – DMS parent rep Oct. 26, 2010 2:45 Jan. 11, 2011 2:45 Jill Norenberg – DHS Faculty rep Feb. 15, 2011 2:45 Julie Larsen – DHS parent rep Mar. 16, 2011 6:00 May 17, 2011 2:45 Adam Fitzgerald – HS student rep Nora Serres – HS student rep Tracey Mayo – regional health rep
School Committee Charge • For the 2010-2011 school year, the School Health Advisory Committee will continue the previous year charge of reviewing and analyzing the results of the spring 2009 Youth Risk Behavior Survey for grades 7-8 and 9-12 and make recommendations to the administration and School Committee for areas to be addressed. SHAC will also analyze the 2009 results relative to the 2007 and 2005 reports and highlight significant changes. • Additionally, SHAC will begin to identify best practices in wellness programs (may incorporate health education, physical education, student support services, etc.) in elementary and secondary education and develop a plan for more comprehensive review of current DPS practices in 2010-2011 and subsequent recommendation
2010-2011 Highlights • SHAC’s initial meeting • January meeting • February meeting • March Meeting
Wellness Programs at Chandler School 2010-2011 Staff Physical Wellness Classroom Teachers Physical Activity 1.56 Physical education 1.0 Health services Family Fun Fitness Fair Recess Activity Centers Afterschool Sports Group Health screening Nutrition Exposing students to healthy food choices Educating families and students about eating healthy District Wide Food Services provides 3 yearly campaigns
Chandler Emotional Wellness Mental Health Staff 2.0 School Psychologist Individual Counseling Small Group Counseling Whole Group/class lessons Family totes
Chandler Social Wellness Peer Relationships Conflict resolution lessons Social Skills Groups Social Thinking concepts Fill a bucket concept Anti-bullying procedures/lessons School Council “Friends & Feelings” Library Whole-class incentives for positive interactions & behaviors Manners Certificates High Risk Behavior Community Visitors Safe and Quiet Program
Wellness Programs at Alden School 2010-2011 Physical Wellness Physical Education Presidential Fitness Challenge- grades 4 & 5 Swim Program – grade 4 All students follow the MA health/education frameworks Camp Wing – grade 5 Mother/daughter night Father/son night Staff Health office- screenings classroom teachers Nutrition 2.42 Physical Education grade 3 health curriculum unit 1.0 Health services What color is your plate District Wide Food Services provides 3 yearly campaigns
Alden Emotional Wellness Mental Health Individual Counseling Staff Small Group Counseling 1.0 School Psychologist Lunch Groups 1.0 FTE Guidance Open Door Policy
Alden Social Wellness Peer Relationships Weekly lunch and pull out groups for students needing direct social skills instruction Formal lessons on friendship, social skills and bullying Whole class incentives for positive interactions and behaviors Open door policy Transition to DMS High Risk Behavior Child Study Committee Making Healthy Choices –grade 5
Wellness Programs at DMS 2010-2011 Physical Wellness Physical Activity Running Club 6 th Grade Health Curriculum 8 th Grade FHCS Curriculum Annual Spring Carnival and Road Race Afterschool Sports Group Staff Summer Camp 1.3 Health Education Staff Education 3.6 Physical Education Backpack Awareness Week .5 Family and Consumer Science Health Office- screenings Nutrition 8 th Grade FHCS Curriculum Educating Families and students about eating healthy What Color is Your Plate? District Wide Food Service provides 3 yearly campaigns
DMS Emotional Wellness Mental Health Individual Counseling Small Group Counseling 6 th Grade Health Curriculum 8 th Grade FHCS Curriculum WEB: Transition to Middle School Staff 2.0 FTE Guidance 1.0 School Psychologist
DMS Social Wellness Peer Relationships 6 th Grade Health Conflict resolution lessons 8 th Grade FHCS Curriculum Social Skills Groups Small Lunch Groups Peer Mediation 6 th Grade Health Curriculum WEB Adopt-A-Family All School Read High Risk Behavior Internet Safety 6 th Grade Health Curriculum – Wellness Unit Anti-Tobacco Use Child Study Committee
Wellness Programs at DHS 2010-2011 Physical Wellness Physical Activity Introduction to Physical Education Lifetime Individual and Team Sports Project Adventure Sport Strength and Conditioning *Impact Testing Family and Consumer Science Nutrition The Student Chef Advanced Student Chef Staff International Foods 3.9 PE Teachers American Cuisine .1 Health Ed The Breadboard 2.5 Family & Consumer Science Growth and Development of Children Child Growth and Development Early Childhood Education/Magic Dragon District Wide Food Services provides 3 yearly campaigns
DHS Emotional Wellness Mental Health Individual Counseling Staffing: School Wide: Small Group Counseling 1.0 Resource Officer DHS Staff 1.0 School Psychologist Program Resources 1.0 Student Assistance Counselor LINK Crew/LINK Alert 6.0 Guidance Counselor 1.0 Health Service/Nurse SAT Referral Team 1.0 Transition Room Teacher Crisis Team Advisory Program Student Study
DHS Social Wellness Therapeutic Groups Anti-Bullying Procedures School Council Advisory Co-Curricular Best Buddies SADD World of Difference Creative Co-curricular, Photo, Drama Music Athletics Student Council
Recommendations Reinstate the YRBS District wide monthly wellness theme Coordinate Physical Education and FCS programs in conjunction with social, emotional and physical health providers Wellness related staff utilize professional development time as a group to work on wellness programs Wellness Coordinator
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